Skulking Is A Talent

Rhea left the Recreation Building before me. Her colleagues were waiting for her. Before she left, she made me tell her my address and promised to come see me sometime later that night.

I stayed in the shower for a few minutes longer, letting the water beat some life back into my body.

"What an emotional rollercoaster. Well, I'd better get out. I'm using all of the water."

I climbed out of the shower and got dressed. I forgot to pack a change of clothes, but what can you do? I headed back to my dorm and changed outfits. It was almost dinner time so I decided to go to the cafeteria and procure some food. On my way, I spied Celeste and Crystal from a distance.

Celeste gave off this preppy cheerleader vibe with her shiny blonde hair, bubbly personality, thin waist and killer curves. Crystal was colder. She gave off this sort of Student Council President kind of vibe. She was attractive, don't get me wrong. But she rocked her resting bitch face like nobody's business.

Despite the air that the exuded, they were both twisted and evil souls.

I hated them.

They seemed to be talking about something rather secretive. It was the perfect opportunity.

Quietly, I snuck up behind them. They were standing under an alcove hidden on the main path between the dormitories and the commissary. I pressed my body against the stone wall and listened intently.

"…As I was saying, she totally needs to get that bitch." That was Celeste. Her voice had this bubbly presence while being infused with an evil twinge.

"I get what you're saying. But you know how she can be. Don't push your luck." That would be Crystal. Her voice was composed and dignified, yet emotionless. But I could hear the Devil in her tone.

"I think Kristi's just embarrassed."

"What do you mean?"

"She got shot down by that underclassman, right?"

"Quiet! No one is supposed know. If someone overhears, you're the one that's going to have to deal with Kristi. And you know how twisted she can be."

"Yeah. Yeah. I know. Whatever. But you know what? I thought it was funny, so I tried to pick up the little skank, too. She turned me down though. She said she wasn't into girls. I guess that one is strictly-dickly, as the saying goes. I couldn't believe it. I mean, Kristi I get. She's pretty and all but she's kind of a bitch, too. Me? I'm sweet as pie."

"Sigh. It's sickening that you can talk about yourself like that."

"What? It's true. Wouldn't you want a taste of this candy if you had a chance?"

"No comment."

"Ha! Ha! Alright. Alright. Anyway, what did you find out?"


"Come on. I know you. You're all about the details. I know you researched this little skank. I want something I can hold over her. That way I can fuck her brains out and then rub it in Kristi's face."

"Yeah…you're sweet as pie alright."

"Shut up! Tell me what you know."

"Fine. There isn't much to go on. Our school doesn't seem to have any records on her. It's odd. It's like she just appeared out of nowhere. All I have is her name. It's like she's not even enrolled. Are you sure she's an underclassman?"

"I'm sure. Look at her. She looks like a little virgin of a freshman. Mmmm! Fresh meat. I love that flavor."

"God you're sick."

"You're just repressed. I keep telling you that you should let that guy you're engaged to get a little something something before the wedding. But you're too much of a goodie-goodie."

"Mind your own business, and stay out of mine."

"Fiiinnnnneeeee! Anyway…I'm sure she's a freshman or something. Maybe she just enrolled."

"You're obsessed with this girl. Is it really just about crossing Kristi? Are you sure you're not in love with this underclassman? What will your boyfriend think?"

"It's fine. It's fine. Broderick doesn't care how I get my engine warm as long as he's the one putting the key in the ignition."

"Ew. Gross. Besides, he wouldn't be putting the key or whatever in. It would be that underclassman."

"Details. Details. Don't sweat the small stuff. Now quit stalling and tell me what you know."

"Whatever. It's not my problem. As I said earlier. I don't have much. Just her name—Rhea Merril. She doesn't seem to belong to any of the old families out east and no one here seems to know her. She travels around with another group of girls, all of whom as just as mysterious. Due to the lack of information, I'm starting to wonder if she's a student at all."

