The Dildo Of Destiny

Let's just say that things didn't go that well during our first meeting. She looked less than interested in me. I felt like a cold bucket of water had been dumped on my head. When I left, I told the girls what happened. They tried to cheer me up, but what could they do?

Then we went to the Recreation Building. We had faculty passes. So, we got in without a problem. When all else fails, exercising is a good way to burn off some steam. Sex is better…but I don't have a partner anymore.

We were there for a while when Simone came up behind me. "Rhea? Look!"

She pointed to a strapping young girl, standing in front of a mirror, with hand weights in her grip. Sweat was running down her perfect body as her muscles bulged. She looked like a powerful Amazon warrior.

It was the girl from the quad. She was there. Did she follow me? Does that mean that she likes me?

I stared at her for what felt like forever. I studied every movement she made like I was going to be tested on it. Eventually, I wasn't the only one that noticed her. Everyone else was staring too.

When our eyes met, I thought I was going to hyperventilate. I wasn't ready, so I ran away.

Yeah. I know. Real mature. I couldn't help it though. I was overheating just standing there. I couldn't possibly have managed if I had to have a conversation with her.

I dragged the girls into the locker room. But a moment later, she came in.

I freaked out and ran away again. This time, I hid in one of the showers.

I was so embarrassed that I wanted to find a rock to crawl under.

While showering, I tried to pump myself up.

"Come on, Rhea! This is your chance. Be brave for once in your life!" I slapped my cheeks, pumping myself up to the maximum.

It was now or never. I don't know what accident brought her to me, again, but if I let this chance slip through my fingers, I'd regret it for the rest of my life.

I told the girls that I was going to try to find her, and they all gave me their blessing.

I went around, peeking in stall after stall until I found the one she was in.

It took some convincing but my efforts paid off. When she pulled me into the shower with her, I felt like I'd died and gone to heaven.

Well…that was until she brought up my one sore spot.

"I'm not a sophomore." At least she added a year to my age. Most people tell me I look younger. Still, I had to let her know that I wasn't a child. I was an adult. Things went better after that.

"So, are you going to see her again?"

I was back in my suite with my friends. Sierra was stretching in the middle of the floor, while Simone was flipping through a magazine, and Leinani was painting her nails.

"I am."

"Good for you."

"You're not mad at me, Leinani?"

She paused in her painting and looked at me. "Why would I be angry?"

"S-she's a girl. She's a high schooler."

"She's 18, right?"


"She's graduating this spring, right? So, when you actually start working here, she won't be a student any longer. I don't see a problem."


"So, you think I'd give a shit that she's a girl? I could care less. If anything, this might be good for you."

"I agree with Leinani. You've only dated jerks." Sierra's voice was strained as she bent over, her large chest looking like air bags as they were spilled out around her.

"They're right, Rhea. You've got a thing for bad boys. I think now is the perfect time to try something new." Even Simone was onboard.

"Okay. Well, I'm going to get ready."

"Sounds good. We won't wait up."

"Leinani!" I was so embarrassed, but that didn't stop them all from laughing at my expense.

Kyah's dorm building was posh like everything else around the campus. When I made it to her room, my heart was in my throat.

I knocked, nervously waiting for her to answer.

When she opened the door and invited me in, I felt like I was home. It was like I was surrounded by her and that feeling was amazing and serene.

But there was something else.

Being alone with her made a heat explode in my body. I was familiar with that type of heat. It was glorious and hungry.

She picked me up like I weighed nothing, and carried me to the bed. My heart was shaking but not in a bad way. Then she told me that I was the first woman that she'd ever been attracted to. It felt amazing because she was the first woman that I ever cared for in this way, too.

It was all so sweet, tender, and passionate.

Then she blindfolded me.

What happened next still leaves me breathless. I like things a little rough. I enjoy adding props to sex. I liked being tied up and blindfolded. I even liked a little whip play from time to time. Nothing too extreme, but I loved it when pain turned into pleasure.

After climaxing on Kyah's prefect face, she blindfolded me and told me she had a surprise.

It was hot. It was fleshy. It was pulsating. It was the dildo to end all dildos. It was a work of art.

