Embraced by the Futanari Goddess

Her words scared me. Her newly created penis looked large, veiny and imposing. She was planning on putting that terrifying looking thing inside of me? No thanks!

I wanted to run. I wanted to hide. Unfortunately, I still couldn't move.

Seeing my desperation, she laughed. "Relax, sweetheart. It's only going to hurt for a little while. After that I'll have you feeling so good that you'll think you've died and gone to heaven."

Her words were one thing, but when I saw her hand pumping that giant piece of meat between her legs, combined with the hunger that I found reflected in her eyes, I could only pray that she'd get this over with quickly.

My prayer wasn't answered.

And thank the Goddess for that!

Her lips were pink and tasted of sweet wine. I'd never kissed anyone like this before so when she bent over, the loose strands of her hair tickling my neck and cheek, I didn't know what to do. Her blue eyes shined as she smiled. I felt a large chunk of my reluctance fall away when she gave me that smile.

I closed my eyes out of fear and inexperience. I felt her lips gently graze against the nape of my neck, skimming my clavicle and working their way up my neck. Her breath was in my ear as she whispered softly, "I'm going to teach you everything you need to know. Don't be afraid, cher. I've got you."

Her honeyed words shook away all of my reserves. I felt my body relax as my mind grew calm. Even with my eyes closed, I could practically see her. Her arm moved quickly as she unbound her golden locks. I felt a waterfall of silk wash over me as her long hair fell over her shoulders. It felt like a million tiny fingers dancing along my skin. Her shapely hips were in the air with her bountiful backside looking like a plump, yet somehow toned, example of sheer perfection. The muscles in her back rippled and gave off an elegant but strong appeal. Her breasts touched mine and this time, instead of feeling burdened by her busty charms, I felt a sense of elation at being able to feel the softness of her flesh against my exposed body.

"Do you like the way I feel? Do you like what you see?"

My eyes opened slowly. How did she know what I was doing? How did she know that I could practically see every movement she made even with my eyes closed?

She smirked and pointed to herself, "Again…Goddess." Ah. I forgot.

Her smile grew fainter as her fingers touched my arm. Her hand moved down my arm until our fingers were tangled. She raised my arm until it was rested on the pillow above my head. She conquered the open space with her body, lying down next to me, and wrapping her left arm over my chest. Her face was nuzzled in my shoulder and her knee was gently pressed against my vagina.

She breathed onto my skin, and it tickled my underarm. What was that sensation? I hated being tickled, but right then, it felt anything but annoying. It felt positively spectacular. She did it again and I let out a quiet moan.

"There's much more to making love than driving a big hard rod deep into you, or pinching your nipples or licking your cunt. I'm going to teach you what you need to know to make a woman fall for you."

"W-why would you do that?"

She smiled, "Aw, sweetheart. You'll know more in the morning. For now, just understand that you are my favorite little vessel and I'm going to pour all of my love inside of you."

I nodded. My heart, which had been shuttered closed for years due to variable layers of scar tissue, developed by years of betrayal, bullying and abandonment had somehow been forced opened by Calypso. In her arms I felt unburdened and loved. I felt like everything would be okay if I believed in her. Is this what true faith was like?

"You're thinking too much, cher. Just relax and let lil ol' Calypso make you feel good all over."

That was the last thing she said before I felt my world truly change.

Her tongue slid across my underarm, tickling the small hairs that were there and making my mind grow numb.

I moaned out in pleasure for the first time in my life. As I did, her knee pressed gently against my vagina. The pressure was like nothing I'd felt before. It was just a knee, but when she touched me, I felt a solid pressure that hummed throughout my hips and sent electricity dancing to the bottom of my stomach.

I've tried masturbating once before but it didn't feel anything like this. I didn't like it at all so I stopped halfway through. I couldn't stop halfway through this time. If I tried to, I was certain I would go mad.

Her tongue left the pit of my arm, making me feel cold and despondent.


Oh shit!

Her tongue danced up my arm and then down the other side. She drew small shapes with the tip of her wet tongue. I felt like I was caught in the jaws of a large snake. I couldn't get away as it manipulated and tasted every corner of my being.

As she slid her feminine body across mine, something decidedly unfeminine pressed into my side.

It was hot. It was hard. It was fleshy. It was throbbing.

I wanted…

I wanted…

I wanted to touch it. I wanted to taste it. I wanted it inside of me.

Who the fuck is this woman?!

Before I had a chance to answer my own question, Calypso released my hand and guided to her hard member.


Her instructions resonated in my brain. Her mouth never moved, other than to continue licking my body. Still, her voice was heard in my mind. I wish I could say that I was shocked. But after a day of having the rug pulled from beneath my feet, still being shocked at every little thing would get exhausting.

