Monday came and her mood was really low and no matter how much Adam tried to cheer her up, she couldn't just lift her mood. That day, as if she was mourning, she wore a black ankle boots, a black mini skirt and a black sweatshirt. She also brought her small sling bag, leaving her backpack and sketches at home.

The guard was even hesitant to greet her when he saw how grumpy she was. She didn't let Adam send her to the café either. They didn't know what to do for her to smile.

She got into the bus instead of a taxi and she almost missed her stop from spacing out on the way. She kicked pebbles and stones on the road without watching where she was going, letting the people avoid her since she didn't have plans to avoid them on her own. If they didn't want to bump onto her, they needed to move out of her way.