It was the Dildo of Destiny!

Okay. That might be a bit much, but I'm telling you, that thing was incredible. It was nothing like the little toy I keep at home. This thing was powerful and unrelenting. It was like the real deal, only better.

I thought Greg had a nice dick, but he was nothing in comparison to this monster.

To make things even better, Kyah gave it all to me right from the start. The pain was excruciatingly wonderful.

I creamed all over it.

When I felt that hot rod inside of me, I couldn't believe she found something so real. I'd have to figure out where she bought it. I needed one for my own collection.

She fucked me like a dirty little slut and I loved it. I felt the dildo getting harder and harder, which astounded me. I could even feel the scrotum slapping against my clit as she bombarded me from behind. I came nonstop. It was glorious.

Life couldn't get better than this.

I was wrong.

Out of nowhere, that solid and burning rod of silicone expanded. A moment later my insides were flooded with imitation semen. Imitation or not, I loved a good creampie.

It was at that moment that Kyah came, too.

Feeling her hands on my body. Hearing her climax in such a loud voice. Feeling my insides flood with the hot imitation semen…it was all too much for me. I came once more and then promptly blacked out.

When I came to, Kyah was gone. It was almost morning and the bed was cold. I had an itch that I tried to ignore. I had some wine, but that didn't help. The only thing that could get rid of it was...

"I've got to find that dildo."

I tore her room apart trying to find it, only to come up empty handed.

When Kyah came back, she took one look at her room and pounced on me. She pulled the dildo out of thin air and fucked me within an inch of my life. A part of me was annoyed. I looked all over the place and couldn't find it. Kyah is there for 3-seconds and it suddenly appears.

Whatever. I'll leave that mystery for another day.

After some rough morning loving, with her foot on my face and everything, I was blessed with another creampie. It was heavenly.

Afterwards, Kyah and the dildo were still inside of me. She was gently stroking me as I lay on my side.

What a nice feeling. Lying in her arms, being surrounded by her warmth. I would've given anything to stay with her like this forever.

I knew, before coming, that I was deeply affected by Kyah Open-Cloud.

I knew in that moment that I was deeply and irrevocably in love with her.

After parting, I had to go back to my suite. By the time I arrived, the girls were already awake. They each gave me this Cheshire Cat grin before the embarrassment overtook me, and I ran into my room.

Of course, that didn't stop them. They burst into my room, and surrounded me. I was forced to supply details of the previous night…and this morning.

After thoroughly embarrassing me, they suggested we go out to get some breakfast.

As we were headed to the commissary, I saw her once again, seated in the quad.

Although it has barely been a few hours since we parted, I felt like a piece of me was missing.

When she smiled at me, my heart burst with glee. My feet stopped moving...unfortunately my body didn't get the message and kept moving forward. I lost my balance and fell into Sierra.

"Whoa! Easy there."

Fortunately, she caught me. Wow. How embarrassing!

"What happened, Rhea?"

"Nothing. It's just that she's here."


"Kyah." When I pointed towards her, the girls smiled and told me that they'd see me in the commissary. Leinani even shoved me in Kyah's direction.

I felt a lot more confident in approaching her now. She wasn't like the guys that I've dated. She wouldn't purposely hurt me. Last night wasn't a one-night-stand. It was meaningful to the both of us.

When she saw me, she seemed happy. Seeing her gorgeous smile made my heart flutter.

Bravely, I asked her to breakfast.

"Umm...sorry. I already ate. Besides, I'm talking with Professor Andromeda."

"Who?" I only had eyes for Kyah. Who would've thought that there was a woman so stunningly beautiful seated right next to her? I never even noticed. It was like she materialized out of thin air. I know that I can be a bit clumsy at times, and I don't have the greatest attention to detail in the world, but I swear that this woman was not there a second ago! I swear!

"Umm…Hi. My name is Rhea. Rhea Merril." Her beauty made me feel like I'd lost something but I don't know what it is.

