Evil Is As Evil Does

"I'm going to fucking destroy you."

After saying these words, Celeste licked her lips in a devious manner. It was like she could taste the pain and fear—and she loved that taste.

I've seen the other girl around school. I don't know her name and obviously we've never spoken. I don't know much about her. Only her face is familiar.

Right now, that face was twisted in disgust and fear. She was helpless underneath Celeste's deceptively monstrous strength.

She comes off as this bubbly little cheerleader, and she has the tight and curvy little body to match. It's easy to assume that she's harmless and approachable. But I know firsthand that appearances aren't just deceiving…they can be deadly.

I watched her knuckles tremble as her fingers squeezed down even more. The girl's breathing became raspy.

She was desperately trying to back away but Celeste wouldn't let her.

All of this only made her more turned on it seemed. Celeste ripped open the girl's blouse, roughly fondling her breasts like they were toys.

"Is this what you wanted? Huh?"

"No. Please stop."

"I'm not going to stop you little tramp. Is this how you wanted him to play with you tonight?"

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry! Okay?! I didn't know! I swear to God I didn't know!"

"Look, I don't care that you had your eyes on him. I'll even let you have a night or two with him. I don't care. But everything in this world comes with a price. The price for wanted to sleep with my boyfriend will be me fucking you like the cheap slut that you are! I'm going to loosen up that pussy by shoving my entire arm up your disgusting little cunt."

She ripped the girl's bra down, exposing her to the elements. Her sharp fingernails dug into that girl's chest and roughly tweaked her nipple. There was a moment when I thought it would be ripped clean off!

Tears were unceasingly rolling down the girl's face. In her eyes was a look of dejection. She'd given up. She knew that she couldn't fight her way out of it. The only solution was to give in and let the pain and humiliation wash over her.

In her eyes was a look of release and subservience.

I'd seen that look thousands of times over the last 6-years. Every day I saw that look reflected back at me in the mirror. During those dark days, I wasn't trying to live. I was trying to survive.

I'd been in a daze since I first saw all of this happening. But in that moment, it was like I was looking at myself again. I felt all of the pain and fear from the last 6-years wash over me.

"How could this be?"

I whispered so quietly that my words got lost in the light breeze. It has only been a few days but in that time, the fire inside of me had dimmed.

I'd been saying that I want to take revenge. But in truth, I just wanted to move on with my life. I wanted to forget everything that happened. I let myself get lost in petty things. I let myself think, even for a moment, that I could have a relationship with someone like Rhea.

Perhaps it's because of the time I spent in Pandora. Maybe it's the re-wiring that Calypso did. But I didn't feel that hatred in the way that I did in the past. That hatred was my fuel. It was what I needed to keep moving forward.

Up until that moment, I'd forgotten just how evil those little bitches were.

They were the type that would step on your face and then spit on you in disgust.

Over the years, I'd come to believe that I was their sole bullying target. Because of all of the attention they gave me—morning, noon, and night—I fooled myself into thinking that they were only interested in beating and degrading me. Like I was taking on all of the world's pain and saving innocent lives from their oppression.

I knew then that I was wrong. Even in their most devilish moments, they still had enough maliciousness to spread. And the spread it to anyone they felt were beneath them.

Which was everyone.

That was the shot in the arm that I needed. It woke me up more than the shower did. I felt the hatred spreading in my heart and it was a wonderful feeling.

"I can't wait to destroy you." My voice was quiet but filled with my bubbling fury.

But first things first.

Yeah. I'm no super hero. And that's fine. But I'm also not so shameless that I'd let something like this happen in front of me and not do anything.


In that moment, I took out my phone and aimed it in their direction. I took a photo, capturing the entire scene in one well pixelated graphic.

"Who the fuck is that?!"

Celeste was enraged. She'd forgotten about the other girl she'd almost had her way with as she stood up and glared in my direction.

Ranked 5th in the nation in taekwondo. She was strong, but something told me that I could take her. But what would that prove? That wouldn't even be close to the revenge that she deserves.

