Subjugating The Blonde Devil

I closed my eyes and faced the moon. I heard the rustling of feet against the ground. That was Maria, desperately trying to escape. I heard the shuffling of a body against the soft grass. That was Celeste, trying to pick herself up.

We were so far into the woods that I couldn't even hear a car. The late-night insects were buzzing around, but none of them came to bother me. That one blow that I delivered was so cathartic that I almost fell into a solemn trance.

"I'm going to annihilate you." Her voice filled the air with venom.

I'll admit it. It was a cheap shot. But it's not like she didn't deserve worse. So, I didn't feel bad about it.

Now that it was just us, I waited for her to get her bearings. I was in no rush. This moment has been 6-years in the making. I planned on enjoying it and making every moment count.

Slowly, I breathed in and out. I expected my heart to be racing, but it wasn't. My heart and my mind were perfectly calm. I felt like a mountain, or better yet, I felt like a boulder standing firm in the middle of a rushing river. All the years of torment and suffering have weathered me, much like the water does to the boulder. It polished me. It eroded my weaker self. It broke me down until only the strongest of me was left standing. It made me impervious to change. It made me immovable. It made me invincible.

As I stood there with my eyes closed, Celeste finally stood up. I opened my eyes and glared at her.

"You?!" Her first words upon realizing that it was me who had struck her were filled with shock and general disbelief.

"Me." I responded in a nonchalant manner. I wasn't riled. I wasn't upset. I was matter-of-fact about the whole thing.

"You hit me? Will wonders never cease?" She was smiling. She's tough. She might look like a dainty little cheerleader, but she was more brawn than brain. She's been fighting professionally since she was 7-years old. My little tap on the cheek was nothing to her.

I calmly glanced at her exposed body. "Maybe, you should get dressed."

She looked down for a moment and then back up at me. Her smile grew even bigger. "Why? We're both girls. Besides, after I beat the snot out of you, you're going to take that girl's place. But don't think I'm going to be as nice to you as I was to her. You are REALLY going to get it."

I smirked. "Oh? Am I now?"

She was fearless. "You have no idea. I don't know what's gotten into you recently, and I don't care. You might've spooked Kristi, but I'm not even the tiniest bit afraid of you. Fuck! I've wanted to do this to you for years."

"Do what? Beat me up? A little too late for that, isn't it?"

Her laughter was low and quiet. It was like the far-off rumbling of thunder. "No. Not that. I've wanted to fuck you for ages. I can't believe it's taken this long to get you on your back."

"You really are a pervert. Aren't you?"

"Heh! You have no idea."

"Then why didn't you? Why haven't you tried to force yourself on me like you did that girl?"

"Why do you think? That little bitch Kristi wouldn't let anyone touch you. She loved to torment you. You were her special little project. But it looks like the little Medicine Woman doesn't know how to keep her head down and take her beatings like a good little doormat. I'm going to train you all over again. And after tonight…if you're still alive…you're going to be my own little fuck-bucket."

Wow. She's such a charmer.

I was getting ready to retort when she dropped her hips and propelled herself forward all in one go.

She was fast. She was powerful. She moved with masterful grace.

The me of a couple of weeks ago, wouldn't even have caught her moves. She reduced the distance between us, from 6 or 7-feet to nothing in the blink of an eye. Her leg was moving at an astounding pace as her shin came crashing into my shoulder.

Vessel or not. That blow was too strong. It nearly knocked me over. I took 2-steps back before I was able to stop myself.

I expected to be bruised and for my shoulder to scream out in pain.


It didn't hurt at all. If anything, it was like someone went all out and hit me with a pillow. The kinetic energy was dispersed when I moved back, but I wasn't actually hurt.

"Oh, my Goddess!" I thought. "Am I seriously invulnerable?"

While these silly thoughts danced in my brain, Celeste looked at me with a smug expression.

"That's was just a little love tap. Just a little greeting between friends. How'd you like it?"

From her tone, it was obvious that she thought she'd done some damage. Maybe she thought I was playing tough.

I decided to see just how much I could take.