Despite her obvious superiority, when she smiled, it warmed my heart. She was motherly and loving. She was impossible to hate. "It's nice to meet you. Don't let me interrupt you two. Why don't you go grab a bite to eat with her, Kyah? It's not like we can't talk later, right?"

Yes! I screamed internally. She was on my side. Sweet! I liked her more and more.

"What is it that you wanted to talk about?"

"Oh. Umm, not much. I just wanted to have a little breakfast date with you. That's all. Is that going to be okay?"

"I'm sorry. Right now, isn't really a good time. Remember, I need you to get close to Celeste. She can't see us together."

Oh yeah. I'd forgotten. I promised Kyah that I'd get some dirt on a couple of mean girls who had been bullying her. Does that mean that we'd have to continue our relationship in secret until I got that information? I hated the idea of not being able to be with her out in the open.

"I tell you what. You do a good job and you can have me to yourself for an entire day. Deal?" It was like she could read my mind! When she said that I was so excited, I didn't need to think twice about it. Talk about motivation!


I left in a hurry. If I did a good job, I was sure to be rewarded. And I couldn't wait to earn my reward.

The commissary was packed. The girls were already in line, but I didn't want to cut, so I stood in the back waiting for my turn.

Suddenly, 3 girls walked in.

I nearly had a heart attack. I recognized 2 of them.

The first was the mean red head that tried to have her way with me in the dark alcove. The second was the blonde that tackled me in the library and tried to rape me out in the open.

The third was a brunette with a cold and expressionless face.

When they walked in everything became so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

Without minding the line, they walked right up to the front. There were already 3 trays prepared for them. The lady at the counter handed the trays to each of them like it was normal and they went to sit at a small round table in the middle of the room.

It all happened so naturally. No one seemed to mind that they'd cut in line. No one even batted an eye.

"Who are they?" I asked the girl standing in front of me. I had a fairly good idea after talking to Kyah, but it paid to be sure.

She turned and looked at me, her eyes filled with surprise. Her voice was filled with worship as she spoke quietly, "You don't know them? Those 3 are the wealthiest girls in the whole school. Their great grandfathers founded this school. Their families own mostly everything here. The red head's name is Kristi VanDenberg. The brunette is Crystal VanMeter. And the blonde is Celeste VanWalters."

My eyes grew larger. It really was her! That's the girl that Kyah wants me to get close to?

Dear Lord! Why did it have to be that one? Now that I was close to her again, I remembered the fear that enveloped me in the library.

I immediately thought that the favor I'd promised Kyah was too much for me to handle. I closed my eyes and my mind filled with thoughts of the previous night, as well as images of her sweet smile.

When I opened my eyes, they were determined. I would accomplish this favor for Kyah, because she asked me to. I'd do it because she needed me to. I'd do it because I loved her.

After grabbing my breakfast, I joined my friends at their table. I kept a wary glance on the blonde and red head. Neither of them even noticed I was there.

When they finished eating, the 3 girls headed in different directions. I told my friends that I needed to go to the bathroom, and I got up and quickly followed Celeste out of the commissary.

Once in the hallway, I called out. "Umm. Excuse me."

When she turned, her deceptively bubbly expression brightened. "Oh! Hey. It's you. What's up?"

I could still remember how strong her grip was. I remember how terrified I was. I remembered all of it and it caused me to hesitate for a moment.

"About the other day…I'm sorry."

She stalked towards me, pressing me up against the wall. "Sorry? What do you mean?"

She smelled like vanilla, and her pretty face was soft and kind looking. But I knew that it was just a façade. Beneath that approachable exterior was a lioness—fierce and cruel.

"I mean, I was just surprised. I hope I didn't offend you."

Her smile grew even brighter. "I'm not offended. Say…do you want to make it up to me?"

I nodded.

"Good girl. Come to my dorm tonight. We can get to know each other a little better."

My heart was pounding so loud that I was certain she could hear it.

I didn't want to go. I knew what she had in mind. But everything was for Kyah. If I didn't do this then she'd never be free. I don't know everything that happened to Kyah, but if this girl was in the center of it, it had to be horrible.

I glanced in her eyes, and gathered my courage. A simple nod and a word were all I could muster. But it was enough.
