
BamBam was crying. In HIS arms.

Kim Mitzuki didn't know what the hell to do. Mitzuki had assumed BamBam was here to drag him (albeit kicking and screaming) back to Izuka Yang but the next thing he knows is that BamBam's crying on his shoulder and squishing him in the tightest hug. 'Why is he crying on me?' he thought confusedly.

"BamBam? Hey, uh, what's wrong?" Mitzuki tentatively lifted his arms and hugged the older, rubbing his back to try and ease the pain the other must have been feeling. 'If I let him get it out he might feel better and I can get some answers.' He thought, rubbing the others' back in long calming movements.

"Let it out, you'll feel better when you do." Mitzuki was, by nature, a deeply caring person and his need to take care of someone who was hurting took priority over his own feeling of needing to get as far away as possible from one of the people who had previously hurt him badly.

"I'm sorry, Mitzuki, I'm sorry I left but he knew... He knew something about me and threatened you, so I left. I left you alone with him and I'm so, so sorry. I should 've taken you with me, should have just packed you up and taken you when I left there. I'm sorry, I--" The heart-aching tears had slowed now and the pink haired male was trying to explain something but not being particularly forthcoming with anything except apologising to one puzzled brunette.

"BB. Stop. Look at me," Mitzuki took BamBam's cheek in his palm and looked him in the eyes.

"Slow down. Stop apologising for a minute and explain from the start, you're confusing me. I don't even know what you're saying sorry for." BamBam's shocked eyes opened wide at his comment and he backed out of the embrace,

"You - you don't remember?" Ice blue eyes probed chocolate brown orbs, he was shocked at the revelation that the person he left behind didn't seem to remember he had left.

"You really don't. What did he do to you?" the pinkette's brow creased.

"Ha. Haha. Hahahahahaa. Yang. Izuka Yang? You want to know what He did to me? It'd be quicker to ask what he didn't do to me." Mitzuki let out a crazed laugh and pushed BamBam roughly from him before standing and lifting his hoodie and tee-shirt over his head, dropping it on the floor; baring everything from the waist up with his arms straight out to the side he turned in a slow circle.

The pinkette saw dozens of scars marring the once pristine skin of the man he was (still) in love with. There were cigarette burns, twisted scars from slices, others that weren't anything but stab wounds. There were marks that could have been points of electrocution, bullet holes and other scars that looked like he'd been branded. When the light-brunette spoke again his voice was so cold that the older male shuddered with the sharp-edged hatred it contained.

"This, BamBam. This is what Izuka Yang and his boys did to me. This is the final result of four years with him up until a year ago when I finally grew enough balls to leave him after he beat me for the last time. He broke my ribs, my legs, my arms, a shoulder, my pelvis and my heart. I have scarring in so many places you'll never see and I'll never say. I died BB. I DIED. He literally fucking killed me and had me resuscitated. Do you have any idea how bad that fucking hurts or what it does to you? I've died so many times that I don't even know. I wished he would just kill me. Every time I thought it couldn't get worse - it did." Brown eyes that'd become impossibly more empty met iced blue,

"He cut me, poisoned me and drugged me. He starved me, raped me, sold me to his friends and then let them rape me. YOU yourself took advantage of that." He spat venomously,

"So why do you care now? A year later? Or is it just that I'm unlucky enough that I've been tracked down and you'll try to take me back? If you don't remember pinning me with a katana and fucking me half to death then I don't know what's going on. You've been his loyal dog since the beginning and if I do remember right the only favour you ever did me was pretending you didn't see m-- MMHPHHMMM" BamBam shoved his hand over Mitzuki's mouth to stop him speaking.

"SHUT UP! JUST SHUT UP FOR A MINUTE!" He shouted to make Mitzuki be quiet so he could absorb what he'd heard and seen. Staring at the boy whose mouth he'd just covered his own eyes had taken on an understanding and started to explain himself. Taking a breath and he began to speak quieter.

