What’s My Superpower? Hell If I Know!

Rhea looked confused. "Who is she?"

"Imagine the Devil in shiny red heels." It was difficult to express myself clearly. I couldn't distill who or what Celeste was in just words. She was brutal, mean, cold, and evil. At the same time, she was so much more than that.

Even without me giving her any more information, Rhea nodded. "Ah. I get it. She's a Mean Girl, huh?"

I nodded. "You could say that. It's not just her. But she's part of the problem."

"Okay. Well, I don't know what you have planned. But I'll help you. What do you need me to do?"

"I just need to get some information on her."


"Not necessarily. Don't get me wrong. I'm not going to turn it down if something comes up. But with her background, you'd be hard pressed to find any dirt that I could use effectively. Her family's money has a way of cleaning up any dirt until she is spick and span. I just need some detailed information. Where she goes. When she goes. Who she's with. That type of thing."

"Okay. I think I get what you're going for. But why me? I don't even know her."

"You might not know her name. But I heard through the grapevine that she's interested in you."

"In me? Oh!" Her brown eyes grew bright as she remembered Celeste. "Is she the redhead or the blonde?"

I laughed. "Popular. Huh? She's the blonde."

"Oh. Yeah. I remember her. She was all hands. She tackled me in the library. It was scary. It was super creepy. But she wasn't as creepy as the redhead. That one made me feel like my chastity was in danger."

I had to bite my tongue so that I didn't laugh. She is the farthest thing from chaste in the world. Still, I decided against contradicting her.

"The redhead is Kristi. She's the worst of the bunch. But let's start with Celeste."

"It seems like you have a hit list."

"Just doing some house cleaning before college."

"College, huh? Where are you going?"


She nodded, not afraid to be vulnerable. "Yeah. I don't want you to go far away."

"Don't worry, Rhea. I'm all yours for the time being." I kissed her lips softly.

This was nice—having someone on my side. It definitely made things easier.

"So, can I see it?" The moment of sweetness was interrupted by her high-pitched voice. There were practically stars in her eyes.

"See what?" I was so taken aback by her sudden request that I didn't know how to react.

"The thing-y."

"What thing-y?"

"This!" She reached down between her legs and grabbed ahold of my scrotum. Feeling her hand on my business was shocking but arousing at the same time. She was slowly fondling them, like she was trying to get to know them on a more personal level.

It felt incredible.

"Wow! They feel so real. It's so life-like. The weight. The heat. The texture. Wow! The stuff you can get with technology is insane!" She kept fondling and fondling.

"Huh? Kyah? You okay? Your face is turning red."


She kept fondling me. I was still buried inside of her and had been slowly stroking her for the past half hour. I was way too close to blowing. Feeling her practiced fingers on my junk made me want to blow.

She looked back at me. A look of pure innocence shined in her eyes. "Huh? Stop what?"

It was too late.


"Wh-what is happening? … Oh my GOD! Shit!"

I blew and she responded.

I was out of breath after that orgasm. It caught me by surprise so it was twice as nice.

"Oh man! Let's just stay like this for the rest of our lives." The afterglow was affecting Rhea in a weird way. I kissed her lips then pulled out of her. "Haaahhh!" Her cries were the best.

I had my back to her as I slid down the edge of the bed. After pausing, I placed my hand over my equipment. After the gentle red light faded, I was all woman once again.

I stood up and turned to face Rhea. She was staring at me with this slightly fan-girl like glee. She wanted to see what I used to make her feel so good.

She was left disappointed.

When she looked at my crotch, her jaw hit the ground.

"What happened? Where did it go? Where's the dildo?"

I laughed. "Trade secret. Come on. Let's go take a shower."

I left her in the bed, rubbing her eyes with the back of her hand. I even saw her look underneath the covers. I was sure she also looked under the bed. I just smiled.

After a hot shower, I waved goodbye to Rhea. She promised to come by the next night with an update.

