Let Me Tell You A Tale

3rd Person P.O.V.

With a nod from the waiter that the bill had been settled by Lan Yibo already BamBam looked at Eijirou for help and he obliged by shuffling the unconscious light brunette out from the booth. The dark brunette sighed,

"I had a feeling Lan Wuxian would serve him alcohol. With how wound up Mitzu has been over his ex... I mean, it's coming up to the one year anniversary when the Lan's found him and he's been getting more skittish the last couple of weeks. What happened to him BamBam? What did his ex do to him that left Kim so broken?" BamBam shook his head,

"I... I don't know. From what he's said it mainly started after I lef-"

"Then why the hell didn't you take him with you? You claim to have loved him so much, why did you leave him?" Eijirou interrupted and BamBam could only look at the floor.

"I need to talk to him first, I'm sorry Jinhong. I don't kno-"

"Forget it." The waiter disregarded the apology, staring a hole through the pinkette. Another sigh came from the dark brunette.

"Look. Just... You've got my key. Take him up to his room. Stay with him until after he wakes, make sure he has some Nurofen and Powerade or something okay? He'll feel like shit for at least an hour after he wakes with the two cups of Emperors Smile he had," a small smile crossed Eijirou's face,

"That guy cannot hold his liquor but Wuxian's favourite is like Mitzu's kryptonite. Anyway. Look after him for me yeah? I'll catch you later." With the last comment the waiter walked away, taking everything back to the bar to be washed.

* * * * * * *

Kim Mitzuki P.O.V

My head is throbbing. It feels like I've been hit by a semi - at least it's dark in my room now. 'Wait... oh, fuck me. I drank Lan Wuxian's liquor again. Gotta stop getting myself into this. Ugh. Eijirou must have brought me back up again.' I thought to myself and groaned as I flopped onto my back.

"Eiji, th' painkillers please?" I slurred. I heard a hum and feeling the painkillers placed in my hand, I popped them in my mouth, 'since when are his hands this soft?' I thought and listened as he opened the drink for me. I kept my eyes closed as he helped me sit up enough to have a drink and swallow the pills. Laying back on the pillows I sighed.

"Thanks man, what would I do without you bro? Y' know, you're always here for me and looking after me when I drink and listening to me waffle on about how much I like BamBam. It's a relief to be able to say his name out loud now that I know he's not one of the bad guys, that he wasn't one. You always give the right advice bro, but what do I do now that he's here? Like, do I let him in my life or do I tell him to leave? I mean, I don't even want him to leave. I'd forgotten how pretty BB is and how pretty his eyes are when they sparkle when he laughs, and his ass... Fuck, his ass is so... I just wanna... ya know? I can't believe I thought it was even him that was there with... well, Him... Wait, I can't tell him to leave because it will only end up with me pining over him and I'll drive you bonkers with how much I should have tried to make something of the chance the fates are giving me by bringing him back in my life, but I jus-"

Hearing a soft laugh that absolutely did not belong to my brilliant and outgoing friend I cracked my eyes open a bit searching for the sound. Then I slapped my hands over my big mouth as my eyes landed on the softly faded pink hair that definitely did not belong to one Jinhong Eijirou. My cheeks caught fire and I choked on air.

"Holy Shit!! You're not Eiji! What are you doing here?! And why didn't you stop me from talking so much? MMPPFFT!" A hand covered my mouth to stop the words flooding out and causing me to make a torrential idiot of myself.

"Why would I want to stop you? You were listing all the things you like about me." The pink haired male I was just blabbering about had the corner of his lips pulled up in a pretty curve and his iced blue eyes were sparkling with amusement at how much I was just letting my imagination take me away with my words.

"So, you think I'm pretty? Is that pretty handsome or pretty hot?" he laughed and the sound made me smile in response. I pulled the blanket over my face in an attempt to hide my embarrassment,

"Fuck me! You could have said something to shut me up earlier!" I shouted in mock anger before wincing at the loudness of my own voice.

