The Dog And Her Master

I should've known after what happened in the courtyard that things wouldn't remain this calm and quiet.

Okay. I'll admit that I was a bit naïve not to consider the possibility of another plot unfolding.

But in my defense, how was I to know that they'd come at me in the locker room?

When I exited the shower, I headed back into the locker room. Once inside, the first thing that stood out was that I was no longer alone.

"Ms. Open-Cloud, I presume." Standing in the aisle, next to the row of red lockers was a woman I'd never seen before.

She wasn't a professor here. She wasn't staff, either.

She was middle-aged. She had age lines around her lips and eyes. Her skin was a patchy blend of oily and dry. It looked tarnished from too much alcohol, maybe. It could've been stress, I guess. I don't know. She wore a brown blouse with tan slacks that let you know she didn't care much about her appearance. Her hair was in a messy bun. However, her eyes were sharp, like knives.

To top things off, she was wearing a shield around her neck and had a gun at her waist.

I stopped. I was only in my towel, which was securely wrapped around my chest and reach down to the middle of my thighs. I wasn't exactly dressed for the occasion. Then again, we were in a locker room. I was perfectly in my right to be walking around half-naked. She was the weird one.

"What can I do for you, Detective?" I tried not to get riled up. She'd come with a purpose. The fact that she surprised me right out of the shower, without anyone else present, let me know that she didn't come to chat. I had to be very careful with how I dealt with her.

Without preamble, she launched into charges. "I'm placing you under arrest for assault and battery, stalking, false pretenses, and rape. Come with me, please." Her voice was husky and no-nonsense. She reached behind her back in a practiced move and pulled out a pair of handcuffs.

I couldn't allow myself to be perturbed. I had to stand firm or this could go real bad real fast.

I looked into her eyes, "Who was it that I allegedly assaulted, stalked, lied to, and raped?"

She shook her head, "We have a witness that can place you at the scene."

"Do I have the right to confront my accuser?"


"So, I'm supposed to go with you based on your word? How do I know you're an actual cop?"

"Whether you believe it or not is of no consequence. You're coming with me."

"And you're taking me to jail?"


I paused. "Eventually? What do you mean?"

"Don't worry about it. Just turn around. Don't make any strange moves."

Was she serious? She wanted me to meekly allow myself to be handcuffed by a stranger who claimed she worked for the police. Allowing her to transport me to whatever back alley business deal she'd drummed up for herself? It was obvious where this was headed.

I'd spent years being victimized. At the time, I was scared and weak. I lived this way because I didn't think I had any other option.

Never again.

I will never allow myself to be the victim again and just grin and bear it just because a person of authority ordered me to.

I was a God-blessed vessel for the Goddess's sake! I wasn't some 110-pound girl soaking wet, who was nothing but skin and bones. I no longer had a persecution complex. I wasn't going to sacrifice myself to make those in power happy.

It was at that moment that I realized my enemies weren't just the heiresses. No. It went much bigger than that.

When all is said and done, this school is just a frog at the bottom of a well. The wider world was much bigger. The small things that happened here would only cause ripples in this part of the water. Once I climbed out of the well, I'd be able to see and participate in a much larger and more meaningful game.

My enemy wasn't the heiresses, it was everyone and anyone who would put me down for their own self-interest. If that meant I had to fight against the Gods themselves, I would do it. I'd crush anyone who looked to use me as a stepping stone.

I felt something in me change at that moment. It was subtle, but I still noticed. It was like a missing piece of the puzzle had come together in my psyche. Unfortunately, I didn't have time to investigate it. I had to deal with this charlatan first.

Without moving a muscle, I glared at the woman with the gun and handcuffs. My voice was full of sarcasm as I stood my ground. "It must be nice to be a kept woman, huh?"

"What do you mean?"

"I'm sorry. You're not actually a woman. You're nothing more than a dog on a leash. Your master points, and you attack. Right?"

Being called a dog didn't sit well with her, but I couldn't find a single fuck to give. It was obvious to me now that just like the girls from the courtyard, she was ordered by Celeste to take me down. That was why she was here. That was why my first stop after this wouldn't be the police station. Celeste wanted me dead and she was using this trained mutt of hers to do it.

"You've got a smart mouth, kid. It's going to get you in trouble one day." She was shaking. I could see the hatred and rage burning in her eyes.

But something so insignificant wouldn't stop me.

"Like I give a fuck about what you think. Piss off!"

She looked like she wanted to pounce on me and break me into a million little pieces. Man! I only said a few things and she's already this upset? Seems like someone has a guilty conscience. Huh?

No matter. If she attacked me, I wouldn't stand and take it. Whether she was a detective or not didn't matter. If she came at me with evil intentions, I'd tear her apart. I was done being a victim.

Right when the air grew charged from her aggression, I heard the sound of a mean yet slightly bubbly voice from the other side of the door.

"What's taking so long? Go in there and get that cross-dresser! I want to stomp on his stupid face!"

Celeste was there. As she spoke, her voice was getting louder until she was practically screaming at the door. A second later the door flew open.

Standing in the entrance was a blonde girl in a loose sweatshirt and spandex shorts. Her powerful legs were curvy and her hips were out of this world. She'd be a real killer if she wasn't so freaking evil.

When she saw me standing there in a towel, a look of evil delight fell upon her face. Behind her was the girl from 5th period and a few other people in dark clothes. Only Celeste and the girl from 5th period came inside. Everyone else waited outside.

In the locker room, there were 4 of us. 3 versus 1. But I wasn't afraid. All I had to worry about was the gun on the detective's hip. At this distance, I was certain I could approach and immobilize her before she even had a chance to draw her weapon.