I went to the commissary and had breakfast. After that I went in search of my friendly neighborhood goddess.

"Good morning, cher."

Her smile illuminated the courtyard. Even the sun seemed dimmer in comparison. Seated on a bench in the middle of the quad was Professor Calypso Andromeda. Her head was tilted back with her eyes closed as she bathed in the bright sunlight. Her long blonde hair fell in a neat curtain down her back, as the aquamarine blouse and scholarly slacks hugged her voluptuous frame in a way that was too enticing to belong to a high school professor. If I didn't already know that she was the Goddess of Love, I would've assumed she was.

I was just headed to the lecture hall when I came across the goddess I was looking for. Without opening her eyes, she patted the seat next to her.

"Sit down, cher. Let's rap."

Several students and staff walked by us. All of them were enamored with the beautiful creature beside me. A few of them would cast a glance my way but no one looked at me for very long. All of their attention was on her.

I wasn't offended. If I were in their shoes, I would've done the same. The word 'beautiful' didn't come close to describing her magnificence.

"Aw. You're making me blush, Kyah."

I rolled my eyes. "Will you please stop doing that?" I wasn't really upset. It was only an act to keep up appearances. You'd be hard pressed to find a soul who could remain upset at this blinding light of warmth and beauty.

"I was just coming to find you."

"I know. That's why I decided to wait here for you."

"How'd you know? Is this a Goddess thing?"

"Hmm? No. Not exactly. We're not omniscient you know. But since you are my vessel, we have a special connection."

{{Is that why I can communicate with you telepathically?}}


I thought I'd throw her off by speaking to her with my mind, but it was no use. Why would she be thrown off by something she probably considered minuscule?

{{Why can't I communicate with Kokopelli like this? It feels like there's a gauze over my mouth when I try.}}


So, she even knew about that. Well, no sense in hiding it.

{{Yeah. That was a strange experience.}}


{{What do you mean?}}


"You think?!" I couldn't continue speaking with my mind. Her voice sounded so confident and inspiring at first. Only to end up sounding like she was making a less-than-educated guess.

She laughed. "Like I said, we're not omniscient. Cut me some slack, cher. Mmkay?"

She was way too whimsical. Argh! Whatever. Let's just say it's one of her charms. That way, I'm less likely to lose my hair over it.

"Can you explain why I'm suddenly able to read minds?"

"Read minds?" The way she looked in that moment made me feel like I was missing something.

She raised her perfectly manicured French-tips and pointed to a wandering classmate. "What is she thinking, right now? The one with the curls. Go!"

I looked at the girl she was pointed towards. Her curly black hair was done up in a twin-tails. Her pretty face had the barest amount of make-up. Her blue eyes were sparkling and matched the blue crop-top. Her plump thighs were moving with exaggerated slowness in her tight pair of jeans as she smiled at the older man standing next to her. Father? Uncle? Lover? Let's take a look.

I closed my eyes and concentrated.

Information suddenly flooded into my mind.

Not the information I was looking for, mind you. When I closed my eyes, I could hear the clacking of heels and tennis shoes on the ground. I heard laughter coming from all directions. I heard someone curse, and immediately after, something heavy fell on the ground. I could feel the rays of sunlight shining on my body. I heard insects and birds. I heard a car and the constant high-pitched drone of technology.

I heard and sensed all of these things—not because I'm a vessel. Because I closed my freaking eyes!

I opened my eyes and glanced at Calypso.

"I couldn't hear anything."

"See?" She nodded like she'd just given me some sage wisdom.

"See what?"

"You can't read minds."

"There has to be a trick to it. Right?"

"There is a trick. Yes. But I'm not going to give you the answer. You'll figure it out eventually. For now, just enjoy your youth."

"My youth?"

"Yeah. You're young and hot. All the girls and guys probably want you. Why don't you go find a lover and be happy for a while? Huh?"

