Futanari? What a Strange Word

I was exhausted when I woke up. Calypso had done things to me that I never thought possible. After making me climax through her expert teasing, she didn't give me a second to think as she plunged her tongue into my unused vagina.

The wetness of her tongue was only compounded by the wetness that oozed between my thighs. I thought I knew pleasure before, but when she nuzzled my urethra and then my clit, I felt like pleasure was not even enough to describe the intensity of the sensations.

Before I knew it, she had made me climax three more times before she moved on to my rear end.


I felt an uncomfortable pressure on my anus but quickly discarded the feeling. I trusted Calypso. If she said it would feel good then it would.


Her tongue around my rim was the least of my concerns as I passed out due to an excess of pleasure.

I came as her tongue massaged my anus and her fingers tweaked my nipples. The last thing I remember before I passed out was my eyes rolling in the back of my head.

I woke up to Calypso massaging her rock-hard cock right above my face.

"Now you need to learn how to service this, pet."

I was too tired to fight or argue and just opened my mouth wide.

"Tsk! Tsk, pet. You're not a vacuum cleaner. You need to tenderly touch it. Make love to it. Show it that you cherish it. Put your heart into it, cher. Your heart."

Following her instructions, I slowly licked it from its base to its tip. It was solid and warm to the touch. I wanted it. I wanted this nice, beautiful, hard and throbbing piece of wood to drill me. I wanted it to make me a woman.


My mouth was filled with her scent and the flavor of her hard cock. I had an urge to swallow her whole so I didn't hesitate to suck her full length into my throat.

"Gwak!" I choked on it but I wasn't discouraged by it. If anything, it made me feel hotter.

"Gwak! Gwak! Gwak! Mmmm!" Soon, I was able to take her without my gag reflex making me choke.

"That's it, cher. That's it! Lick me under there. Right there. Oh yes!"

I looked up to see her blue eyes watching me. In that moment, I felt more powerful than the Goddess herself! There, on my knees, I was servicing a goddess. Her face was flushed and her breathing was ragged.

I did that! Me! Dirty, disgusting, hateful—me! At least, that's what people used to think of me and I'll admit, I thought they were right. Not right now. Not anymore!


I was a fucking Goddess!


{{Okay, Calypso. I want this hard cock deep inside of me. Make me a woman. Make me a God!}}

When I let go of my reservations, I felt something click in my soul. I was suddenly able to figure out how Calypso had been communicating with me silently and was able to do the same. Did this mean I could read minds, too?

Oh, who cares about that right now? Right now, I had more important things to do.

Deeming that I was ready, Calypso descended on me like the noonday sun. Her warmth was comforting and strong. Her body pressed against me, and I felt her hot prick press against my sex.

I closed my eyes and deadened my senses of everything that was nonessential. The quiet murmurings from my neighbors went away. I could no longer hear the near constant drone of a TV or radio. I couldn't hear the buzzing of the street lights. Everything outside of this moment, this Goddess, was driven from my notice.

Her silken hair fell over her shoulders, gently caressing my neck and face. Her sweet breath tickled my nose. Her breathing was slow and even. Her blue eyes were intense. Her weight was perfectly balanced on her hips and her arms so I didn't feel weighed down. The heat from her body penetrated my own soft flesh, making me relax even further. Her breasts were heavy as they pressed against me. Her lips glistened in the shadow of her face. I watched, enraptured, as she turned those beautiful lips up in a smile.

I could feel my heart pounding. It was beating so hard that I was certain she could hear it. I was nervous. Goddess or not, she was going to take my first time. My first time was going to be stolen by such and impractical and insane situation.

I was going to be dicked down by a woman…er…Goddess, with a cock. None of this made a lick of sense, but it was my reality.

Her lips moved closer to mine as I felt her prick grow impatient. As her lips touched mine, I felt the presence of something hard, hot and solid press into my dripping flesh.

I held my breath.

When she pierced into me, I felt a bevy of feelings wash all over me. Yes, there was pain. Yes, there was A LOT of pain. There was also this sickening tearing sensation that made me feel like I was going to pass out. Soon, that pain gave way to numbness. After that, the numbness gave way to excitement.

I'd done it! I'd become a woman!


True to her word, I felt the pain suddenly disappear, like magic. In its place was a tingling sensation that became more urgent as I felt her meticulously slow and deep strokes, touching me in places that nothing has ever touched before.

"Oh! Mmmgh! Yeeessssss!" She treated me gentle but somehow it was still rough. I couldn't help but wrap my legs around her legs. I wanted her to stay inside of me forever. Grabbing her plump ass, I felt her body clench as she drove inside of me.

"More! Calypso…Please give me more!"

"As you wish, pet."

Slap! Slap! Slap!




I had forgotten who I was dealing with. When I begged for more, Calypso didn't disappoint. She started pounding me so hard that I couldn't feel my hips. Our bodies crashed into each other with an auditory reproduction. My bed creaked as it slid into the wall over and over again, knocking my neighbor's decorations off her wall.

