Jacob was adamant to leave the café since he's got another reason to stay but his sister was having a problem and she couldn't seem to tell their parents about it. Which means so say, it was about an old flame. Jacob drove his car home for two hours and found his niece playing with her dolls when he got inside their house. Her sister had wanted to leave their home and buy her own space, afraid that she was inconveniencing everyone at home. Her parents didn't allow her to, thinking that it would be too hard for her to raise her baby alone. Thus, she stayed.

Victoria's eyes lit up when she saw her uncle. "Uncle Jake! You are home!" she exclaimed happily, throwing away her toys and ran towards him. Jacob opened his arms wide and welcome the adorable sweetheart. "I missed you."

Jacob chuckled when knowing that they just met not long ago, during Loraine's birthday. "I missed you, too. Where's your mom?"

"She's inside her room our room, doing some cleaning."