"Ugh! Damn, that hurts. Remind me not to yell when I have a hangover." I curled up into the foetal position and watched as his lips curved up again,

"I'd love to fuck you anytime babe. And nah I won't shut you up, I'd rather listen to you talk about how pretty I am. What else do you like about me? I heard it from your drunk self earlier but what about your sober self, well, your hungover self anyway?"

"I walked into that didn't I? Y' asshole," I muttered. Completely sure I must be the colour of a ripe tomato by now I felt like I'd made a huge mistake saying everything I did in front of him. I'd thought I was speaking to Eijirou and speaking my mind without much thought to it, letting my heart run out of my mouth.

"Please forget I just said all of that. Fuck it, I'm so embarrassed." I groaned. The sparkle of his eyes dimmed a little though the smile remained, his voice was soft and calm and a little playful. He ran a hand carefully through my hair, smoothing it down and placing a kiss to the back of my hand he asked with curiosity,

"Why do you want me to forget what you said? I thought I'd made it clear enough that I feel the same way about you. If you give me half a chance I want to prove to you we could be good together, you know, as a couple? If that's too much for now, then I'm happy to start out as your hot piece of ass bodyguard. As long as I can be around you is all I'm asking. Will you give me a chance to prove to you we could be good together? You don't have to answer now but will you think about it?" A hopeful glimmer shone in his eyes as he waited patiently for my answer.

I closed my eyes and exhaled a long breath of air. It was time for me to come clean about the way I felt even though, knowing my drunk ass self, I probably broadcast it to the entire bar after the Emperors Smile I drank.

"BamBam, I do. I want you so much. I think I started falling in love with you not long after we met, I was only fifteen or sixteen I think. I was with Izuka Yang at the time and I thought in the beginning that what I felt was just some silly school-girls crush, ya know. You being the only person He trusted to be close to me that I spent time with. I guess He knew me better than I knew myself. He was selfish and possessive and didn't want to share me, He didn't care that you loved me since it meant you would protect me. The real reason He sent you away wasn't because you loved me but because I was falling in love with you too and He knew it" I watched BamBam's reaction carefully as I said this. He was sitting next to the me as still as a statue but there was no reaction while he processed what I'd explained about him leaving; not the fact I'd known he had left (because I didn't) but that I'd known he loved me all along.

"You... What? Huh?" BamBam stuttered, confusion clouding his handsome features. I raised the hand he wasn't holding and traced my fingertips over his furrowed brows, trying to erase the tension before I let my fingers slide over his clean shaven face and resting my palm against his cheek. My voice was soft now, almost a whisper as I continued, explaining the reasons behind what I'd said.

"He knew I was falling in love with you. I think He made you leave because He didn't want me to leave him. I was his prize trophy boyfriend and He replaced you with someone who looks enough like you that when he'd drugged me and set your look-alike on me... I think He hoped I would grow to hate you."

A sad smile curved my lips as the painful memory came back to me. I'd forgotten about it until just now. Izuka Yang had told me that he sent BamBam away, because he had been fool enough to love me. He'd bribed someone to spike my drink then when I was affected enough to let him near me I'd been injected with something else on top of GHB.

He then proceeded to beat me and have his crew of slimy maggots burn me, hit me, choke me and, for the first of many times, He rented me out like a whore for the pleasure of watching me for hours being tortured, cut, fucked with whatever they could get their hands on and raped. This went on in its various forms for so many more endless nights. It became His motto; to see how badly He could fuck me up or have me fucked up without killing me.

But then he did kill me, he injected too much of something and stopped my heart. He simply paid someone to start it beating again.

My potentially lucrative career as a male model went down the drain as Izuka Yang beat, bruised and scarred every part of me that wasn't my face or hands; from just above my wrists up to my collarbones, my torso, my legs, my back...

Every part of me was a mess. My heart and spirit also being the victim of his crimes, his torture and his abuse.