I woke up with the Queen still asleep on me, a calm smile came to my face to which I slapped myself for. I looked down at her. She looks so peaceful and adorable too, like a child. Suddenly a butler came into my room and tripped on the carpet, falling. He stood quickly and waved.
"Hello- I'm- the butler and I'm here to get the laundry?" He said, clearly unsure of himself. I tilted my head at him. He flinched at my gaze like I was a monster of some kind, and smiled nervously. This kid looked a bit younger than me, but why was he working in a castle, it'd be easier to work at a gas station.
He took a step back before tripping again. I lifted the Queen to lay on a pillow, and got up.
The butler sat up as I walked over and held a hand out to him.
"Im- Allie-" I said and he grabbing my hand, getting up. He smiled at me and shrugged,
"I'm Connor, nice to meet you."
I nodded and smiled to him a bit.
"Nice to meet you too Connor." I said when the Queen sat up and sneezed. We both looked over and the Queen yawned then fell back asleep. Connor laughed quietly and smiled.
"I'm new here, how about you? Are you just visiting?" He said. I shrugged,
"I'm new, and no, I- was bought." I said quietly. Connor tilted his head at me curiously,
"You were 'bought'?" He said. I nodded and looked at him.
"At an auction, a slave auction, for 200,000 dollars." I whispered. Connor's eyes widened and he suddenly hugged me. I stood there super confused. Why was he doing this? It was normal for people to buy and own slaves. Or maybe it was my cost he was surprised at? I was surprised too, I'm not worth that much.
He hugged and looked at me,
"I'm so sorry, slavery is so cruel!" He said. I wondered if he saw what the king did earlier, was he actually sorry for me? Or was he just faking? I looked at his black eyes and felt like he was sincere, he was sorry for me. He looked at me and smiled,
"If you ever need someone to talk to, I'm always here! But- I need to take your laundry first!" He laughed. I laughed quietly and pointed to the basket the maids had put my clothes from yesterday in. He went and took the basket out of the room, and said on his way out,
"I wish they had laundry shoots in every room." I laughed.
This guy, Connor, he seemed like a friend, a good friend, my first friend.