I goaded her on, while glaring at her. "That was nothing, you weak-ass Barbie doll!"

"Weak?!" She was infuriated. "I'll show you weak!"

She flew forward again. This time she didn't stop after just one blow. It was a freaking blizzard of attacks.

The area was filled with the sounds of slapping and thumping as her limbs moved with deadly and precise accuracy. She attacked my legs, my chest, my face, my stomach, my shoulders, my head. Her speed was impressive, but it wasn't anything I couldn't handle.






Over and over again she attacked until she finally lowered her shoulder and tackled me to the ground.

I was on my back, watching her with a calm expression. She was so wrapped up in her little exhibition that she failed to notice that I took each and every one of her attacks, but never once did I cry out in pain.


It really didn't hurt. None of it. Not the kick to the solar plexus. Not the chop to the side of my face. None of it hurt me. Soon, I learned how to let my muscles absorb the impact so the energy was disbursed that way instead of from me moving.

It was a good training opportunity for me.

I grew curious as I wondered what this body of mine could really do if I put my mind to it.

Celeste's naked body was straddling me. She was huffing from the masterful display she'd just put on. Her face was brimming with life and excitement. She had a proud expression on her face that let me know that she'd thought she'd won.

"Now…what am I going to do with you, you little slut? I know. First, I'm going strip you naked. Then I'm going to shove so many rocks and sticks up your ass that you're going to need God in order to get it all out of you. After that, I'm going to fuck you. That's right. When you're writhing and screaming from pain, I'm going to fuck you so goddamn good. But first…" She placed her hands around my neck and started to squeeze. "…I don't like that defiant look in your eyes. So, I'm going to make you go to sleep. Nighty night!"

Her hands shook as she applied enough pressure to crush the larynx of a normal person.

Thankfully, I wasn't normal.

Her lips were pulled back from her teeth making her look slightly mad as her hands shook with the amount of force she'd applied.

"Is that it? Are you finished now?"

I wasn't loud. I didn't have to be. My calmly and steadily spoken words caused a look of shock to appear on her face and run through her body.

"H-how?…" She didn't finish asking her question. Instead, she leaned back, pulled back her right hand and balled it into a fist. "You little bitch! Eat this!"

Her abs and thighs clenched. Her hand that was still around my neck bore down. I watched in slight fascination as her right fist torpedoed towards my left eye socket.

"That's enough."

Like catching a slow pitch, I lifted my hand and caught her fist as it closed in. The look on her face was priceless. What I wouldn't give to be able to read her thoughts in that moment.

"You bitch!" She released my neck and tried the same tactic with her left fist.

The same thing happened.

Now I had both of her fists held tightly in my palms. I smiled. "Anymore tricks?"

She clenched her jaw so hard that I heard her teeth grind.

"No? Well then, I guess you won't mind if I had a turn. Right?"

With her fists in my hands, and her body sitting on top of me, I pushed her back.

It was easier than I would've thought possible.

"Wh-what?!" She struggled to stay in a position of dominance, but was easily toppled by me.

With her center of gravity shifted, I pushed myself up off the ground. As I was beginning to stand, she wrapped her ankles around the small of my back. I felt her legs squeeze down on my ribs. A lesser person would've had her ribs crushed or at least cracked by the amount of force Celeste was applying.

Luckily for me, I wasn't a normal person.

I stood in place like a loyal sentinel. I stared into her murderous eyes and didn't feel an ounce of fear.

"What are you?" Her legs were shaking. Any second now and she'd lose her strength.

I simply smiled. "I'm just your average every day girl. Nothing special about me."

"Bullshit!" Her legs finally gave in and she collapsed. I could've caught her but I thought, what the hell? Let her fall on her ass.

If the accompanying grimace was anything to go by, she hit the ground hard.

I stood before her and looked down at her like I was looking at an ant.

"How did you become so strong?"

"I eat my vitamins. Now, enough about me. Let's talk about you. Rather, what I'm going to do to you."

There was a slight trace of fear in her eyes. She'd given me her best moves and didn't even manage to put a dent in my armor.