My fingers grazed the top of the shaft. Despite her preaching, I couldn't get my hand to stop shaking as I touched something new and strange for the first time. The tip was soft, like satin. There was a moistness that was somewhat sticky when I touched the small opening at the tip.

I wondered how it would taste and had a sudden urge to bring my finger to my lips, but somehow restrained the feeling.

Smearing the liquid over the tip, I ran my hand down her hardness. It was amazing. I could feel the contours of her shape through my hand. Remembering her advice, I ran my fingers down the underside of her hardness before running them back up the top side. I could feel her throbbing as her heart beat in her chest. Wait…do Goddesses even have hearts? Oh well, this wasn't the portion of her anatomy I wanted to get acquainted with anyway, so I just pushed the thought to the side.

I made a circle with my fingers, trying to grab a hold of her root, only to be shocked when I realized that I couldn't wrap my hand all the way around it. It was bigger than I thought it would be.


Her voice was in my head again. It was somehow comforting. I was grateful when I felt her size noticeably decrease. The length grew shorter and the girth was also less intimidating. This new and improved member was more to my liking. I couldn't wait to feel it inside of me.

Huh? Since when have I become such a horny person? This doesn't make sense.


That was easy for her to say. I felt like something deep inside of me had fundamentally changed. It wasn't a bad thing. But I couldn't necessarily say that it was a good thing, either.

Still, I closed my eyes and continued exploring the soft hardness of her warm attachment.

I've seen one before. When I was in town shortly after I started going to this academy, I was walking in the park one evening and a man exposed himself to me. I remember feeling disgusted to the point of nearly puking. After the shock wore off, I ran back to the academy, crying. I didn't feel that way with Calypso. She was beautiful and although she had something that didn't belong on any woman, it was still incredibly attractive.

I went into sort of a meditative trance as I slowly squeezed and pulled on her hardness. It was so solid and warm in my hand. It was nothing like I imagined it to be. I was scared at first, but now I felt a sense of elation, knowing that such an incredible moment was so close to happening.


Her lips pressed against mine. Her touch was gentle but insistent. Her tongue forced my mouth open as the sweet taste of nectar filled my nostrils and mouth. It was like kissing a sexually active flower. She used her tongue to massage my tongue and my gums. I've seen people French kiss before and it always looked gross. Seeing two people shove their bacteria-laced tongues inside of each other did not fill me with a sense of awe as much as it filled me with a sense of yuck!

However, there was nothing sickening about what Calypso was doing to me. She expertly used her tongue, making little shapes in my mouth. She provided pressure all the way up and down my tongue. The roof of my mouth was also subject to her very meticulous care. Her long tongue descended into the back of my throat where I had no choice but to allow her assault to go even deeper than I imagined it could go. By the time she was through, I found myself out of breath and dripping of sweat and something else.


Her hands held me in place while her lips, teeth and tongue explored my vulnerable body. The heat from her breath made my muscles relax.

"Calypso!" I called out her name as she slowly teased my small buds. I was putty in her hand as she used her lips to pull and suckle the flesh on my breasts. She stayed clear of my areola…at first. When she finally wrapped her soft lips around my swollen tip, I felt as if my soul was being pulled from my body.

Her small tongue traced a spiral around my hardened areola until she reached the tip. "Mmmm!" She roughly sucked my full nipple into her mouth. I shivered when I felt her small teeth gently nibble at my flesh.

My other breast received a similar experience. My mind was blank and my body was humming. But she was far from being finished.

Not only my armpits and my breasts, she also showed me how much I enjoyed my belly button being manipulated by her tongue as well as my hips. The most surprising was how pleasurable I found it when she licked and massaged the backs of my knees. I was squirming and couldn't hold back my voice.

"Calypso! Calypso!"

Her smile was gentle and maybe a little crazy. "That's it, pet. Cum for me. Let me see how you orgasm."

All that she's been doing was teasing my body and it was by far the most aroused I'd ever been. She said "cum" does this mean…?

Before my brain could catch up, my head flew back as my hips arched off the bed. From an outside perspective, there was this bronze-skinned girl with a half-shaved head, naked while her left foot was being sucked by a blonde bombshell, also naked, on her bed. It was surreal.

I bit down so hard that I heard my teeth creak. My mind was spinning but there was nothing inside to spin. I couldn't breathe. My heart was pounding and then there was this explosion in my lower stomach that went from my pussy up to my stomach and down through my back.

All the while, Calypso watched and sucked and licked me in places that she had no business touching.

"That was beautiful, cher. Now that you know what an orgasm feels like. How about we give you a few more before we get started?"

Goddess help me!