Hana went to the comfort room and made sure to lock the door behind her. She looked at her pale face, tainted with bright red blood.

She washed the handkerchief with water and wiped it on her face. Blood kept running out of her nose and she let it drop on to the sink freely. She continued to wipe her face clean but two rivers of blood still flowed out.

'Knock! Knock! Knock!'

"Hana? Are you alright?" It was Jacob who was waiting outside the women's comfort room again.

Seeing the blood on the sink and the bloody handkerchief, she was thrown into panic and didn't know what to do.

"Are you being a pervert boss? Why do you always follow me in the ladies comfort room?" Hana attempted to crack a joke while cleaning her face again and again.

"Don't make fun with me, you idiot! I am just worried. But it seemed that you are fine since you can still joke." Jacob hesitated for a moment but in the end, he chose to leave her alone. "Come out soon. Customers are getting bigger."

"Yes boss! I'll be there in a minute. Wait for my beauty to appear! Got it?" Hana yelled from inside the comfort room. She sounded really silly but only she knew how awful she looked inside.

She blew her nose to remove the excess blood before it would get stuck inside her nose. She cleaned her face again and again, to make sure that no stains can be seen on her face.

After making sure that she's all good, she went out of the room and went to her brother who stood up from his seat upon seeing her.

"Are you okay?" he asked immediately but she only snickered at him.

"Who's fault was it again? Tsk! I threw the handkerchief in the comfort room. It's useless to bring such dirty item at home. You've got tons of handkerchief anyway so a single loss won't matter."

"I won't anger you anymore. How much is this magazine? I'll just pay for it." Adam asked with dejected expression. He just wanted to see her at work but he cause her discomfort instead.

Hana went to the counter and called out Jacob. "Hey boss! That customer wanted to pay for the magazine." Hana pointed her pouty lips towards Adam.

Seeing that they hadn't reconciled yet, Jacob sighed helplessly. "No need to ask for a payment. It's not that expensive."

"No boss! You have to let him pay." Hana insisted and threw a glare at her brother.

Lily who had been watching on the side couldn't help but save Adam. "Why are you making things difficult for him? He just wanted to check on you and if you didn't grab the magazine, it wouldn't be ripped apart. You shouldn't treat you brother like that."

Jacob nodded his head, too. "I agree with Lily. You should not treat your brother like that." He mumbled towards her. "Eh? He is your brother?" Realization hit him too late and his reaction was rather unexpected to everyone.

Why was he so shock to know Adam's identity? No one can answer that aside from the boss himself.

"What did you think my relationship with that idiot? Boss, don't tell me you think he is my boyfriend?" Hana asked with horrified expression. She looked at her brother and looked at her boss again. "I won't date a handsome man like him. His face spells trouble. I'd rather date a man like you boss."

"Wow! She's really brave and straight forward!" the customers exclaimed while watching her current situation.

"Is she being real or is she playing a prank on the boss." her colleagues couldn't help but wonder. Ever since she arrived, she would always retort whatever their boss said. She would always find a reason for her mistakes and she would always find a way to sketch him.

What was more surprising was that their boss didn't reprimand her at all. There was even a time that he smiled!

Jacob turned around to get back to his work, ignoring her statement because he didn't know what to say. He noticed that there were times that he couldn't fathom her way of thinking at all. He couldn't even tell if she was being serious or was doing it for fun.

Another worrisome issue was that, his heart would skip a beat whenever she smiles at him. He felt like there were just the two of them in this world whenever she smiles. It was a very troublesome matter!

"So, I don't have to pay for the magazine?" Adam inquired but his sister stepped on his shoes instead.

"You have to. It will be deducted from my salary if you won't pay for it." Hana commented making her colleagues chuckle. She was really something. She was even asking her brother to compensate for something that she was at fault.

Adam walked to the counter and handed the bill. "Sorry for causing trouble. Please don't deduct my sister's salary. Here's the payment for the magazine and for the food."

Hana took the money and checked the magazine's price at the back cover. She added it with his dessert and drinks and handed the bill to Jacob.

"Here's the payment." Hana handed the bill to her colleague and left to continue working.

"I think she's a spoiled daughter who's trying to learn how to work." one of the customers whispered to her friends.

"I bet you. I felt sad for the boss to have an employee like her."

"Oh! You don't know! One of my friends told me that she saw her sketching the boss secretly at the park. A week later, she saw her working in this cafe. I think she's a stalker!"

"That's scary. I wonder if the boss knew about that?"

"If I were the boss, I will fire her immediately."

Hana heard them loud and clear but when she passed by their table, she only smiled at them like nothing happened. She won't let anyone's judgement rule over her life.