"Go to Hell!"

"Oh! Scary." Slowly, I unzipped my hooded sweatshirt. "Let me tell you a little something about Hell. I've been there. I've lived there. Hell and I are old friends." I let my sweatshirt fall to the ground.

Next were my shoes. I had a pair of grey tennis shoes on. I slowly kicked them off as I watched her.

"Do you know who took me there? Do you know who introduced me to that Hell on Earth?"

Once the shoes were removed, I grabbed the hem of my t-shirt.

"You and your rotten friends. I've waited 6 long years for this day to come. I'm going to enjoy every sweet second of it."

As I pulled the shirt past my midriff and over my face, she attacked.

I'm not dumb. I knew what she was planning. The moment I couldn't see her, no matter how fractional the time was, she'd launch an attack at me.

Unfortunately, I'd assumed this would happen. So, I quickly released the hem of my shirt and brought my right hand back in a backhanded slap.

"Agh!" She was sent flying right back to the ground. She never even managed to touch me.

Calmly, I went back to removing my shirt. Once it was removed, I looked down at her. She was grimacing in pain and wasn't paying much attention me.

I took this moment to call forth my secret weapon. Heh!

All that was left were my bra, pants and panties.

I removed the bra first.

"You're lucky. You said that you wanted to get a taste of me. I've decided that you will get exactly what you wished for. Unfortunately for you, you're going to end up regretting it very soon."

She finally opened her eyes and looked at me. There was this salacious glare and smirk on her face. "I knew you were just a little slut. You probably have been itching for this. If you wanted me that bad, all you had to do was ask. I don't normally touch trash but I'd make an exception just once for you."

She licked her lips in a disgusting way and a part of me wanted to slap her once more. But I didn't. The whole pain thing wasn't really my forte. Besides, pleasure could be just as frightening.

Once the bra was removed, I hooked my fingers under my shorts, grabbing my panties at the same time.

I wanted to cherish this moment. I wanted to savor it.

"Oh…Celeste. Celeste. Celeste. You don't get it, do you? You still think that I'm here to get my rocks off. You're wrong. I'm here to punish you. And I know just how to do it. I'm going to break you. I'm going to break your mind like you've done to so many innocent girls in the past. When I'm done with you, you're not going to be anything more than a drooling cow."

The hatred was vivid on her face. "Just because you're a little tough doesn't mean you have shit on me, bitch. I could crush you with just 1 phone call."

"I'd like to see you try. I can't wait for it, honestly. But right now, let's get started on your punishment. You like it rough, right? Well, tonight you're going to get it rougher than you ever have before. By the end of the night, you're going to be calling me Goddess!"

It was at that moment, while the moonlight was shining on my perfectly bronze skin that I revealed my secret to one of my worst enemies. It was at this moment that I realized I was only one short stop away from my revenge on this mean debutante. Well debutante might not be the right word for what she was. Well, she was being introduced to a very particular society tonight…so I'll let it slide.

She was to be my first conquest. Rhea was a sweet girl and I cared for her, but I didn't conquer her. Our relationship was sweeter than that.

There was nothing sweet about what I planned to do to Celeste.

I pulled down my shorts and panties in one swift motion.

The moonlight illuminated my figure and her face all at the same time.


When she saw my body, she couldn't help but back away in shock. Her face was filled with a bevy of emotions: shock, fear, disgust, curiosity, anger, and confusion.

I smiled as I grabbed my hardened rod.

I stroked it slowly as I strode towards her naked figure.

"W-what are you? You're a…a…you're a man?!"

I smiled. Some things are best left to one's imagination.

"It doesn't matter what I am. What matters is that you're about to fall to this cock."

I stood over her and reached down. I grabbed a handful of her flaxen locks and pulled hard.

She screamed, "Ah!"

That was just what I wanted.

With her mouth hanging open, I shoved my hard cock right down her tiny throat.

She was mine and it was going to be delicious!

From miles around, all that you could hear was my voice as I screamed at her.

"Choke on it, bitch!"