Cheap Tricks And Lightweights

Music was pumping. Glasses were being tipped back. Laughter could be heard. She was dancing up a storm. Currently, she was on top of the table giving me a striptease (that I didn't ask for).

How did we get here?

Through the magic contained at the bottom of every bottle of vodka.

She was drunk out of her freaking gourd!

When I first brought out the bottle, she was excited. It's not every day that a high schooler gets her hands on alcohol. Even if she was incredibly wealthy.

She practically snatched the bottle out of my hand and then dragged me from her room, back into her kitchen. She didn't have any shot glasses, so she grabbed a couple of crystal flutes and poured the liquor in there.

"Here! Bottoms up!"

Was she serious?

"Oh shit! That burns!"

Yep. She was totally serious. She tipped the entire glass back and tried to chug it like it was beer. She promptly spit a bunch of it out of her mouth.

Luckily, I dodged the incoming spittle. I kind of saw it coming anyway.

Wow. This was going to be easier than I thought.

I don't know if she lacked any sense of self-preservation or what have you, but right after failing to chug the entire glass of vodka, she went right back to it.

Should I warn her?

Nah. Let's just see where this goes.

And there you have it. After chugging that glass of vodka, which was roughly 7 or 8-shots worth of liquor, she was good and plastered.

So, that brings us back to the half-naked girl dancing on the table as she slowly removed her top.

I'm not really judging her for being drunk. Lord knows we've all lost an article of clothing or two after having one too many.

But she really should've paced herself better.

I guess that just comes down to experience though. It's a rite of passage to get totally wrecked on your 21stbirthday. If you're like me then that experience quickly teaches you that you are not invincible. You have limits. It's about knowing when to back off.

Unfortunately for her, she had no idea what her limit was.

"Schum mere, blaby." Or "Come here, baby." To those of us playing the home game. She was slurring pretty badly as she tried to seduce me with her vodka breath.

"Umm…no. That's okay."

She pouted but instead of throwing a fit, she tipped the bottle back again. I rolled my eyes at the sight of it. Just what she needed.

Well, step one was easier than I thought. Now it's time to gather some intelligence. Where do most girls keep information pertaining to their deepest darkest secrets?

That's easy.

"Hey, Celeste?"


"Can you look over here. I want to order some pizza. I need your face to unlock your phone."

"Peezzza! Hewl yesh! Gesh me a Hwiiann." To translate, she said "Pizza! Hell yes. Get me a Hawaiian."

Maybe I should get her some water. Ugh! Why am I like this? Who cares if she croaks?

I do. I care. I got up and grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and handed it to her.

"Drink this."

She smiled, "Shanks!" Meaning, "Thanks!"

"Mmhmm." I picked up the phone and ordered her the Hawaiian pizza she wanted. After that, I went exploring while she fumbled her way through several Beyonce songs.

Immediately I realized that I'd struck a goldmine.

The text messages between her and Crystal were pretty interesting. I forwarded those to Kyah. Apparently, Celeste had a grudge against Kristi. I guess not everything was as picture perfect as they pretended.

There were also a few meetings in her calendar. I took a screenshot and forwarded this to Kyah, too.

This went on for probably 10-minutes. And then I found the videos.

They were disturbing. They were disgusting. They were horrible!

I doubt I have to tell you what the videos were, considering what she tried to do to me, but I'll tell you anyway.

There were 6 videos with 6 different girls. The background was always the same. It was a place in the woods. The situation was always the same—she was forcibly taking the girls. The girls were all crying as she sat on their face, or fingered them. One of the poor girls had a large stick shoved inside of her as Celeste gyrated on her tear-soaked face. The sound of her maniacal laughter would surely haunt me for the rest of my life.

I didn't watch everything. I didn't need to. I couldn't stomach it. I forwarded everything to Kyah.

She asked for dirt if I could get it. So, I gave it to her.

At first, I felt guilty. I used a cheap trick to take advantage of this high schooler. If she were a normal girl, then what I did would be inexcusable. But she wasn't normal. After knowing what she almost did to me, and worse—what she did to those 6 girls. She had more than a little alcohol intoxication coming her way.

For the first time in my life, I truly despised a person. Normally, I'm a very forgiving person. But there was no forgiving this type of monster. If I did forgive her so easily, that would make me feel like an accessory after the fact.

I kept snooping through her phone while she kept drinking away. I couldn't be bothered enough to care.

She was running around her room, in nothing but her shorts. Her large breasts were bouncing around as she practiced some type of martial art. I'm not a professional or anything, but even I could tell that even through the haze of her drunken flightiness, she was quite skilled.

She held the bottle in one hand, while she jumped and twirled and kicked.

Frankly, it was freaking terrifying.

Really…REALLY terrifying.

If she so much as grazed me with one of those kicks, I would've needed a hospital.

How was she still able to move like that in her state?


One flying kick later and an expensive looking vase was knocked over and decimated.

She looked at the broken pile of porcelain and laughed. Her red face didn't contain an ounce of remorse. She broke it and then went back to drinking, singing, dancing, striping, and kicking.

"Sweet Lord. This girl is insane."

When the pizza came, she finally took a break from her acrobatic activities to eat something. She opened the door half naked. The delivery girl's eyes bulged, but she didn't say anything otherwise. Celeste snatched the pizza from her outstretched hands and then she threw a wad of money at the girl. Once the door was closed, she dove into the pizza. I ignored her. She seemed to have forgotten I was even there. That worked for me though. So, I'm not complaining.

There were some photos, but nothing as damning as the movies. A lot of selfies. There were some of her posing naked in front of the mirror. Some dick pics. Stills from her forest victims, and a few other things.

I forwarded everything I could get my little hands on to Kyah.

It wasn't up to me how she used this information. All I was sure of was that whatever Kyah had planned for this demonic high schooler was better than what she deserved.

After the alcohol, the dancing, and the pizza—she reached her limit. After a quick trip to the porcelain throne, she was out like a light.

It took me less than 2-hours from start to finish.

After deleting the evidence of forwarding her information to Kyah, I left her snoring on the bathroom floor as she hugged the toilet.

When I left the dormitory, I didn't want to head home. Those videos were still playing in my mind. I needed to clear my head. I felt dirty. I felt like I was the one that had done that to those poor girls.

"She's such a monster!"

As I walked into the night, I struggled but ultimately failed in stopping the empathetic tears from falling down my cheeks.