WebNovelBow To Me63.64%

Chapter 5

I shut the door and looked over at the Queen. I looked around my room and then went over a towering book shelf, and started looking qt the books. I took a book off the shelf and opened to find I didn't know the language the book was written in. I sighed and looked in a few more books, none of them were in English. I went back to my bed, and stood over to Queen, looking at her.

I felt nervous when the door creaked open, I turned to see the king looking at me from the doorway. I backed away from him quickly as he came closer. When he ultimately got to me, he grabbed me by the waist and threw me on the bed. The Queen woke up as the king crawled on top of me. She sat up and watched us when the king then crawled on top of her instead. The king pulled her dress off before kissing her neck, I watched nervously as I slowly got off the bed.

The king suddenly grabbed my wrist and pulling me back on the bed. He was already inside the Queen when he stuck his finger up my dress and started fingering me. I laid there in silence as the Queen moaned. I could tell the queen's moans were fake, but the king clearly couldn't, not that he would care.

After barely 5 minutes of this the king got off the bed and fixed his trousers. I sat up quick and pulled my dress down. The Queen quietly got under the blankets and came back out when the king left. She looks up at me, laying there, I looked back at her without saying a word. She crawled up to me and looked me in the eyes, I couldn't fight looking at her gaze which now intoxicated me. I felt as though she was peering into my soul completely.

She suddenly laid her head in my lap and just stayed there. I watched her, and felt my body getting hot again. The door suddenly locked and I looked over at it, there was no one there. I looked down at the Queen and then she looked up at me, and then over at the door, confused.

"The door only locks from the inside-" she whispered so only I could hear. I quickly pushed her under the blanket and whispered,

"Get dressed." She hid under there and I hesitantly got off the bed and began looking around. I walked over to the bed again to look under it when the front of my ankles were suddenly slashed with a knife. I fell backwards onto the floor and held my ankles, 2 women got out from under the bed. The brown haired woman kicked me in the stomach while the white haired one jumped on the bed and pinned the Queen while she was still under the blanket. The white haired women abruptly held the blanket over the queens face so she couldn't breathe. I stood up when the brown haired woman kicked me down. The Queen started wailing and kicking, attempting to free herself from the woman's grasp. I stood up again when the brown haired woman kicked me down again, this time more near the fireplace.