A Passionate Night With The Professor

I carried her to my bed. The room wasn't large so there wasn't a lot of distance to traverse. Still, the feeling of her small body pressed against mine made me feel alive.

I could practically hear her heartbeat pounding in her chest. Her lips were parted as her breath came rather rushed. She was excited. That's good.

For my part, I wasn't hyperventilating. I wasn't over exerted. This was my first time with a human but when I considered everything that Calypso taught me during our time together, this would be a walk in the park.

Her small body lay across my bed and she looked so vulnerable—so delectable. Her pastel one-piece, which had been near to her ankles, had risen up her legs until her silken thighs were on display.

Her legs were trembling as she breathed deeply to control her feelings.

"You're beautiful, Rhea."

Calypso taught me that sex is more than just putting part A into entrance B. It's about more than putting things in your mouth, or using your tongue to lick something like a dog.

Sex—real sex was about connection. It was about two people connecting in a primal way that surpassed boundaries. Whether the sex was a quickie, a one-night stand, obligatory marital sex—no matter what it was, it was all about connecting.

She taught me that if I wanted to be considered good at it, I'd first have to move the heart of whomever I was with.

Rhea was scared. She was unsure of herself and her actions. She needed to feel accepted. She needed to know that what she was doing was the right thing and that there'd be no judgement coming from me. That is what I gave her.

"You know, I've never felt attracted to another woman before. Honestly, your the first woman that has done this to me. I'm glad that it was you. I'm happy that the first woman I feel this way towards is someone so amazing, Rhea. Thank you."

"You're thanking me? Why?"

"I feel like I can trust you. You're older, sure. But that's not why. My heart is telling me that I can trust you. Do you feel it, too? Do you feel like you can trust me, Rhea?"

I was backing her into a corner, but it was necessary. I had to burst that repressed shell of self-doubt before I had a chance of really connecting with her. If she continued to think what she was doing was wrong then there'd be no hope.

I watched her eyes steadily as she slowly gazed upon me. Soon she nodded, "Yes. I can't explain it but now that I heard your words, I agree. I feel like I can trust you. I feel like I'm safe in your arms. And in your bed."

That was just what I wanted to hear. As a reward, I gently caressed her cheek before softly pressing my lips to hers.

It was a long and passionate kiss. No messy tongue work. No frantic groping. Just pure passion distilled into a single kiss.

Her lips tasted like cherry. I was a little surprised—cherry lipgloss? I expected something a little more mature. Not something any desperate to feel attractive teenager would wear. Still, it suited her. There was a purity to her that couldn't be washed away by her sexual experience and age.

I kissed her again, cherry quickly becoming my favorite flavor.

Once I pulled back, she was out of breath and her eyes had exploded with a look of unreserved passion.

"I hope you know that you'll need to take responsibility, you little sexy kitten."

"R-responsibility? What do you mean?" Her eyes grew wide. I didn't know if that was out of fear or excitement.

"Yeah. I'm not going to let you go tonight until I'm good and satisfied. Understood, baby?"

She nodded, as a seductive smile touched her lips.

Excitement it is!

Her pastel one piece had a zipper on the side that ran down to her hips. I took my sweet time as I unzipped her outfit. One hand was on my shoulder, the other was on my face. The look in her eyes told me everything I needed to know.

No one has ever looked at me with such softness before. Honestly, it was a little intimidating. Was this…? No. It couldn't be. That's just crazy. I shook my head and decided to forget about it.

With slow and meticulous care, I peeled the one-piece off her body. All she had on underneath was a sexy black thong. Damn! She looked good.

I was almost tempted to leave the panties on.


As I slowly rolled the panties down her legs, I was struck by how beautiful she looked lying there completely exposed to me.

She was definitely on the thin side of lean—meaning she was super skinny. Her hips weren't wide child bearing hips. Her ribs were small and seemed like they'd break if you blew on them too hard. Her arms seemed too small to carry a single grocery bag. Still, her plump little butt and her breasts, which still looked too big for her frame, made her look like she was born to have sex. Her little landing pad was well trimmed.

I noticed a pair of devils horns tattooed right above her sex. It made me smile. It would seem like she'd already come to grips with the little sex machine that she truly was.

Her eyes were watching me, with a softness that was as endearing as it was frightening.

"Man. When she goes in she goes all in. Doesn't she?" I couldn't help mutter under my breath.

