Revenge Of The Futanari Vessel - Part 1

She struggled and fought. She pushed and kicked. She gagged and cried. None of it mattered. She couldn't push me away.

The pleasure I felt in that moment was slightly inhumane. But I had zero fucks to give.

I looked down at her and grinned. "It's different now. Isn't it? It's different now that you're on the receiving end. No one is going to come and rescue you. You're mine. So, open…WIDER!"

My bulbous cock pressed against the back of her mouth and was met with a tight little barrier. This wouldn't do. Clenching my hips, I forced my way deeper. Soon, I felt the sensation of popping as her throat opened up.

"Yeah! That's it!"

Once that happened, I really went to work. My cock forced its way inside of her throat and her body convulsed as she fought to control her gag reflex. Her stomach clenched over and over again as I roughly fucked her face. She tried to vomit over and over again, but couldn't because I was blocking the exit with my cock. Her jaw was being stretched out by me as tears and running mascara colored her face. I laughed. She looked like a blonde raccoon.

I rode her face until I had every inch of me shoved down her throat and my balls were flat on her face. We were illuminated by the moonlight. I towered over her, holding her head firmly as my hips slammed into her face endlessly. Her hands were on my thighs pushing ineffectively. The force from my pumping moved through her body until her plump ass jiggled in rhythm with the beating her face was receiving.

Ah! That was the life.

But all good things must come to an end.

I didn't have plans on killing her. So, when her body started to really convulse and her face turned an odd shade of maroon, I pulled out of her.

Her body struggled to take in air. Then she immediately emptied her stomach.

Honestly, it was kind of gross. But oh well.

I gave her a minute to catch her breath.

"Y-you fucking, bitch! I'm going to kill you for this!"

Even I was astounded when I heard her words. "Wow. You really don't have a sense of self-preservation, do you? I guess I'll have to go harder next time."

I walked towards her and she tried to scoot away. She held up her hand and begged. "No! Stop! I'm sorry. No more. I wasn't serious. I promise. Please, just let me go!"

I stopped. "Let you go? Are you serious? Did you ever let me go any of the thousands of times you and your little buddies ganged up on me? Did you let any of your other victims go? You never did. You're outside of your fucking mind if you think I'm going stop after things just started."

"No!" She screamed and tried to scramble to her feet. She was so panicked that she fell on her face before her feet were beneath her. But that didn't stop her from launching herself forward.

But could she get away?


No, she couldn't.

It took me less than 2-seconds to catch up to her.

I grabbed her as she struggled. I held her in a full-nelson as my rock-hard piston slid in between her thighs.

Being pressed up against her like this was actually kind of nice.

No…not in a romantic kind of way. But I've got to admit, she had an incredible figure. Despite how evil she was, the girl had one banging body. Her muscular thighs were soft and supple. Her ample breasts were perky and her upturned nipples were tiny and cute. Her plump backside was firm to the touch with just a little bit of jiggle. It gave new meaning to the term "cushion for the pushin'."

"S-stop…I can't breathe."

"So? Didn't you try to choke me earlier?"

"Th-that was different. I didn't hurt you."

"You tried to. It's not my fault that you're as weak as a baby lamb."

I kept sliding my meat back and forth between her thighs. As I did, it grew wetter with each stroke.

The little slut was getting off on this.

I released her, but she didn't run. I smirked. I grabbed a handful of her hair and roughly pulled her down to her knees.

"Ow! Fuck!" She yelled out in pain, but I didn't care.

"Open wide!" This time, I slapped my cock against her cheek. I slapped her hard enough for her face to distort. There was nothing about tonight that was going to be gentle. I wasn't making love to her. I wanted to break her.

With a look of surrender, disgust and aversion, she slowly opened her mouth. I went right back to stretching her throat.

This time I fucked her good and hard, not caring for her muffled cries.

It felt so good that I lost myself. I pushed her over onto her back as I humped her face repeatedly. It felt amazing.

When I felt myself reach that limit, I clenched.

"I'm going to empty this first load right into your little slut stomach! Swallow it all!"

I came buckets. It was like I wasn't just releasing my pent-up semen but years of anger, fear and pain in that one instant. And it felt freaking fantastic!

I heard her choking as I emptied myself inside of her but I wasn't finished. So, I kept going until my orgasm was over.

When I pulled out of her, her face was a mess. There was semen, saliva, tears and make-up mixed all together on her face, making her look like an absolute wreck.

She looked at me with pure rage burning in her eyes.

"You sick fuck! You're a sick fucking man. You know that?!" She was wiping her face with the back of her hand as she gave me a glare that screamed "if looks could kill".

I thought it was funny that she thought I was a man. Whatever. Nothing I could do about that.

She stood up and hobbled towards her discarded clothing.

"And where do you think you're going?" I asked.

She glared at me from over her shoulder. "Home."

I laughed. "You think I'm done with you?" I was holding my rock-hard cock in my hand. I was still brimming with life.

Her jaw hit the ground when she noticed. "You're not done?"