I thought I heard her complain but I wasn't sure because I was too busy getting the fucking of the century!

I couldn't hold back my cries any longer.

"It's happening again! It's coming! I'm…I…Oh Fuck!"

I felt a deluge of fluid escape from between my legs. Some of it was my wetness but for the most part…

"You squirted, little pet. Did that feel good, cher?"

I was red in the face. I didn't need to look to know that my face was on fire. I was so embarrassed. What kind of an 18-year old pees herself during sex?

"Don't think about it, baby. A lot of women are squirters. Besides, you're having sex with the Goddess of Love. Of course, you're going to feel so good that you can't hold yourself back. Now, turn over. Our night has just started."

My face was jammed into my pillow as I bit down hard, trying to hamper my screaming.

It didn't work.

Calypso, had a finger up my rear as she slapped my round ass over and over again.

"Feel that? Take that! Take every inch of my cock, baby!"

"I love it! I love cocks so much! Give it to me, baby! Make me yours!"

"That's what I want to hear, cher. Now flip over. I'm going to give you your blessing now. Don't spill a drop."

I moved with a speed that exceeded my expectations. I was on my back with my legs spread, welcoming her into my depths. I wanted her to stab into me like was she doing but instead, she did something different.


Her bulbous head stretch my entrance but didn't go much further than that. She grabbed the root of her cock and moved it in a wide circle, opening me up and sending my head into a tailspin.


She toyed with me like this for several minutes before pulling herself out and stabbing me deep within my body. She pulled out and did it again and again until I was screaming for her to give it all to me.

She liked teasing me and if I'm being honest, I liked it too.

There was something so titillating about being denied what I wanted when I was so close to the cusp.

When she grew tired of stuffing me and leaving me breathless, she started alternating between rubbing her soft cock's head on the tip of my clit. When I was deeply immersed in the pleasurable sensation this brought, she suddenly lifted her heavy cock and slapped it right down on my clit.

The sudden painful shock made me orgasm all over again.

Sigh…I'm turning into a slut, aren't I?

As my orgasm died down, I noticed something a little shocking.

"C-Calypso…your p-p-penis! Its…its…"

She smiled, "Ah! You noticed? Got bigger didn't it?"

Earlier, she had made it smaller as to not freak me out or tear me apart. But now, that nice and perfect piece of meat between her legs went beyond intimidating into I've-got-to-get-the-fuck-out-of-here territory.

"Shush! Shush! Shush! Don't worry. Why do you think I've been preparing you so much? You're going to love it. Here. We. Go!"

Without letting me run away or giving me a chance to think, Calypso plunged that rock hard and impossibly large phallus in my tight little hole.

My eyes rolled into the back of my head, my legs shook and I screamed, "Holy fuck!"

Calypso's eyes were wild as she leaned over me, kissing me, touching me—controlling me. "That's it, baby. Scream for me. You like this big pipe, don't cha?!"

She wasn't soft. She wasn't kind. She was fucking brutal!

And I abso-fucking-lutely loved it!

I pulled her face to mine as she gave me a fucking that you only hear about in stories. I was beyond myself with pleasure as her large dick pierced me so deep that I felt a pain in my stomach. I wanted more. I wanted to be abused by her until I couldn't see straight.

She fucked me like this non-stop for hours. Sometimes she would be on top. Other times I would bounce on her cock. She would bend me over or stand me up. It didn't matter. She had full control over me and made me cum until the sun came up.

When I was so exhausted that I couldn't even breathe, she leaned over and kissed me.

"The ceremony is almost done, cher. Good job lasting so long. Here is your blessing. Take it all and be reborn!"

I watched as she clenched her teeth and then I felt something hot and wet slam against my cervix, forcing it open and depositing itself deep inside of me.

I screamed, "By the Goddess!"

That was the last thing I remembered for 24-hours.

I fell into a deep sleep not unlike death. When I woke, Calypso was standing next to me, wearing a red chiffon dress and high heels. It was not something a high school professor should wear but it looked so damn amazing on her that I doubted anyone would care.

"You awake, cher?"

I nodded slowly. My body felt light and strong. Despite sleeping so long, I didn't feel lethargic at all. I felt healthy. I felt whole. I felt…

"Like a goddess."

I nodded as Calypso finished my thought for me. It didn't feel weird knowing that she could hear my thoughts and I think I understood how it was done. Still, my sensitive human upbringing didn't allow me to so easily communicate with my mind. At least, not yet.

"What's happened to me, Calypso? Should I call you that or should I call you my Lady, or Ms. Goddess, or Aphrodite?"

She laughed. "Calypso is fine. I like that name anyway. Please call me that from now on."

I went to sit up only then realizing that I was no longer naked and was covered in a white robe that smelled faintly of blueberries and peppermint.

When I sat up, the robe opened to show my exposed body. Before, I was thin to the point of wasting away but now, although I was thin, I was strong. My abs weren't those of an emaciated animal but that of a freaking track star. My muscles were till feminine but they were solid and uncompromising. My breasts had even gotten larger. But the biggest thing…

"Holy fucking shit! I've grown a dick!"

