The Second Meeting Under The Moonlight

"Rhea deserves a medal."

Earlier, I started receiving messages from a phone number that I didn't know. After looking through the details, I quickly learned that it was from Celeste's phone.

The text messages between her and Crystal were funny. But it wasn't something that I hadn't already expected. Kristi was the number 1 bitch on the block. But that didn't mean Celeste and Crystal were happy with their Queen B. It was quite the opposite. Of course, neither of them would come out and say it. So, they talked about her behind her back.

Most of the talking was coming from Celeste's end. But every once in a while, Crystal would hit her up with her own mutinous words.

Their families were old friends. That didn't mean that the girls had to be friends, too.

The videos were shocking. There were 6 different videos that I received. Each was worse than the other. But they all had the same thing in common—rape.

It's impossible to say if the girls agreed to sleeping with Celeste beforehand, but that didn't matter. They all were screaming "No!" and "Stop!" multiple times throughout the videos. Each time, Celeste would laugh. She never stopped. By the end of each video, a girl would be left lying on the ground shaking, crying, and muttering to herself—her mind would be completely broken.

I recognized 2 of the girls from school. The other 4 didn't look familiar.

"So, that girl from the other night wasn't the first. She definitely won't be the last. Not unless I do something to stop her."

Let me reiterate—I'm not a superhero.

Hell…I'm not even a hero.

If anything, I'm just a normal(?) girl who was blessed by 2 gods and became a futanari vessel as a result.

Okay. Fine! I'm not normal! But that doesn't mean I need to act like I want to right all the wrongs of the world. The world is too large. I can't fix the world. But what I can do is right the wrongs that have been done to me.

If these videos showed me anything, it was that Celeste has been destroying the lives of multiple girls for years, and no one has ever reined her in.

I kept flipping through the things that Rhea sent me. When I got to the calendar, I felt like I hit the jackpot.

It wasn't difficult finding a reason to go after Celeste. She more than deserved it (by evidence of the videos and pictures). What was the most difficult was creating an opportunity to go after her.

The school was off limits. Her family was one of the 3 powerhouses that ran this place. If I attacked her here, there would be no chance of getting away with it without a miracle occurring.

Luckily, I now had a way in.

In her calendar, marked with a little kissy face was a name—Maria. Next to Maria's name were emojis of trees.

I didn't need to be Sherlock Holmes to crack that code.

What I thought was a randomly selected area of opportunity the other night, turned out to be her playground. It was the place she took each of the girls before she forced herself on them. Each of the videos took place in the same section of the woods. I knew that place. It was where I ran into her the other night.

If I understood things right, she planned on taking this Maria girl there tomorrow night.

"Looks like I'm off for a little moonlight stroll."

It was just after 1AM when I finished going through everything that Rhea sent. I was tired, so I went to bed.

When I woke up, the first thing I did was send Rhea a thank you text. She simply responded back with a "You're welcome."

I promised to meet her on Saturday. That didn't go over too well. She called me seconds after reading the text.

"What do you mean? You said I'd get to spend a day with you! I want to do that today. Please!"

"Uh…calm down. Believe it or not, I'm still a student. I have to attend classes. If I don't then I'll get in trouble. I'm sorry, but if you want to spend a day with me, it'll have to be Saturday."

"That's not fair." She did not sound happy. If she were there, I'd bet she would've been pouting in her little seductive way. She'd probably be looking up at me through those long thick eyelashes of hers, her tempting little body too much for me to resist. Man…I wanted her—bad!

But like I said, I have classes.

"I'm sorry. I promise to make it up to you. Okay? We can go out on a real date and everything. Deal?"

"Fine. In that case, I can't wait to see you."

"Same. It's only 2 days away. I'll see you bright and early on Saturday morning."

"Sounds good. I'll see you then."

After hanging up the phone, I got ready for my day.

"First things first. Breakfast."

The commissary was like it always was. There was a line. But at least it wasn't as crazy as the line during lunch. So, after waiting for a few minutes, I was finally able to pay for my food.

"Long time no see, Rain Woman."

At least, I thought that was what I was going to do.

It hasn't even been a week but it felt like a lifetime since I've had to personally deal with these assholes.

I turned around only to come face to face with the heiresses.

Kristi stood in the middle, with her arms crossed. Her red hair was up in a bun while her face was pinched in a mean glare.

Crystal stood to her left, her arms down at her side as she held a portfolio in her right hand. Her eyes were cold, but her face looked just as full of venom as Kristi's.

Celeste stood to Kristi's right. She smiled in a way that was in no way friendly. She looked like she wanted to stab me in the face.

Up until my transformation, they would never see me in the commissary. I'd get my food and I'd run as fast as my weak legs would carry me. But things were different now.

"Get out of our way, you little slut." That was Kristi. They never had to stand in line. They came in and their food was already prepared. The ladies behind the counter took great care to make sure that their 3 meals were prepared and ready to go at the designated times.

I didn't care so much about that though.

Instead of cowering, like the girls behind me in line were doing, I stood erect with my head held high. I calmly looked into Kristi's eyes before shifting my eyes towards Crystal and Celeste.

When they saw that I wasn't going to budge, they each gave me a wicked glare. I was sure that they'd love to take a swing at me. But after the other day, Kristi was a little gun-shy, which meant Crystal and Celeste wouldn't make a move either.

I simply smiled, and then turned and paid for my food—ignoring them completely. When I was finished, I turned back with a smug look on my face.

Kristi was boiling over. Her fists were clenched so tight that you could hear her knuckles creaking.

