A Small Favor

"Face down and ass up, bitch! You're about to get fucked!"

These words weren't meaningless. I meant every syllable of what I said. Rhea was glowing at the prospect of more sex. I looked at the clock. It was just after 6. I'd probably wake up my neighbors but that's not my problem.

They're getting a free show. They should be happy.

I pushed Rhea over on the bed and then climbed on top of her. Her legs wrapped around me. Her crossed ankles locked my hips in place. Our lips and hands were all over each other.

Her sweet breath tasted like wine. It didn't taste so bad now that I was tasting it on her tongue. Perhaps this was a better way of enjoying it.

"Pull my hair." Her voice was hoarse as she begged me to treat her roughly.

"Don't worry. I'll give it to you like you want it." I grabbed a handful of her hair and pulled it back before pressing my lips to her neck.

A handful of hair. A mouthful of her flesh. All that was left was…


I was rubbing her clit like I wanted to start a fire. Faster and faster. The faster I moved the more she moaned. Soon she was shaking.

I stopped.

"What the fuck?! Kyah. Please! I'm so close."


She looked at me, her eyes watering after being struck.


I kissed her firmly. "You destroyed my room, you little slut. You don't get to cum until you beg me to cum."

I saw a soft smile touch her lips. Given the heat that was filling the room, that small expression was a sensational salve. I felt myself melt inside of her. I felt like, in that moment, I lost myself. It was like she was the one that was really in control.

This little nympho. She wanted this. Fine. If that's how she wants it then we can play it like that.

With my stronger body, I easily broke free of her strangle hold on my hips.

I decided to show her that I could treat her like a toy if I were so inclined.

After getting free, I forced her onto her stomach. Using my knees, I spread her legs. I climbed on top of her, making it impossible for her to move.

Slap! Slap! Slap!

I spanked her several times before I spread her lips and dove in. 1 finger? No. 2 fingers? Not at all.

This little tramp needed 3 right from the start.

"Holy flying fuck! Yeeeesssss!" She was dripping wet. This was exactly what she wanted.

I held her in a tight headlock as I ravaged her with my fingers. She loved me for it. Soon, she was gasping for air while her body trembled.

"P-please! I'm so close. Please let me cum!"

I stopped.

"Not yet. On your knees, bitch!"

I let her up and she didn't complain. She moved with impressive speed. Soon, her ass was in the air while her face was pressed into my pillow.

I licked my lips, feeling the heat from my groin growing hotter and hotter. I placed my hand over my groin and called my equipment into action.

I was throbbing, but I took a second just to enjoy the view. I slapped my meat against her cheek and she purred. I spread her cheeks and ran the length of my monstrous rod up and down her slit.

"Why does that feel so good?" She was panting. She tried to pick herself up to take a look at the "dildo" that she loved so much.

I stepped on her face.

"Don't fucking move."

She looked disappointed, but not upset. She loved the rough stuff.

My prick came back covered in her wetness. Yeah. She was good and ready.

With her cheeks spread, her face in my pillow, my foot on her beautiful face, my hands on her hips, and her panting filling the air—I slid inside of her until I couldn't move any further.

She was shaking immediately.

"Cum, bitch! Cum!"

"Oh! Oh! Oh! Haaaahhhhh!" She came in a fantastic way. But this. was just the beginning.

The sounds of my balls rhythmically slapping against her body filled the room. The noises were increased by the sounds of her panting and moaning.

She was all… "Kyah, you're a fucking Goddess! Kyah, you're the best! Kyah, stay with me forever! Kyah…Kyah...Kyah!" She couldn't get enough of me.

Not that I minded. She felt absolutely incredible. Her velvet walls were squeezing the life out of me and I loved every second of it.

All I could do was hump her like a monkey. I crashed against her over and over again. My bed smashed against the wall several times, but I never heard a single complaint from my neighbors. Perhaps, they were sleeping.

"I'm going to fucking cum, again! You're making me go crazy!"

Yeah…not even the dead could sleep through this. They had to be awake, and they had to be listening.

Nice. Perhaps, I'll use them to practice on in the future. Heh! What a nice thought.

There was a slight dissonance, that I was feeling all of a sudden. But I ignored it. My heart, mind and soul didn't feel like they were in perfect harmony. But this wasn't the time to think about those mysteries. At that moment, I had a beautiful girl in my bed and I was giving her the business���my business!

After destroying her and watching her descend into a blabbering mess, I felt that beautiful feeling building inside of me again. I enjoyed every second as I felt the first pinpricks of release underneath the tip of my cock. It was followed by the tightening of my scrotum. Then the bulging of my meat. My heart was pounding. My hands were shaking. My vision became blurry.

"Holy FUCK!" I screamed, before burying myself inside of her.

The amount of semen I released inside of her defied physics. It was like every breath that I took only fed the endless semen tank that I'd become.

I looked down only to see tears streaming down Rhea's face. She was crying as she shook from head-to-toe.

My heart started to pound. Was I too hard on her? Did I hurt her?

Suddenly, the whole 'rough-sex' thing seemed so stupid. If I knew that I'd hurt her…really hurt her, then I wouldn't have done it.

I was just about to pull out and tend to the crying beauty when something strange happened.

**Sweet holy hell. It feels so good when she fills me up. I can't take it. How is she doing that? Why does it feel so good with her? She's the best. I can't leave her side. I'll never leave her side. I'd give my right tit to be with her for the rest of my fucking life!**

I was so engrossed in what was happening that I thought I was going crazy. Suddenly, I heard Rhea's voice, but her mouth wasn't moving.


My eyes were saucers. I just heard her thoughts. Rhea…she just spoke to me with her mind. Holy fuck! I did it! I don't know how. But I finally did it again!

I can read minds!

Fuck yeah!

I was so excited that I accidentally pumped into her one more time.

"Shit!" She squealed, as my spunk squelched out from inside of her. I'd overfilled her.

I didn't care about that. If I could figure out what I did differently, I could finally learn how to read minds like Calypso and Kokopelli can.


When I read Kristi's thoughts, that was an accident. But right now, I felt like something clicked, but it was so fleeting. Every time I tried to hold onto it, it would move just outside of my reach.

I couldn't figure it out in such a short moment. I decided to go find Calypso and get her opinion. Besides, right now there was something else I needed to do.

While I was still inside of her, I pulled her body to the side, and spooned her. She had such a beatific smile on her face as she looked at me. Even if I hadn't heard her innermost thoughts, I would've known from that one single look that this girl was hooked.

I smiled. "How are you feeling, Rhea? Was it worth it?" I was slowly moving my hips in a tiny circle. Every time I moved her face would grow a little more flushed. I wasn't playing fair, but who said I had to be fair?

She nodded. "You're worth everything, baby." She kissed my lips, softly. After which, she leaned back against me, and pressed her head against my shoulder. Her hand was on top of my hand, as she held it like a precious jewel.

We were silent for a while. I stayed inside of her, slowly stroking her pussy with my monstrous cock.

My stamina was insane—thank the Gods!

After a spell, I broke the silence. "Rhea?"


"About my favor."

She nodded without hesitation. "Anything you need, I'll do it. Just name it."

Wow. Nothing like writing a blank check. Oh well. "Thanks. I need you to get close to someone."

"Get close to someone? Why?"

"Let's just say that she has a debt to pay."

She nodded. "Okay. Sure. Who?"

I smiled. Finally, I could make some real progress. I could positively taste the sweet taste of revenge. And the stories are right…it tasted sweet.

"Celeste VanWalters."