Yes. I had a large and flaccid 40-cm long dick growing out where my clit should've been. But that wasn't all. I felt an odd weight pressed against my vagina. I moved my thick cock out of the way to find a big pair of balls. This went above being crazy and went straight into fucking insane!

"What the hell? Why do I have a penis? Why do I have balls? What the hell, Calypso?!"

She laughed nervously as her eyes darted around the room.

Suddenly, a silence that was heavy enough to weigh down one's soul, descended on the room.

"Aaaahhhh! Ha! Ha!"


"Heurk!" She suddenly stood upright like she was a student and I was the principle getting ready to give her a lecture.

She no longer had the air of a mysterious goddess as much as an air headed co-ed.

"Heh! Heh! It's fine. … It's probably fine. Right?"

I yelled before I could stop myself. "WHY ARE YOU ASKING ME????"

She stuck her tongue out at me in a childish way as she took on a coquettish pose. "It can't be that bad. Just go with the flow, man. Just go with the fflllloooooowwww!"

I suddenly felt a headache coming on. Something told me that dealing with this childish goddess was going to get complicated really quick.

"Okay. So, I have a penis."


"And I have testicles?"

"Also correct!"

"So, am I a man now?"


"Am I still a female?"

"Sure. Why not?"

I had to bite my lip not to scream at her. "Okay. So, what am I?"

"You're you."

My palm slapped my forehead before I could stop it. "Can't you take this seriously, Calypso?"

She threw her hands up in a way that did everything but give me confidence. "Okay. Okay. Sorry. But listen, you've got the blessings of two gods. I'm sure that the whole testicle thing was Old man Koko's doing. He's a good fella, albeit a little odd."

She was the very last person that should be calling anyone odd, but I kept that to myself.

I stood up and removed the robe. "Did I get taller?"

"Yeah, a couple of inches. Nothing too extreme."

"Nothing to ex…! Oh, never mind." I moved my body side-to-side. I jumped up and down in place. I bent over and even ran in place. I felt light, strong and limber. Also, "My scars? They're gone."

All of the previous scars that I had from cutting myself, my attempted suicides, and the regular beatings I took had been removed. My skin had a healthy glow, my teeth were straighter, my hair was more lustrous, my breasts were (slightly) bigger and my ass was rounder. I looked amazing!

I tried moving around but found it odd with the new appendages strapped to me.

"Calypso? Can I do the same thing that you did? Can I remove this penis and change its shape and size?"

"Umm…changing the shape and the size might be too difficult for you right now. You're freshly made after all, but at least you'll be able to make it appear and disappear at will. Here, I'll implant it into your mind."

My brain felt like someone's hot finger had just poked its center. When the sensation was gone, I felt a sudden shock as the understanding of how to remove the penis and friends appeared in my mind. Like speaking non-verbally, it was all very simple.

I waved my hand above my penis and balls. There was a dull reddish glow from my palm and then I watched, pleasantly surprised, as they shrunk away within seconds.

So, let me get this straight. I have a penis and balls and even when they are out, I still have a vagina. This is weird but also kinda cool.

So, what does that make me?


"Futa-what now?"

"Futanari. It's a Japanese term. Basically, you're a chick with a dick."

"So, a shemale?"

"If you say so, but that kinda sounds like you're a post-op transvestite."

"I'm not?"

"No. You're still you, cher. Just better. You're a full-blown goddess now. Well…a vessel but it's basically the same thing. My blessing grants you the ability to make others fall for you and also adds a little equipment for satisfying those of the female persuasion or guys that like to be pegged. Old man Koko…well…you'd be better off asking him why he gave you a nutsack."

I tried the word, "Futanari." I liked it. It sounded mysterious and dangerous. I felt unique.

"I see that you've taken a liking to these new changes, cher."

"Mmhmm. Yeah, I have."

"Good." She reached up and removed her dress. "Now, time for lesson number two."

"Lesson number two?"

"Yep. You've got the equipment. Now let lil ol' Calypso teach you how to use it."

She leaped at me, pinning me down on the bed as she waved her hand over my vagina. My cock and balls came back vigorously. The sensation of hardening was something that I'd never forget. When I pressed against her vagina, I wanted nothing more than to use my giant tool to break her apart.

"Easy, pet. We've got all day. Don't worry. I've warded this place so no one is going to come in and interrupt our fun." She licked her lips. "Damn! It's been centuries since I've had anything close to this much fun. I'm going to swallow you whole! Get ready."

My heart was thrumming in my chest. My cock was as hard as a rock. My pussy was dripping wet. I was an erotic conundrum and I liked it!

What happened next…let's just say she didn't get her moniker as the Goddess of Love for nothing. What I learned was only surpassed by the pleasure that I felt that day.

She was incredible and watching her squirm and cry out in pleasure made me feel invincible.

I couldn't wait to try it again but first…