**God! Why is this bitch so defiant all of a sudden?!**

There it was again. I could hear Kristi's thoughts like she was screaming into my head. What the hell did this mean? Why could I hear Rhea and her? I couldn't do that with anyone else. So, why those two?

I'd hoped to get answers from Calypso. But if she knew them, she was being awfully cagey about it.

I walked away from the heiresses, with my head filled with questions. All around me, I heard girls whispering. They all knew how I was treated before. Everyone knew but no one, with the exception of Calypso, stepped forward to help me.

I didn't owe these girls anything. Let alone an explanation.

I ate my food in peace and then left. On my way out, I passed by the two girls who rooms were right next door to mine. They were roommates, so it wasn't strange to see them together.

When they saw me, their eyes grew large as their cheeks darkened.

"H-hi, Kyah." The bookish one with the dark frames and short curly hair was the first one to speak.

What was her name again?

"Hey…umm…Lexi, right?"

She nodded. "Yeah."

"And I'm Mira." The girl beside her was tall. She was taller than me. I'm pretty sure she played on the field hockey team.

"Okay. Well, hello. Have a great day."

We've lived next door to each other for the last 5-years. They've never so much as looked in my direction. I wasn't going to waste any time with them.

As I moved past them, Lexi called out. "Hey! Umm…do you want to hang out sometime?"

I almost missed a step. "Hang out?" I didn't even try to hide the shock in my voice. Since when did they want to hang out with me?

Then I remembered. They must've heard what happened between Rhea and I. We weren't exactly quiet about it or anything. I was sure the sounds of our rough sex filled them with all sorts of questions. They were probably curious. Maybe even a little turned on.

I smiled. It might be good practice. "Sure. How about sometime on Sunday?"

They glanced at each other before looking back at me and nodding.

"Alright. See you then."

I left the two girls behind me as I walked away smiling. I felt like my weekend was going to be a whole lot of fun.

But first I've got work to do. School work—then a little heiress bashing.

The night was quiet. I checked my phone again just to verify the time. Celeste's calendar said that she'd be meeting up with Maria at 11. It was now 11:35. Maybe I was wrong. Maybe this wasn't what that appointment meant.

I wanted to leave several times over the last 10-minutes, but I didn't. It wasn't like this was the type of thing that someone was overly punctual to. I leaned back against the tall conifer and closed my eyes.

Fifteen minutes later, I heard a rustling noise.

"What's back here?" Her voice was soft.

"Just my secret little get away. You're going to love it. Promise. Come on." Her voice was bubbly.

It was nearly midnight and Celeste and her prey finally arrived.

I skulked back into the shadows and watched as a bouncing ball of blonde energy dragged a slightly reluctant brunette behind her.

"It's pretty late. Shouldn't we head back to the dorms?" It was as if this girl could sense the Hell she was walking into.

I rolled my eyes. How is it possible for Celeste to coax these girls out here? Hasn't anyone ever seen a slasher flick? It's always the young hot girl, naked in the woods, who gets butchered.

Celeste didn't pay her any mind. "Don't worry about it. We're together. That's what you wanted right? You wanted to cozy up to me for your daddy's business, right?"

"Y-yeah. I just hoped that your family would consider working with him."

"Hmm. And what does your dear old daddy do?"

They were standing in the clearing. It was the same spot where I caught her last time. The fact that she came right back here after knowing that she was spied on before just shows that she's got a big pair of (metaphorical) brass balls.

Celeste wrapped her arms around the smaller girl's shoulders. Standing in front of Celeste, the girl, Maria, looked out of place. She was pretty. Don't get me wrong. As a matter of fact, her face was downright gorgeous. But next to that bubbly powder keg before her, she looked like a lithe shadow. Her body was the slim side of small. Her breasts were below average and her hips were almost non-existent. Still, she had this quiet charm about her that was appealing.

Feeling Celeste's body pressed up against hers, Maria's voice trembled. "He…umm…he works in logistics."

"Logistics?" Celeste backed her up against a tree. Her pretty lips pulled back in a comely smile. "What do you mean by logistics?"

"He's…umm a truck driver."

Celeste paused. Immediately after, she burst out in laughter. "Truck driver? Oh my God! That's hilarious! And you thought what? We were in such desperate need for a trucker that we'd bend over backwards to help his floundering business stay afloat? That's hilarious! Really! It's very funny!"

I could see the tears shining in Maria's eyes. I didn't know how desperate her situation was. Honestly, it wasn't really any of my business. But if she thought she found a sponsor for her dad's company she was way off.

"Okay. You're lucky you're cute or else I wouldn't even waste my time on helping him."

Maria's eyes lit up. "Do you mean that you'll help him?" That little shred of hope was like a light at the end of the tunnel. She desperately grabbed ahold of it with both hands.

"Hmm. I'll…consider it." Celeste's smile was as devious as ever.

"Consider it. I don't understand."

"Mmmm! I think you DO understand. Don't you, baby?" Celeste pressed her lips against Maria's.

I watched as Maria stood there frozen, her hands out at her sides like she was trying to catch herself from falling.

When she pulled back, Celeste held her chin between her fingers.

"If you want to help your father there's only one thing you can do now. Right?"

She was reluctant, but eventually, she nodded.

"Good girl. I'm sure you'll make your daddy proud." Celeste licked her lips and then stepped back, grabbing her phone out of her pocket. Then she started to record.

Maria stood there in a daze as Celeste walked around her with her camera trained on her body.

"Now strip for me. We're about to have some fun."