The next day, Monday, Hana was excitedly preparing for work. She would see her boss again and get the strawberry cake he made. Another thing was that, she didn't dream of herself in the middle of the lake last night. It was a big news to be happy as well.

Seeing her cheerful mood, Adam also smiled faintly as he watched his sister walked towards their dining table. She was holding on to her sketch pad once again.

"You'll draw today?" Rudolf asked his daughter when he saw the sketch pad and her coloring materials. 

"Hn. I'll draw something if ever I get some time to rest."

"Don't overwork yourself." Alice reminded her daughter.

"Got it." Hana arranged her bag and placed it on the chair beside her seat. 

Adam was currently whipping some liver spread on his bread. "Shall I send you to work?"

"Hn. I would greatly appreciate it bro. I needed to get there as soon as I can."