Hana bit her lower lip to stop herself from saying something rude to her boss. At the same time, she also wanted to be honest with her opinion.

They walked a few more minutes before she finally decided to answer his question. "I also thought you were cold. That was my first impression of you. And I thought you were kind and thoughtful when you asked me how I was doing inside the comfort room when I had a nosebleed. It happened twice. Recently, I thought you were stupid and judgemental. That was when you told me I was just flirting. My opinion changes a lot of time, depending on how the person would act towards me." Hana stated without pausing or stopping mid-sentence. She wanted him to know what exactly she thought before he could say something.

Jacob walked beside her. His mouth was opening-closing, undecided as to how he can retort her statement. He was just about to tell her something when Hana raised her hand to stop him.

"Let me walk ahead of you for a while. I just needed to check something." She lied. She was actually starting to have a nosebleed and she didn't want anyone to notice.

She opened her bag and pulled out three capsules of painkillers, drank it altogether before she covered her lower face with a handkerchief.

"Let's take a 10-minute break here." Hana told them when she saw the clear river ahead of them. It wasn't a deep river or a wide one but just normal stream that everyone can pass through. There was short hanging bridge that connected the place to another end which they needed to cross.

Hana found a huge rock and sat on it while she looked down to let her blood flow. "Are you alright?" Lily asked her when she found her sitting alone on a rock.

"Hn. I am fine. I just felt a little dizzy from all the walking. I don't usually walk this far so I am a bit tired." She lied again.

Lily took out a bottled water from her bag and handed it to Hana. "Keep yourself hydrated. We need you to bring us to the right place."

Hana accepted the water but she didn't drink it yet. She waited for Lily to leave her alone before she opened the bottle cap and drank a mouthful of water.

When she felt her nosebleed stopped already, she took another handkerchief to wipe her face clean. She doubled check herself to make sure that there were no stains or drop of blood that might cause everyone to worry. She didn't want anyone to worry for her. She hated it. She felt like a sore losser and pitiful.

"Can I walk beside you later? Or do you still need to check something?" Jacob approached her and asked.

"It's fine now, boss." Hana smiled at him. "Let's go and continue our journey."

They led the group once again to hike the mountain. They weren't that tired since they got many things to talk. After almost two hours of hiking, Hana could see the edge of a plateau. Once they climbed reached that place, they would be able to see the wonderful place of Coal Mountain.

"Few more minutes and we will finally reach our destination." Hana announced which delighted everyone. They felt so elated and excited after all that hiking they spent.

Lily walked even faster to see the place as soon as possible. Hana didn't stop her since there was nothing to worry anymore.

What greeted Lily was an amazing view. A part of a mountain was flattened. She was wasn't sure if it was naturally made or if the locals really excavated the place. There were so many trees, flowering plants and shrubs, as well as the sound of birds chirping can be heard clearly.

There was a waterfall which was probably a twenty feet high. Though it was high, the width wasn't large but it was creating a nice, cool and clear pool of water basin.

The side of the naturally-made water pool, was cemented to keep the erosion and widening of the water body. The water was so clear that you can see the rocks under the water.

When you turn your back on the waterfall, you will see the amazing view of the city and the distant sea water. There were small boats and ships that you can see from a far distance. At night, the city lights would also give you a wonderful scenery plus, the air was fresher on top of the mountain.

"This place is heaven!" Lily exclaimed and waved her hand to everyone who hasn't come up yet. "Hurry up and look at this!"

Hana gave way to everyone since she wasn't in a hurry at all. She had seen the place and it was no longer new to her. Nevertheless, she was still happy to see the view in front of her.

"Your brother really knew how to find this difficult place." Liam commented on the side.

"I love mountain views and beaches so he would always find places that I could enjoy." Hana responded with a proud smile.

There were other campers in the area and most of them stayed near the waterfall. Jacob found the best spot where they could see the city lights and away from the other campers. They got a huge space as well.

"Let's get our things at the resort." Jacob stated which made them realize that some of their things were still inside the cars.

"I'll lead you there." Hana volunteered, well, she didn't have any other choice since she was the one who knew the place.

Marvy and Alex came along with them to help. Liam stayed to guard their belongings and the space that Jacob found.

"Let me go with you. After all, Adam entrusted you to me." Lily mentioned to Hana and walked closely behind her.

They followed the trail which was sometimes curvy, straight, upwards, downwards, and rocky. It was really a place to wonder. After three minutes of walking, they finally saw the resort of Coal Mountain.