I slinked into the shadows and watched as she approached aggressively. When looking at her in that moment, it was impossible to imagine her as a bubbly cheerleader. She looked like a demon—full of wrath.

The girl on the ground saw her chance and took it. Without caring that she'd been caught with her panties down, she got up and ran as fast as her legs would take her. Celeste didn't even grant her a glance. She was too engrossed in figuring out who her peeping tom was.

I was standing in the shadows and wasn't even 3-feet away from her. Still, she stomped past me without realizing I was right there.

I smiled and watched her go.

Once she disappeared behind the trees, I decided to follow the same path that the other girl took.

I'm not a saint, but I'm not a complete asshole, either. I caught up to her in about 30-seconds and discreetly followed her back to campus.

Once I saw that she'd successfully made it into her dorm, I turned around and went home.

"Umm, what are you doing?"

"Huh? Oh…uh…h-hey, Kyah."

When I walked into my room, the first thing I saw was a naked Rhea bent over at the waist, looking underneath my bed. I looked around only to find my room ransacked. My drawers were open and the clothes were messed up. My closet was a wreck. Even the fridge was opened.

What the hell was she up to?

When I called out to her, she turned around in a fit. Her face was totally red. She was so busted!

"Umm…" She refused to look me in the eye and kept backing away from me. She was fidgeting and was altogether looking quite guilty.

I'd been negligent. I'd let down my guard because she seemed so innocent. But if I learned anything during my run, it was that I had to stay razor sharp. I had to be strong and determined. I had to be uncompromising.

Repay evil with evil. Repay kindness with kindness.

If someone stole from me, I'd take their hand. If someone hurt me, I'd take their blood. If someone crossed me, I'd break them. If someone betrayed me, I'd make them wish they were dead.

Rhea was so sweet and innocent but in that moment she was suspicious. Perhaps she really was a spy sent by the heiresses.

I could feel the rage building in my heart. She betrayed me. She was going to pay.

Perhaps she could sense my aggression, because she was sweating. She kept backing up. Her face was growing increasingly red. I didn't let that dissuade me. I cornered her in the room. She had no path of escape.

I looked down. I felt the Devil taking over my heart.

I spoke slowly. "What. Were. You. Doing. Rhea?"

She was shaking. Tears were in her eyes. "I-I-I…"


She flinched before words tumbled out of her mouth too fast for me to understand. "I'msorryIwaslookingforthedildoIwokeupandyouweren'thereIthoughtIcoulduseittogetoffonemoretimebeforeIwenthome!"

I blinked. Some of that sounded partially insane. "I'm sorry. What did you say? Slower this time."

She took a deep breath. Her shaking eased. "I said I'm sorry. I was looking for the dildo. I woke up and you weren't here. I thought I could use it to get off one more time before I went home."

This girl was constantly pulling the rug from under me. Right when I thought I had her figured out, she always had a way of surprising me.

Her small body was trembling. Her chest was as red as her face. Just how embarrassed was she?

This little nympho! I couldn't let this moment pass without doing something. "You liked it that much, huh?"

She nodded. "Yes. It was incredible. I'd never felt anything like it."

She was so honest. Even I felt a little bad about doubting her.

As I was getting ready to laugh, she reached out and grabbed my hand. Her eyes were completely sober.

"Please. Please just one more time. One more time and I'll never ask for anything again."

I felt like facepalming. This girl was too much of a pervert. She'd sell her soul for a little vitamin-D.I.C.K.!

But that wasn't necessarily a bad thing. As a matter of fact, this could work out just perfectly.

I pinched her delicate chin between my fingers.

"I'll tell you what. I'll give you one more good dicking. But you're going to have to do me a favor."

"What kind of favor?"

"Any kind that I want, you little slut."

I pressed my lips to hers and she melted into me. Her knees were rubbing against each other. A sure sign of her desire.

I pulled back and smiled. "Well?"

She didn't hesitate. "Deal."

The smile remained on my face as I led her to the bed.

"Face down and ass up, bitch! You're about to get fucked!"

And so began Round 2!