Jacob was worried and he didn't know what to do. If he would ask Theresa to give him the teddy bear for purification, she would think of something else and Hana would probably think of something as well. He didn't want to cause any misunderstandings but he couldn't leave his employee in danger as well.

Adam told him that the evil spirits and dark magic will bring danger to the person that the clung to. They needed to be rid of as soon as possible. Jacob walked back to his office and took some spray bottle. He had been practicing his incantations and so far, he made a decent and purified holy water.

He took one bottle from his bag and pour it inside the spray bottle that he found. He always carried few bottles of holy water in his bag in case he would need it. And he was right with his decision. It was indeed handy. He walked back to the locker room and called everyone.