Coal Mountain Resort wasn't the typical huge resorts. There were just three buildings in the vicinity; a three-storey building where one can stay overnight, a mini-gym where campers can play some games for team building, and another building consists of small cottages for day use. There was a large pool of six feet deep and twelve meters in length. There was small wave pool for children which was up to three feet deep, and a jacuzzi. Aside from that, the place was surrounded with trees and different kinds of plants. There were koi fish ponds as well were children can feed the fishes.

Many people were having fun as they stroll towards the spacious parking area and the blue Ford Expedition didn't escape Hanna's sight. There were many people who owned such vehicle and, if not for the obvious blue butterfly hanging right below the rearview mirror, the one that Hana placed herself, she wouldn't know that it was the car that her family used to follow her.

"Hana?" Jacob called to get her attention. "Are you alright?"

"Ha? Ah. Yes. Yes. I am fine." She smiled at him and continued to walk. They, soon found the two vans and started taking out their things. "I'll carry the food boxes. You carry the ones in the cartoon. It isn't heavy."

"Okay boss."

Marvy and Alex also carried the other food boxes as well as the bags of their colleagues. Lily and her were tasked to carry the lighter boxes. The five of them walked back the camp site and put down their things.

"Is that all?" Liam asked them to make sure.

"Hn. That's all. We will stay here for two nights and two days. So, prepare yourself." Jacob told them but instead of getting anxious, everyone was excited instead.

"Let's all set up our tents." Alex suggested which everybody followed. Hana used this chance to leave them and sneaked to the farthest water stream where no one can see her. She needed to wash her handkerchief as soon as possible. She can't just throw random things around the place because someone might see it and her colleagues knew her things. She can't sore it inside her bag as well because it will stink her other things. Thus, the only way to deal with it was to wash it somewhere.

Her colleagues were busy setting up their tents but Jacob still noticed that she was gone. "Where's Hana?"

"Huh? Wasn't she just here earlier? Where did she go?" Liam also added while looking around.

"Hana is familiar with this place so, she shouldn't be lost. Don't worry boss, she will be fine." Lily assured Jacob since she knew that Adam won't let something happen to his sister. She was even guessing that he was somewhere, holding a binocular, watching over his sister like a stalker.

Lily was right! Currently, Adam was hiding somewhere, not far yet not close, just enough for him to see that his sister was doing fine. He was watching her wash the handkerchief silently as if she wasn't washing away her own blood. 'Heavenly Emperor, please show mercy to your own daughter. Please heal her. I don't want to watch her suffer like this.' He silently prayed, unsure if the Emperor heard him or chose to intentionally ignore him.

Hana was having a peaceful time on her own when someone came to disturb her. "It is really you." A manly voice sounded behind her but she didn't need to guess who it was. She was very familiar to the owner of that voice since they had been together for more than three months.

"Oh! You are here, too? Are you with your friends?" she asked without turning back.

"Are you still angry at me?"


"Then, why aren't you looking at me?"

"I am busy at the moment."

The man didn't leave her instead, he walked closer to her and watched her wash the small cloth. "Still the same illness?"


"Hana, I am really sorry about that time." What he meant was their way of break up few years ago. It was cruel of him to play someone's feelings just for some betting. He could've found some other ways to get the documents and the sports car that he wanted but, he chose to play with Hana.

During that time, he didn't know that she was seriously ill but he chided and taunted him using her past issues. "I heard that you are ill and you always use that to tie the person forcefully in a relationship with you. You won't be using that to me, right?" That was what he told her back then. He could still remember Hana's painful smile that day. She gave him the watch that she bought as a gift and left silently.

"It's been so many years. I already forgot about it. No worries. I am not holding any grudge against you." Hana smiled at him. The same happy smile that she showed to him on their first date. "What we had was just a momentary feeling that lasted a bit longer than three months. You made your choice and so was I. It's all in the past now so, there's no need to bring it back. I don't think it was a nice memory though. But I learned a lot from it. Thanks, Rio." She stood up and walked away from him.

"I had been looking for you." Rio stated which made her stop on her track. "I wanted to talk to you and explain."

"There's no need to explain. Just forget everything that happened."

"Can't we start over again?" There was a silent plea on his tone but Hana completely ignored it.

"I don't want to love again." She turned her head to look at him and smiled. "I learned to steel my heart from pain because of you. Thanks a lot." Then, she left without pausing or looking back. 'Even if I want to start over, it won't be with you.' She added mentally to herself. 'But there's no way I'd expose myself to someone. 'Till the day I die, I will bring this secret, let this get buried with me.'

She was humming back to the site where her colleagues were almost setting up their tents. Some of them were pairing to stay in one tent and some were in trio.

"Where have you been?" Jacob asked her with obvious worry which stunned everyone who was watching them.

Hana was just about to answer him when someone spoke behind her.

"Hana, you forgot this."