"I want to see you. All of you." Her voice was heavy with lust. Her normal voice was bright and lively, like a restless bumblebee. But I found I enjoyed this quiet seductress even more.

"Of course."

I stood so she could watch me undress. Before I'd even removed a single layer of clothes, she was already touching herself. Her left hand was on her breast, pinching her nipple in a way that had to be slightly painful. After licking her right hand, she immediately began circling her clit.

She didn't waste any time.

I decided to remove my shirt first. I also wasn't wearing a bra. So, when I removed my top, my breasts were right on display.

Next was my jeans. They were tight and hugged my curves in a provocative manner. Just as I wanted them to.

Once they were removed, all I had left was the lime green boy shorts. I removed them with a flourish.

"Damn. You are fucking hot!" Her voice tickled my ears and made me feel even more attractive.

"Thank you. But I could say the same about you, Rhea. You're fucking gorgeous!"

She smiled. "Come here and take me, baby."

Our bodies were tied together in a delicate mess. Her hands were pulling at my face, trying to bury her tongue so deep that I'd taste her in my throat for days. I let her explore my mouth, as my fingers touched her body.

One thing became apparent quite quickly—Rhea is the type that likes a little pain.

I first noticed it when I saw her mercilessly pinching her nipple. Then when I was on top of her, the harder I'd grab her the more excited she'd become. When I placed my finger inside of her, I was shocked by how ungodly tight she was. Still, she pleaded for another and didn't stop until I'd managed to barely manage 3 fingers inside of her.

And when I say barely, I mean B.A.R.E.L.Y. She was so tight that I worried about my fingers being crushed.

"Lick my pussy. Please. I want to feel your tongue inside of me." Her hands were on my face, refusing to let go. She had been making out with me as I finger banged her into oblivion.

She asked for me to eat her out, which was fine. But she wouldn't let my face go. So, it was more or less impossible.

She didn't stop kissing me as she begged me to eat her out.

I wondered if she was aware of how her words and actions were constantly at odds.

Eventually, I got tired of watching the struggle and pried my face from her hands. When I did she pouted, "Where are you going? I want to kiss you."

I giggled. "A little bird kept asking to have her little pussy licked. That's what I'm going to do. Just lie back and relax."

She watched as I climbed down her body. I made sure to make several pitstops along the way. I left bite marks on her beasts and down her stomach which made her purr in anticipation.

Her pussy was right before me. With great care, I licked her lips until I parted them like Moses and the Red Sea.

Her flavor was exquisite. Her juices were bountiful. But her moans…her moans were life!

"Oh! Oh! Baby! Don't stop! Right there! Please right there! Mmmph! Mmmph! Ooooo! Oh! Fuck! Mmmph!"

This went on for several minutes until she finally let herself go.

"I'm cumming on your face. I'm cumming on your fucking face, Kyah! Eat it! Eat that fucking pussy!"

Wow. She cursed like a sailor when she got off. Oh well. Different strokes for different folks I guess.

After she finally came, she collapsed in exhaustion. I climbed up her body and held her close. She dozed off several minutes later, but only for a few minutes.

When she woke up, she turned to me. "That was great."

"I'm glad you enjoyed it."

"Yeah. I never knew sex with a woman could feel so freeing."

"We're not done yet. I've got a little present for you. Is that little kitty of yours up for round 2?"

I winked at her and she nodded her head. "Yes. Definitely."

"Good. Don't move."

I climbed off my bed and walked into my closet. I returned a few seconds later with a black silk scarf.

When she saw the scarf her eyes lit up. "Are you going to tie me up?" The excitement in her voice was slightly appalling. Just how kinky was this girl. I had to struggle to keep my eye from twitching.

I smiled diplomatically, "Nope. I'm going to blindfold you."

"Ohhh! Even better!"

Sweet Heaven.

I sighed but went about my business.

After she was blindfolded I made her turn over.

"I know that this is your first time with a woman. Normally, you'd be with a man. So, I got a little present for you."

Upon hearing that there was going to be a little surprise for her, she squealed in delight.

"I can't wait."

There she was, bent over at the waist, her bare ass on full display. She was completely exposed and vulnerable to me.

I was salivating. I couldn't wait.

First, I wanted to get a little more intimate with her. I fell to my knees and splayed her cheeks before I dove in.

"Oh God! So good!"

