The Plot(ting) Starts Here...Sort Of.

A famous Sun Tzu quote states: If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.

Celeste VanWalters. Her friends call her Celes.

Age 18.


5-feet, 4-inches tall.

107 lbs.

Only child of Stephen and Veronica VanWalters.

Great-grandchild of Hendricks VanWalters.

Heiress to blue-blooded mercantile and shipping family from the East Coast.

3.2 GPA.

Early admittance into Brown University due to nepotism.

Earned 5th place in the recent national high school taekwondo tournament—women's division.

Dating Broderick Rochester since November of last year.

Best friends: Kristi VanDenberg and Crystal VanMeter.

As I looked over the dossier in my hand, I couldn't help but let out a sigh of disappointment. I didn't have enough details to plan a birthday party—let alone plot my revenge.

"Should I just ask Calypso for help?"

It has already been a few days since I became a futanari vessel. With that came some pretty cool things. For instance, I got taller. I got stronger. I'm healthier than I've ever been. I'm curvier. My hair is more lustrous. I no longer have the constant suicidal thoughts floating in and out of my mind. For the first time in my life, I look in the mirror and actually love the person that I see.

Oh…did I mention I can read minds? No? Well, I can.

Sort of.

The other day, I was able to read Kristi's mind, but that seemed to be a fluke. She had been thinking something so strongly that her explosive feelings more or less beamed the thoughts right into my mind.

I've tried to imitate that over the last couple of days and I've failed every time. I guess that just goes to show that I'm not really a goddess like Calypso.

Still, becoming Calypso's and Kokopelli's vessel has its own benefits beyond looking and feeling better.

I've developed a specific set of attachments, and I'm not ashamed to admit that I've spent several hours practicing how to make those attachments appear and disappear at will.

I can't say if I like my body more with them on or off. Either way, I'm me.

And I love me!

Great change can come in stages, or all at once.

If I'm being honest, I'd feel more comfortable if it did come in stages though.

Don't get me wrong, I like that I'm not obsessing over being different. I'm glad that I'm not skulking around like a scared mouse, waiting for my next beating at the hands of the heiresses. I'm pumped that I don't have all of these twisted and dark thoughts floating in and out of my head all day.

All of that is great. But because it all happened so suddenly, I feel as if I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop.

I'm expecting to either wake up and realize that this was all some sort of concussion-induced dream. Or maybe I'd have a super lucid moment and realize that I was actually sitting in a padded cell some place.

But that never happened. Over the last few days, I've woken up, ate breakfast, went to class, and nothing happened that would suggest this was all a fever dream.

Instead, things seemed fairly amazing, actually. If I'm being totally honest, better than amazing.

It hasn't even been a week but already there are some noticeable changes in my life.

For example…

"Umm. Ex-excuse me. Hi. Can I, like, sit here?"

Change number 1: People have started talking to me.

I had been sitting at a bench in a random corner of our quad when this girl approached me out of nowhere. She couldn't been any older than 16 or 17—so, a junior. But likely a sophomore.

I quickly glanced around. The quad wasn't obscenely large, but it wasn't small either. By a rough estimate, I'd say it was about a hectare worth of space. There was a fountain in the middle, which depicted St. Francis of Assisi. Four benches surrounded the fountain. Only two of those benches were occupied.

Additionally, there were a few alcoves with seating, which were unoccupied. Six picnic tables were also available.

I picked an out of the way little bench that was barely even a part of the quad. It was directly under the awning of the literature building.

So excuse me if I was a little confused. It made little to no sense why she'd want to sit next to me when there were so many other seats available.

As I looked at the girl, in obvious confusion, she shifted from foot to foot. Her eyes avoided my own. In all, she seemed suspicious to me. It was at this moment that I realized, if I had Calypso's control, I'd be able to read her thoughts and figure out why she was really there.

Unfortunately, I still couldn't do it.

After enduring my silent glare for several moments, she eventually caved.

"I-I'm, umm, sorry! I'm bothering you, aren't I? Sorry!"

Before I could even respond, she turned around and hightailed it out of the quad. I stretched my neck and watched her around the corner. She was surrounded by 3 other girls, 1 Asian-Pacific, 2 White. She had her face pointed towards her feet as she plotted with her comrades. For some reason, her face was bright red. She must've been embarrassed that she'd failed in whatever harassment they'd plotted together.

In an act of conspirator solidarity, I saw two of the girls pat her back before leading her away.

"Well, that was weird." Not paying them anymore attention, I went back to trying to figure out how I was going to get more useful information on Celeste.

I'd ask Calypso, but something told me, she wouldn't help with my revenge quest. This was something I'd need to do alone.

Anyway, back to the changes. So, change number 1 was people talking to me—although the conversations never lasted very long. There was always this awkward start and stopping. I never understood it. I just figured they were trying to figure me out, or maybe they were doing grunt work for the heiresses.

That takes us to change number 2. Since the other day, the heiresses haven't come to harass me.

After making a fool out of Kristi, I assumed they'd be pining to return the favor. But so far it's been quiet on that front.

I relished the peaceful time. But I didn't let it distract me from my ultimate goal of making them pay for the 6-years they've spent making my life a living Hell.

Just thinking about it makes my blood boil.


Just as I was delving into the depths of my rage, a couple of students walked past me. One of them looked at me and let out an involuntary yelp and then practically ran away.

"What the hell is her problem?" I glared after the hyperactive teenager as she and her friend made tracks through the quad.

"Whatever. I've got some planning to do."

Taking my chocolate milk, which I'd been sipping on previously, I pushed myself off the bench and headed towards the Recreation building.

I needed a change of pace, and I hoped to get some inspiration from a little bit of exercise.