I knew that she was well aware of everything that I've been through. I couldn't just close my eyes and pretend like none of it ever happened. She couldn't wave her pretty fingers and make it all go away. Somewhere in my heart was a boiling pool of rage that couldn't be contained. The only thing that I could do to stay in control was use that rage for some destructive and well-deserved revenge.

I shook my head. "I'm sorry. I can't do that, Calypso."

She simply smiled. It was a sad expression. But even still, it was glorious on her majestic face.

"Not even for her?"

Calypso's eyes were still closed as she motioned over her shoulder. I glanced behind me only to see a lithe figure in a pair of dangerously short shorts and a camisole walking with a few other women.

I'd known that figure anywhere. We'd become quite intimate in the last 24-hours.

Rhea was smiling with the girls she was with. She looked friendly and approachable. She also looked like jailbait. The fact that she was older than me still through me for a bit of a loop.

At some point, she saw me looking at her and she missed a step—almost falling on her face. Luckily the girl with the ash-blonde hair stopped her forward momentum.

She waved to her friends to let them know that she was okay. After a quick spell, 4 pairs of eyes landed in my direction. Rhea's face was flushed and she was looking down at the ground. Someone said something to her and she nodded. This made the others laugh. The girl who was definitely a Pacific Islander, gently pushed Rhea in the back.

Reluctantly, Rhea took the cue and started to walk towards Calypso and I. Her friends didn't wait for her. They waved goodbye and continued in the same direction they were headed.

Rhea stood before me. Her face was as red as a tomato.

"H-hey, Kyah. I missed you."

I couldn't help but smile. It hasn't even been 2-hours since we said goodbye. "Hey, Rhea. Me too."

"Really?!" Her innocent eyes were shining. "That's great. Want to go grab some breakfast? My schedule is open until 11."

**Please say yes! Please say yes!**

My eyes grew even larger. There it was again. I could hear her thoughts. I glanced at Calypso. She was still sitting there sunbathing without a care in the world.

"Umm…sorry. I already ate. Besides, I'm talking with Professor Andromeda."

"Who?" It was at that moment that Rhea noticed the blonde bombshell sitting next to me. Her eyes popped out of her head like she was genuinely shocked. It was like she didn't notice Calypso until that moment.

**Holy crap! She's gorgeous! She's a teacher here? Wow!**

"Umm…Hi. My name is Rhea. Rhea Merril."

Calypso smiled. "It's nice to meet you. Don't let me interrupt you two. Why don't you go grab a bite to eat with her, Kyah? It's not like we can't talk later, right?"

Like the whimsical goddess she is, she stood up and floated away. Her high heels barely made a sound on the paved stone walkway.

This left Rhea and I alone. I smiled, "What is it that you wanted to talk about?"

"Oh. Umm, not much. I just wanted to have a little breakfast date with you. That's all. Is that going to be okay?"

She was so adorable that I wanted to give in. But it would devastate my plans if we were seen together.

"I'm sorry. Right now, isn't really a good time. Remember, I need you to get close to Celeste. She can't see us together."

Rhea's pretty face turned into a seductive frown. Who knew frowns could be seductive? I sure as hell didn't. This girl is something else.

"I tell you what. You do a good job and you can have me to yourself for an entire day. Deal?"

I thought there'd be more back and forth. But I was wrong.

"Deal!" She agreed before the sound of my voice faded from my own ears. The little home wrecker-in-training was probably angling for that from the beginning.

After gracing me with an enchanting smile, she skipped away headed towards the commissary.

I watched her leave with a smile on my face. It was finally going to start. I was finally going to take steps towards my revenge.

I closed my eyes and tilted my face towards the sun. Why could I hear Rhea's thoughts but not that other girl's thoughts? Is it because I had sex with Rhea? No. There has to be something else. I've never slept with Kristi, but I heard her thoughts that one time.

What was the connection?

As I closed my eyes and let the sun warm my face, I got lost in thought and let the world pass me by.