"What? That's all. Jeez. That's useless. I already know her name. I want to know how to get the little philly in my bed."

"Look, if you don't like my information then don't ask."

"Okay. Okay. I'm sorry. I'll treat you to something good and sweet later."

"Gross. When you say it like that it feels like you're planning to do something dirty to me."

"Why? You interested?"


"Aw! Always so cold. But that's what I like about you Crystal-ball."

"What a stupid nickname."

"Anyway, I'm hungry. Let's go get some food."

When I heard their conversation end, I quickly hid behind a bush that was tucked away close to the trail. They walked by me without noticing I was there.

"Interesting." I just figured out how I could get a little more info on Celeste. I just had to recruit the little loli.

I entered the commissary a few minutes after they did. I got my food without any interruption and quietly chose a seat at the end of a long table in the cafeteria.

Tonights dinner was meatloaf—an American classic. As I tucked into my meatloaf, mashed potatoes and vegetable medley, I felt multiple pairs of eyes on me.

Most of them were benign. But 2 sets were filled with hostility. I turned my head only to lock eyes with 2 out of the 3 heiresses, Celeste and Crystal.

They'd picked a small round table in the middle of the cafeteria. It was their usual seat. No one dared to sit there.

We stared at each other for a few seconds before Crystal harrumphed and went back to her meal. Celeste, on the other hand, continued watching me with this devilish glint in her eye. I was sure she wanted to do something, but thought against it after Crystal whispered something to her.

I didn't pay them any mind. They were no longer a threat to me. Besides, I'd be paying them back for the gracious manner in which they've taken care of me over the last 6-years.

After I finished my food, I went back to my dorm. I had some time to myself so I'd thought I would get some reading done.

Knock! Knock!

So much for that thought.

I walked towards the door and glanced through the peephole.

On the other said was a diminutive woman with light brown hair and a slight build.

I opened the door and invited her in.

"Good evening, Kyah. Sorry for intruding."

"It's not an intrusion. You're very much welcome here."

Rhea was dressed in a flowing one piece. The light shade really brought out her womanly charms. Her hair was glossy and her make-up was light, yet refined. She looked like an experienced woman going to seduce her love interest.

When I saw her earlier, her small build and fresh face made me assume she was a high schooler. I didn't think that way now.

She looked both mature and sexy. I wondered if I'd have that kind of air about me after I finished college.

She held up a bag. "I brought some wine."

I smiled. "I'm underage."

"Oh! That's right. Sorry."

Despite the apology, she placed the bag on the ground and grabbed the wine bottle and 2 tumblers out of the bag. She opened the wine with experienced hands and let it rest on the windowsill.

I had a feeling she wasn't trying to liquor me up for her own gratification.

"What's going on?" I asked.

She smiled sheepishly. It was adorable to find a hint of the girl I saw earlier hidden behind that make-up and obvious sex appeal.

"I'm nervous."


"I've never done something like this before."

"What do you mean?"

"Don't get me wrong, I've made out with a girl before. But it was more just for the experience. I've never been seriously attracted to a girl, let alone a student. This is all new to me."



An awkward silence settled upon us in that moment. It was somehow endearing to hear that she was nervous. I felt special in a selfish sort of way.

"Okay. Well, if it makes you feel any better, this isn't common for me either." I couldn't lie and tell her I'd never been with a woman or a teacher before. I mean, Calypso checked both of those boxes.

She looked relieved, as she smiled with a brightness that was the epitome of youth. "I'm happy to hear that."

Seeing that smile made me want to take her right then and there. It was amazing to me how fiercely this feeling overwhelmed me. One second, I was just normal Kyah—trying to have a conversation with another woman. The next second, I was like a tigress—looking for something or someone to dominate.

My prey was right before my eyes. I was salivating. My heart was rumbling in my chest. My hands were shaking. My eyes were twitching. I felt an uncontrollable need to dominate her and all of her parts.

I wanted to hear her scream my name.

