Nadia and Niko were scolded by him for more than half an hour. None of them talk and just listen him speak whatever ill words came out of his mouth. Victoria didn't bother checking on them because she knew that her uncle will do something to chase the man away.

She knew that her mother was meeting her father behind everyone's back. And she hated it when she didn't seem to exist in their world. When her father finally called out her name for the very first time, her hate surged and she didn't like to see him again. 'How could he call me affectionately after abandoning me and my mother? Grandma told me how much mother cried because of him and he dared to come back?!'

She was always looking for a way to get rid of him and when she saw her uncle's number on her mother's phone, she tried her best to memorize it and contacted him when the man showed up again.