"Nah uh! I've still got more in the tank. Don't worry. I'll satisfy your slutty little inhibitions all night long."

Her knees started shaking as she backed away. "No. Please…no!"

It was too late for her to have regrets though. She should've thought of that before. Now she was mine.

I pushed her down on the ground and kicked her legs apart. Her face was in the dirt as I lied across her back.

"I'm good and hard, and you're nice and wet. I bet I'll slide right in."

"No! You're too big. You'll hurt me!"

I chuckled, "Didn't you threaten to shove a bunch of rocks up my ass? I'm not worried about hurting you."

"P-please…" Her voice suddenly lost all of its vehemence. It was in that moment that I knew she'd given up her power to me.

But that wasn't enough.

I wasn't here for cheap rewards. I was here for revenge.

"Holy Mary Mother of God!" She swore as loud as she could as I forced every fat inch of my rod inside of her tight and rich little pussy!

Her walls were squeezing the life out of me, but I didn't stop. With her face pressed into the turf, I gave her everything I had and more.

Her curvaceous body was mine to control. And I did it masterfully.

When I bottomed out inside of her and circled my hips, she moaned a little differently. She tried to stifle it but it was too late.

"Gotcha!" I thought.

I mercilessly attacked that spot over and over again until she couldn't help but squeal.

I felt her body tense as her walls rhythmically massaged my cock.

"Sh-shiiiiiiiiiiittttttttt!" Her cheek was against the ground, as her hands clenched, her fingers pulling out the grass. Her toes curled and her legs quivered. Her face was flushed as she came for the first time.

Once her orgasm subsided, she looked back at me. She looked exhausted. But I didn't care.

This time, I pulled at her hips until she was on all fours. Then I ravaged her insides like an animal. I still remembered that spot and gave it special attention.

Several minutes later…"Fuuuuucccccckkkkkk! Ah!"

Another orgasm.

I put her on her back, her legs on my shoulders. I watched as her messy face grew distorted. The pain her sensitive pussy was enduring was mixing with the immense pleasure I was giving her as I fucked her like no one ever had.

"Cumming! I-I-I'm cumming again!"

Another one.

I kept pumping her and she kept cumming. Over and over again. By the 5th orgasm, she was begging to ride me of her own volition. I saw no reason to not grant her wish. She climbed on top of me looking both cum-drunk and exhausted. But she still made it on top of me. She rode me like she was riding a bull. She was wild as she bounced around like a madwoman—screaming, crying, and begging for more.

"Please, let me cum again! Please!"

She was begging, which was funny because she was the one on top.

I lay back and watched her beautiful body bouncing up and down on my pole. What I wouldn't give to have an overhead view of this situation.

I lifted my hips in rhythm with her bouncing. Soon, I was stabbing her so deep that I wondered if she could taste it on the back of her tongue.


She came again.

She collapsed, but this wasn't the end.

Seven times!

Eight times!

Nine times!

By this point, she was practically running away from me. But she wasn't going anywhere. I had my foot on her face as I pile-drove her into submission.

"What's my name, you little slut?!"

"Goddess! Goddess! You're my fucking Goddess!"

I smiled. After she came from riding me, she started calling me her Goddess. She even tried kissing me several times. But I wasn't having any of that. We weren't making love. And she wasn't my girlfriend. I was fucking her into the ground and she loved me for it.

"Ooohhh myyyyy Goddddessssssss!"

It was time to break this chick. I buried myself inside of her and exploded my load directly into her womb.

She came harder than she ever had before. It was like if you combined the previous 9 orgasms and then pumped a load of steroids into it. She came so hard that she peed all over the ground. She came so hard that her eyes rolled into the back of her head. She came so hard that she stopped breathing for nearly a minute. She came so hard that the ground beneath her became a pool of drool.


That's what she sounded like when she came.

After I pulled out of her, I watched as some of my semen overflowed and ran down her pussy eventually dripping onto the ground.

Her face was pressed against the ground, as her ass and dripping snatch were up in the air. Her tongue hanged sloppily out of her mouth. It looked like she was licking the ground. She had an insane sort of smile on her face while her cheek twitched. Her eyes were glassy, and she was muttering unintelligible words.

She finally broke.

What a beautiful sight it was.




I decided to take a few pictures to commemorate the moment.

I left her collapsed on the ground and got dressed. Once I was finished, I looked down at her, it had been several minutes and she was still in the same position. She was still muttering and shaking. It was like she was having multiple mini-orgasms anytime the wind brushed against her body.

I looked up in the sky. It was a cloudless night. It was so pretty.

Underneath the full moon, I felt unrestrained. I felt like a weight had been lifted off of my shoulders.

Step 1 was complete. But I was nowhere near done with her. This was just a like taste. Nothing more.

I glanced at her. She was still in the throes of passion.

She'd be pretty useless for the rest of the night. Or was it morning?

I looked at the clock. Crap! It's almost 3AM!

"I guess I should head home. I have class in the morning."

I calmly walked away under the brilliant light of the moon. I felt at peace. I knew I would sleep like a baby until morning.