Lying Down On A Wire

Make up? Check!

Hair? Check!

Outfit? Check!

Confident in being able to secretly interrogate a high school mean girl? … Under review.

For the 12th time in the last 5-minutes, I sighed while looking at my reflection in the mirror. I really wasn't sure that I could pull this off. Even if I did somehow manage to, what would it cost me? My dignity? My self-respect? My sanity?

Kyah was the only woman I'd been with. She's the only person I want to be with in the future. But now, she asked me to dig up some details on that blonde monster. I felt like she was throwing me under the bus, and then she hopped in and drove that bus over my back several times. I felt like she was asking me to lie down on a wire while she crawled over my body.

Was I her sacrificial lamb?

"Stop it, Rhea. Kyah's not like that. She's not like Greg or the other guys you've dated. She's sweet and caring. She just needs your help. That's all."

I believed in Kyah. I loved her. If she said she needed my help, I would help her. Unfortunately, this was a situation for which I felt completely out of my comfort-zone. But a promise is a promise.

"Wow! You look amazing, Rhea!"

"Thanks, Leinani."

Upon exiting my room, the girls were, once again, in the dining area sitting around the table. They each looked me up and down, before their matching smirks made me blush.

"What?" It was too much for me to bear in silence.

"Oh nothing. Tell, Kyah we all said, hi!" Simone laughed.

They thought I was dolled up because I was going to see Kyah. I justified my actions by claiming it was Kyah-adjacent. But that was just a half-truth. I hated lying to them. They were my best friends. But if I told them the truth, they'd lock me up in my room and throw away the key.

"Okay. I'm leaving. I'll see you later."

"""Bye!""" They said in unison.

Once I was outside of the room, I sighed once more. I'd been trying to figure out how I was going to get my job done. I really really REALLY wanted the reward Kyah promised me.

All I could think of in that moment was to show up and let the little demon have her way with me.

"Eww. Gross!"

Obviously, I didn't want that. Despite my obvious aversion to being alone with that blonde demoness, my feet took me in the direction of the student dormitories.

And that was as far as they brought me.

I was standing at the entrance of Celeste's dorm, but I couldn't go in.

I was shaking like a leaf. If I went in then, the fear would overwhelm me and I'd be useless. I'd be nothing but a lamb at slaughter in front of that girl.

I had to find a way to level the playing field.

Let's think. What's the most effective way of coercing a teenage girl with little life experience?

Ah! It's so obvious! Why didn't I think about it before? I pulled out my phone and ordered an Uber. I was in town and back within 20-minutes.

Now that I've got my arsenal, it was time to do battle.

Celeste's room was at the very top of this dormitory. There was little to no problem with me entering and heading up the elevator to the top floor.

Once I stepped off the elevator, my jaw hit the ground. It was a land of marble and gold trim. It was so opulent that I felt like my less than meager upbringing was only dimming the ambiance.

The floor was separated into 3 sections. The left held a sign that said "VanMeter Wing". The center read "VanDenberg Wing". The right read "VanWalters Wing". I moved towards the 3rd room on the right.

I walked with exaggerated slowness. If I had known I'd be walking over marble, I would've worn tennis shoes instead of heels. I was slipping all over the place. Fortunately, I made it to her door without falling on my face.

I brought my hand up to knock only to freeze when I noticed that I was shaking. I took 3 deep breathes, to calm my nerves.

Then I took 3 more.

Then I took 20 more.

By that point (after I'd been standing there huffing and puffing for several minutes) I was under control.

Knock! Knock!

I waited patiently. I knew she was there. It was like I could feel her malevolence from through the door.

"Coming!" Her chipper voice resounded in my ears and I had to stop myself from turning around and slipping and sliding my way back to the elevator.

I didn't hear any footsteps, but suddenly, I heard the lock turn and then the door opened without so much as a creaking noise.

Standing in the doorway, looking down at me with a friendly expression on her face, was Celeste VanWalters.

Her affable expression aside, she looked stunning. Her body was magnificent in the way her soft curves spilled from beneath her tight shirt and linen shorts. Her skinny waist led to a pair of hips that screamed childbearing. Her shorts tightly hugged vagina—showing as much leg as possible while displaying a glorious camel toe. The only way I'd see more leg would be if she was standing in front of me in nothing but a thong. Her thighs looked soft and curvy, but also looked powerful. It was like she could crush a watermelon with her thighs—if she were so inclined. Her crop-top helped display her abs in a way that made me hate her just a little bit more. Her breasts were insanely large. Much too large for a high schooler.

I suddenly felt extremely inadequate.

Celeste continued to smile as she watched me looking her up and down. Her smile was smug and confident. Not the type of expression I'd be able to pull off in this lifetime.

"Hello, muffin!"

Muffin? What the hell? We are NOT close enough for her to use a pet name. Ugh! I really didn't like this girl.


"I'm glad you came. I was beginning to think you wouldn't show up." She moved aside and motioned for me to enter.

Her room was gigantic. It was about 3-times as large as Kyah's room. It was also slightly larger than the suite I shared with the girls. I guess when you have clout anything is possible.

When I was her age, my room was still filled with stuffed animals and posters. She had expensive paintings, a few small sculptures, a fireplace, a dining area, a fully stocked kitchen—the works. Was this how the 1% lived? Holy crap!

She showed me around her suite. The entire time, her hand was on my hip while her fingers played with my ass.

I felt cold and nauseated with her hands on me. But I endured.

Soon, we arrived at the nerve center of her suite—her bedroom.

"Well? What did you think of the tour, muffin?"

"Uh…oh it was nice. You have wonderful taste."

"I know! Right?!" She pulled me into a strong hug. She was acting very friendly. If I didn't know any better, I'd assume she was a nice and approachable young woman. But I did know better. This was all just an act. It was like foreplay to her. The more she tore down my guard the more excited she'd be when she forced herself on me.

Now that we'd made it into her bedroom, I knew that this was where it all ended. I either had to make my move now, or I'd be doomed to be her plaything. Because Lord knows I can't fight her off of me if she tried something.

"Oh! That's right. I brought you something. A gift!" I held up my overly large purse. I was glad that I picked this purse. It wasn't fancy or anything, but it had its uses.

"Aw. You shouldn't have, muffin! What did you get me?"

"Oh, nothing big. Just a little something to show how sorry I was about offending you the other day."

"You're so sweet. But you didn't need to get me anything. All you needed to do was show up. Now that you have, we can really get to making amends." She licked her lips as she looked me up and down. I felt like a cheap piece of meat in her eyes.

I swallowed down my disgust. "I know. But first, I want to give you this. I figured we could enjoy it…together."

"Together? What is it? Is it one of those twin dildos? I've always wanted to try one of those!"

"Uh…no. It's this."

I reached into my bag and pulled out a bottle of alcohol.

How do you manipulate a teenage mean girl with little life experience? Get her drunk out of her freaking skull!

That was my weapon. It wasn't high-tech, but it was sure to be effective. This was the only way I could ensure that I could make it out of this war zone with my flesh intact.

She looked at the bottle and smiled.

"Holy shit! Where'd you get this from? Who would've thought that a little freshman could pull this off? I'm impressed."

I struggled not to groan when she called me a freshman. I just smiled.

"Care to have a drink with me?"

She was salivating. No matter how wealthy you are. When you have the opportunity to do something that was considered taboo, you had to give it a go.

"Hell yeah! Let's party!"