Celeste glared at the detective, "Conners! What the hell is taking so long? I ordered you to bring the little bitch outside so that I can prove to everyone that he's a cross-dressing pervert! Why is he still standing here?"

The detective, whose last name was Conners, looked unperturbed. Once her master showed up, she placed a groveling expression on her face. "I'm sorry, Ms. VanWalters. I was just getting ready to handcuff him."

Celeste rolled her eyes. "Whatever! You're so fucking useless. I have to do everything myself."

She looked at me with hatred in her eyes. "Hey! You filthy pervert! I bet you thought you'd gotten rid of me, huh? Unluckily for you, I was just pretending. Nothing that you did felt good to me. Your little prick can't get me off!"

Umm…okay. That answers all the questions I didn't give a damn about. Thanks…I guess.

"I see that you're still pretending to be a girl. I'm going to expose you and show you off to the entire world. When I'm done everyone will know what a sick fuck you are. There'll be nowhere for you to hide your shame. When I'm done, you're going to be begging for my forgiveness. But I'm not going to give it to you. I'm going to watch as the world judges and despises you. I can picture it now—High school pervert infiltrates an all-girls school. News at 11! Ha! It's perfect." She glanced over her shoulder and looked at the girl from 5th period. "Lily! Start the recording."

She nodded, "Yes, ma'am."

She pulled out a cell phone and trained it on me.

Celeste walked forward with a dark glee alighting her expression. "Let's see how you get out of this one you fucking pervert!"

She turned and looked into the camera. "Last night, I, Celeste VanWalters, was attacked and raped by this person standing behind me. He has been pretending to be a girl for the last 6-years as he infiltrated our honorable all-girls institute. He used his superior muscle mass to force himself upon me. But I'm going to expose all of his lies. I'm going to show you that this sort of animal should not be tolerated. He should be vilified! He should be exterminated! Now standing beside me is Detective Marsha Conners, who graciously accepted my request for protection. Once I expose him to the world, Detective Conners will arrest this miscreant and we'll let the Law and public opinion handle this disgusting pervert!"

She turned and glared at me, feeling so proud of herself. From her expression, you'd think that she felt like she'd just won an Oscar or something.

I didn't say anything. This would actually be fun to watch. I didn't want to spoil the surprise ahead of time.

She stomped towards me and held up her hand. Her lips were pulled back in a wicked smile as she whispered, "You thought you'd have the last laugh, you fucking cross-dresser! But look at you now! It just goes to show that you should've stayed in your fucking lane! But you went and crossed me. Now I'm going to take everything from you!"

She grabbed the towel where it was cuffed right beside my breast and pulled it powerfully with an exaggerated flourish.

Without looking, she stepped to the side, a resplendent smile on her face as she yelled, "See for yourself world! Look at this cross-dresser in all of his nakedness and shame!"

The room was deathly silent. When she thought she'd get at least a response from Lily or Detective Conners, she got nothing. She looked at both of them. They were both staring at her with mixed expressions. There was a little shock. A little confusion. A lot of embarrassment. And some regret.

She finally picked up on the silence and their accompanying expressions. She looked between them both. "Wh-what's the matter?"

Lily put down the phone. "Umm, Ms. VanWalters, look behind you."

"Huh? Behind me?"

Celeste turned with exaggerated slowness. Her face was filled with confusion. When she saw me, she looked into my eyes and noticed that I wasn't the least bit afraid or worried. Her eyes trailed down my body until they stopped, just below my exposed midriff.

"H-h-h-how is that…how is that…HOW IS IT POSSIBLE?!"

There I stood, in all of my naked glory. Over 5 1/2 -feet of pure woman!

She was staring at where my penis should've been and didn't see anything but my vagina.

The look of shock was priceless. I mean really funny!

Inside, I was rolling on the floor in laughter. It was so worth it just to see her expression at that moment.

She shook her head. "No! No! That's not possible. You're a man! A man! I saw it! You fucked me with your big fat cock! You're a man!"

She was quickly devolving as she threw the towel on the ground and started pulling at her hair.

She kept repeating, "You're a man! I know it! I know you're a guy! Where is your cock? Huh? Where is it?"

She was shaking. Her mouth was hanging open and drool was starting to come out. She was pulling blonde hair from her head in clumps. It would float in the air temporarily before she immediately began to pull at her hair again.

"You're a man! You have to be! It wasn't a dream. It wasn't! You came inside of me! I sucked your dick! What's happening? Where did it go? Where'd your cock go? You're a man! You're a man!"

She fell to her knees as she continued mumbling to herself. I watched her devolve with a smile in my heart. This was what I wanted. I wanted her completely lost and broken.

I never thought that last night would be enough. It was only the beginning. But from the looks of her, she only needed a few more pushes in the right direction.

Suddenly she shot up and grabbed me.

She screamed, "Tell me where it is? Where's your cock?!"

Her voice was loud enough to wake the dead. At that moment, several women, dressed in dark clothing, entered the locker room. When they saw Celeste in her distressed state, two of them came forward and pulled her away.

She was kicking and screaming. "No! Let me go! He's a man! Can't you see? He's a guy! He's got a dick and everything!"

She was getting violent as she scratched and punched at the women holding her down. The women were able to turn her over onto her stomach as a third woman approached with a needle and quickly jabbed it in Celeste's throat.

A few heartbeats ticked by and Celeste became motionless.

I watched as the three women picked her up with exaggerated care and carried her limp body out of the locker room.

All of this happened rather quickly. As they were leaving, Detective Conners and Lily sneaked out with them. I didn't care. My target at the moment was Celeste.

I closed my eyes as I felt my blood rumbling.

When I was alone, I whispered, "Get some rest, Celeste. Because I'm going to be coming for you tonight."

Her money may allow her a lot of benefits. But it won't save her from me.

Nothing was going to save her from me!