What the hell was going on with me? Why was I feeling like this all of a sudden? Why did I become some sort of sexual beast after what happened with Calypso and Kokopelli? Was this a part of that whole re-wiring thing Calypso talked about? Was I turning into a giant slut?

I sure hoped not.

I told myself to just breathe. It helped control my lust. While I can't say that it was totally gone, I can say that I wasn't panting like a raving lunatic.

"We are both new to this, huh? Have you had a girlfriend before, Kyah?"

"Me? No. No boyfriends either."

"Really? I find that really hard to believe. You're so pretty."

"Thanks. But I think you're prettier than me. Have you ever had a boyfriend or girlfriend?"

"No girlfriend. Never was interested. I've had a few boyfriends."

"How many are a few?"

"Oh…I don't know. 15 or 20 maybe. Somewhere around there."

My jaw practically hit the floor. She looked so innocent but she was quite the man-eater.

She saw my expression and quickly tried to explain. "I know it sounds like a lot, and maybe it is. But I swear I never cheated or played games with any of them. I was totally into them when we were together. It's just that the affection would fizzle out pretty quickly. I swear I'm not that type of girl."

I believed her. Besides, what did it really matter if she's had a lot of experience? All the better for me, I guess. Also, just because she's had a lot of boyfriends doesn't mean that she's had a lot of sex. Right?

I looked at those come-hither lips and that seductive body and quickly revised that last thought.

She's definitely had a lot of sex. She's practically a walking billboard of sex and lust. Just looking at her made me want to rip off her clothes and fuck her until she went blind.

There was no way that she's had a boyfriend who didn't have his way with that tight little body of hers.

Now it was my turn to have a taste of that delightfully sinful body of hers.

"So, what brings you here tonight, Rhea? Did you come to talk? Did you come to drink? Or maybe you came for this." I was wearing a pair of skinny jeans and a ribbed tank top. I pulled the hem of my shirt up to the bottom of my breasts and watched her reaction. In her eyes I saw the reflection of my own lust. She looked hungry—starving really.

I wondered if this was how Calypso felt. People were always looking at her like she was a glorious piece of expensive and rare meat. How did she stand it?

Don't get me wrong. I wasn't disgusted. I was aroused.

Very aroused.

"C-can I, really?" Her voice was hoarse. It was like she was dying of thirst. Her hands reached towards me as her body tried to back away.

The disonance between her actions was telling. I guess she didn't lie when she said that she normally wasn't attracted to women. I guess I was an exception.

It made me wonder what made me so different. Not to complain or anything, but why would a totally heterosexual female suddenly have the hots for another female. I was slightly confused. I was sure it had to do with the changes that occurred a few nights ago, but what exactly prompted this?

At least, now that I overheard Celeste and Crystal, I was fairly certain that she wasn't a spy sent by the heiresses. As a matter of fact, if she wasn't careful, she'd become their enemy. I smiled.

The enemy of your enemy is a friend. Right?

Well, I was going to make this little lass more than just a friend. She was going to become my very first conquest.

I decided that playing the role of submissive wasn't what I needed. She was't Calypso and I wasn't the old Kyah.

I went on the offensive.

While her body was wrestling with the ethics of a future teacher having an affair with a student, and her heart was coming to grips with the fact that she wanted something that she was previously vehemently against—I decided to pounce on her.

"You came here for a reason, baby. I'm not going to let you run away now that you've willingly entered my room. Tonight, you're all mine."

There were beautifully conflicting displays of angst and desire, which constantly fought to control her expression.

I made this easier on her.

With my larger and stronger body, I scooped her into my arms, bridal style.

"Oh my!"

She wrapped her arms around my neck for security. Our faces were close enough to kiss. Her eyes watered as she finally gave into her lust—her desire for me.

I smiled, "I'm going to own you after tonight, Rhea. You're going to be mine."

What she thought of my words, I didn't know or care. It was a fact. I had all the tools I needed. Now all that was left was time.

And we had all night.