"Mitzuki I don't think you understand. I couldn't have been there with Izuka Yang because I left Qīpiàn City three and a half years ago. I left because Izuka found out I'd fallen in love with you. I don't know how he found out but he threatened to kill you if I stayed because he knew I would try to fight for you, that I would take you away if he hurt you again. I knew how bad he could get and I wanted to take you away from him. I threatened to take you and leave. Izuka threatened your life. The fucking bastard described to me in detail how he was going to kill you if I didn't leave. So I left. I left to protect you and you... Now you're telling me I took part in whatever that fucker's been doing? No. Hell no. Fuck no. You don't understand when I say I'm in love with you." Mitzuki stilled and a shocked look landed on his face.

"MMPHT?" The brunette shook his head, then gently taking the hand over his mouth he pulled it off and held it loosely in his own.

"You... You l-loved me?" The pink haired male shook his head,

"No. Love. I love you. I fell in love with you and I never stopped falling 'Zuuki." The youngers mouth formed an 'oh' but the sound didn't leave his lips, like it was caught in his throat.

"I thought I'd never see you again, but-" BamBam was interrupted,

"But I'm here. And you're here. And now I'm confused as fuck,,, because,,, if it wasn't you then who was it, BamBam? Who was it that has your face, your voice, your body? Who is it that did that shit to me without regret? Tell me BB - if it wasn't you then who was it?" Tears could be heard in Mitzuki's voice in the thickening of his accent, his grip tightening their hands. The pink haired male shook his head slowly.

"I don't know. And I'm sorry I don't know. I'm sorry I wasn't there to help you or to stop any of this. I'm sorry I didn't take you away and I'm sorry I didn't come back for y--"

"Stop! Stop it! STOP saying you're sorry! I can't listen to it anymore!"

"I-- You know what? Nevermind. You don't wanna hear my apology or explanation. I'll just leave." BamBam roughly yanked his hands out of Mitzuki's, loosely swiping at the liquid falling from his blue eyes, he slowly backed away. Turning to leave the room he spotted the book on the floor so he picked it and the pen up, straightened the book out and placed them carefully on the desk near the door.

Pausing for a moment but not bothering to turn around, he said something that struck Kim Mitzuki in the heart. In a husky, choked voice he whispered,

"Just so you know, you're one of the lucky ones. You survived that bastard. I'm happy for you and I... I'm sorry for everything. I won't bother you anymore, I'll see myself out. See ya 'round Kim."

BamBam walked out the door and closed it quietly behind him, leaving Mitzuki with the roaring silence of his own thoughts.

------- ------- -------

BamBam closed the door quietly and pressed his head against the door for a moment because letting the tears fall that he couldn't let go of in front of the man he'd loved for almost six years was a sign of weakness to him; now, a never-ending stream streaked down his face as if it were a race to get to the bottom, his sobs silently choking him. He exhaled shakily and made his way down the stairs back to Eijirou and the questions he knew would be asked. Wiping the tears from his face and putting on a fake smile he walked back to the bar where the cheerful bartender was making coffees and waiting tables.

"Yo, Jinhong! Let's have that drink tonight after all, yeah?" He called in a shaky voice, making the brunette look to him curiously, his brows furrowed because he could sense something off. BamBam was different from when he'd gone upstairs a few hours ago, upset.

"Sure, bro. Is Kim okay?"

"Yeah. Yeah, Kim Mitzuki is just fine. Peachy, even. And he can go to hell. Gotta admit he looks hell of a lot better than last time I saw him. Come to my place after ya shift, yeah? Hit me up when you're on your way. Please?" The dark brunette's eyebrows went up. Yep. Something wasn't right... Since when did his pink haired friend say please?

"Bro! You didn't tell me you knew Ki-"

"Just... Shut up. I'll catch you later bro." BamBam mock saluted Eijirou, a gesture that definitively ended all conversation as he slipped out the door letting it slam behind him.

"BamBam. BamBam! BB, wait up you fucker!" Eijirou's head snapped toward the young male as he shouted across the bar-room. Rushing down the stairs two at a time chasing the pinkette like his pants were on fire, the brunette's eyes were red like he'd been crying and he seemed a little out of it still.

"What the fuck?" he whispered to himself as his shy friend bolted past him and skidded out the door. He slid his mobile out of his pocket and made a phone call.