Making Her Sweat

The Recreation building was located next to the gymnasium. We had sports teams, like soccer, field hockey, gymnastics, wrestling, judo, softball, and basketball. Our school wasn't particularly good at any of them, but we weren't too bad either.

We won the state championship in field hockey 3-years ago, and were 3rd in the state in softball this past season.

Honestly, girls my age are more concerned about love than we are about sports. It's just the way of things, I guess. Still, we also want to look good and feel healthy, so the Recreation building gets its fair share of visitors.


It was my first time in the building. I'd always wanted to check it out. But between my daily beatings, classes, nightly beatings, and finding the time to eat once or twice a day, I didn't have the time, energy, or courage to check out this building.

Now that I'm here, I was impressed. Tucked inside of a 2-story sandstone encased building, I found the Mecca of all things sporty. The building was deceptively more spacious inside than I expected.

When I walked in, there was a reception counter. All I needed to do was flash my student ID and the receptionist with the too-tight ponytail waved me through. Beyond the plexiglass double-doors was a wide-open room that would put even the most expensive exercise clubs to shame.

Walls of mirrors ensured that everyone could check their form, or spy a little eye-candy (if you were into girls, that is). The main floor was filled with free weights, and various exercise equipment. There was a large shower room with enough space for 30 girls to shower without feeling cramped. Each stall was enclosed, and equipped with a full body shower tower with voice adjusted heating instructions. There was a sauna, an olympic-sized pool, a tennis court, racketball court, basketball court.

With everything included, you'd think that you'd feel cramped, but it wasn't. Maybe if every machine was being used and all of the showers were full then it'd feel that way. But right now, I felt like I had full control over the entire facility, although there were close to 20 girls already there.

"Where to begin?"

Until recently, I'd never held any strong desire to exercise. I think this sudden urge was another result of my metamorphosis. I constantly felt like I had an overflow of energy. I went for a run yesterday. It was the first time, in my life, that I ran for recreation and not for survival.

I ran for 7 miles before I finally felt tired.

It wasn't normal. I know. But neither was I. Now that I had become the vessel of 2 gods, I'd need to get used to some irregularities in my personal life.

I looked at the machine closest to me. It was a scary looking torture device with padding for the back and thighs and some glowing blue lights emitting from the electronic control center.

"Yeah…That's too intimidating. Next!"

I walked around the room until I found a solitary little bench next to a row of hand weights.


I didn't have much experience, so I just did some basic exercises that I've seen my dad do before.

"Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale."

I continued this way for a while. I'd lost track of time. I was on my back, holding the weights above my chest as I breathed in and out, bring the weight down on when I inhaled and pushing it up when I exhaled.

When I had a good sweat going, I decided to try some one-armed rows.

I pushed myself up, and placed one of the weights on the ground. I was bent over at the waist 90-degrees with on knee on the bench. My free hand was holding the edge of the bench while my hand with the weight was hanging off the edge.

I tensed my back, hips and buttocks and began to lift the weight.

Just to ensure that my back was straight and I wasn't cheating by rolling my shoulder, I glanced up at my reflection in the mirror.

I nearly dropped the weight on my toe.

The woman in the mirror who was staring at me was darker of complexion. She had shiny short black hair, that was wet with perspiration. The left side of her head was shaved, showing off a surprisingly delicate looking ear. Her cheekbones were defined, as was her brow. Her straight nose and plump lips made quite the sight. Her hazel eyes were glowing.

I'm not talking about them being bright because of her excitement. I mean they were literally glowing—like a candle.

She was covered in sweat as she held a weight close to the ground, her expression was one of astonishment. Her bulging muscles looked rock hard but still had this femininity that was at once alluring and mysterious. It was like she screamed, "Come to me and I'll make your dreams come true."

That woman was me.

Placing the weight down carefully, I straightened my body. Once I stood to my full height the glory of my transformation was more apparent.

My body looked like an olympian's. My face looked like a movie star's. My eyes…my eyes looked like they'd solved the mysteries of the world.

I looked like a goddess. Plain and simple.

I know I wasn't. I know that I was just a vessel. But it was hard to rectify that fact with the woman reflected in the mirror.

I don't know how long I stood there, but soon I felt the eyes.

They were watching me.

21 pairs of eyes were trained on me—the receptionist and all of the girls in the workout area.

Soon, my eyes fell upon a familiar pair of light brown eyes.


It was the girl from the quad. When did she get here?

When she saw me looking, she quickly turned away. But it was too late. I'd already spied her watching me.

The only question I had was whether or not she followed me here, or did she arrive before me.

If she arrived before me, then no big deal. It's just a coincidence. We might have a large campus but that doesn't mean you won't run into people you know on occasion.

But if she followed me here, I'd only be able to consider her motives as suspect.

I watched her head off into the locker room. After she was out of my view. I followed. I was determined to get to the bottom of this.

Two points make a line, not a pattern. But, I wasn't one who liked to leave things to chance.

Once I entered the locker room, I saw her right away. She was surrounded by her 3 comrades I'd seen earlier. When they saw me enter, all 4 of them turned their eyes away.


I decided to approach them, only to watch them scatter like mice. All of them ran into the shower room.


I picked a locker. Placed my clothes inside. Grabbed a towel. And then entered the room.

Because the showers were enclosed, it was impossible to find out which booths they were in. I decided not to pursue them any further. It's not like it would do any good.

There was a sole booth at the end of the row that was still open. I decided to call dibs.

I had a little trouble with the tower. I'd never showered in anything as fancy as this set up. But once I got used to it, it was like I was transported up to Heaven.

There was a setting where the series of jets would rhythmically and with great accuracy massage my tired muscles. I felt like jelly when it was all said and done. Who knew that so much pent up stress was held in my muscles?

Right when I was finishing, I felt like there was someone outside of my shower stall.

After peeking though the partition, I froze when I saw the person on the other side.

Standing in nothing but a towel, her light brown hair wet from her own shower, was the girl from the quad. Her slim frame looked seductive in the tightly wrapped damp white towel. Her upturned eyes were burning with a fierceness that was in opposition to her demure stance.

I watched her body trembling, as her knees were coquettishly pressed against each other.

"Can I help you?"

When she heard my voice, she gave a start before pursing her lips and clenching her fists.

I wasn't sure what she was working herself up for, but I had a feeling it would end up being complicated for me.

"Yes! Umm…Can I…can I, umm, join you?"

Between all of that starting and stopping, I think I heard something more or less ridiculous.

Just to be sure, I asked, "Excuse me?"

This time she spoke with fire burning in her eyes.

"I'd like to join you. Please."

What the hell?!