With her eyes blindfolded, she really could feel things to the extreme. It was a bit of a sexual trope but it really was effective.

Besides, I had another reason to blindfold her.

After getting a good deep taste of her, I stood up and smacked her ass good and hard.

"Oh God!"

I think she came a little.

"This girl." I smirked.

Now was the time. I'd wanted this since I saw her standing in the shower room. I wanted to use every tool in my disposal to wreck her. And I do mean every tool.

Placing my hand over my vagina, I commanded myself to change.

There was a red light that shined on my palm and then a pleasurable sensation hit. It was just like every other time. It only took about 3 seconds start to finish but it was still a rush.

Watching my penis and testicles grow from practically nothing was a sight of which I'd never get tired.

When my long penis was in my hand, I held its base tightly. I watched her soft and round ass swaying in the air. She was so wet that her juices ran down her thigh.

"How does this feel?"

I slapped my cock on her cheek and then let it slide in-between her buttocks.

Her panting and groaning stopped. She was frozen.

"W-what is that?"

"It's my surprise."

"Seriously? This feels like the real thing. I can't believe it."

"It's all for you, baby. You ready?"

"Yes. Please. Spread me out."

"Ask and you shall receive."

I touched the tip of my penis against her entrance. Normal courtesy would require me to slowly insert myself into her, making sure that she slowly grew accustomed to my girth and length.

I'd only seen one penis besides mine that was erect, and that was Calypso's. But I was well aware that (by normal American size standards) I was fucking humongous!

Still, Rhea wasn't the type of girl that you went easy on. As a matter of fact, I was sure she'd respect me more if I wasn't easy on her. So…

"Holy flying fuck!"

I gave her the entire thing in one fell swoop.

Her entire body convulsed. She was quivering as her mouth hanged open. She had this messy look on her face from the blindfolded eyes down. Drool was falling down her tongue as her mouth hanged open.


She seemed incapable of speaking logically.

"Perfect. Take all of this dick you little slut!"

Honestly, I respected and even liked Rhea. She was sweet and earnest. She was attractive and energetic. If I could, I'd really like to be her friend.

But she wasn't there to be my friend. She was there to get worked.

I slammed into her over and over again.

"Aan! Gwann! Ohhh! Fweh!"

Sounds. Not words. Sounds.

That was all she could do.

Her hands here gripping my comforter as she tried to run away from the pounding she was getting.

"Don't you dare! Don't you dare run! Take every inch of this dick and love it!"

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I can't handle anymore! I'm flying! I feel too good!"

"That's it. That's it. You like it don't you?"

"Yes! I love it! Don't stop! Please, I'm so close!"

"Tell me who you belong to!"

"Kyah! I'm all yours, Kyah! I love it so much!"

That's what I wanted to hear. Now I could enjoy the sensations of that tight little hole stretching to fit my huge rod.

I had her on her knees.

I took her on her back.

I made her bounce on top of me.

I took her from the side.

I forced her onto her stomach, as I wrapped my arm around her throat. I was buried deep inside of her, as I pounded her like she begged me to.

After her fourth orgasm, she was incredibly close to breaking. I figured one more ought to do it.

She had been groaning and drooling all over my pillow. I squeezed her neck, cutting down on her oxygen. It was finally time. I felt myself ready to fall down the pleasurable orgasmic path. I was going to fill her up.

"Do you want it? If I do this, you're going to be mine forever. Understood? When I call, you come."

I squeezed her throat even tighter. Unable to speak, she just nodded.

"Good girl. I'll allow you to cum one more time then you can rest. Okay, my angel?"

She nodded again.

"Good girl."

I felt myself expand as my testicles tightened. There was a tingling sensation that came from my base all the way to my tip.

Then I felt a deluge of semen rush through my penis, ready to coat her walls in thick and sticky cream.


Time stopped.

I was no longer in the room with Rhea. She was no longer beneath me. We were no longer engaged in bed-breaking sex. I was naked and floating in a shapeless void.

I was all alone.

"What the hell is going on?"

My voice was swallowed by the void. I floated in a shapeless world with nothing to anchor me, and no way of knowing if I was moving or if I was standing still. The only thing that was real was me and my voice.

I didn't know how long I was there. Maybe it was a moment. Maybe it was 100 years. Time didn't seem to matter in this place.

I felt my grip on reality slowly fading away until…

"Hello Little Cloud. Welcome to Pandora."