Hana sulked in front of them. "I didn't know he's your boyfriend already."

"No, he's not." Lily waved her hand in front of her to deny Hana's claim. "He's not my boyfriend yet." Her face was blushing so much that Hana thought her friend would be bleeding like her.

Hana smiled at her friend again. "I was just teasing you."

"Don't mind her." Adam interjected in their conversation. "She's a bipolar."

They just laughed at his remark knowing that Adam was just kidding around them. The four of them sat around the table and finally started eating their breakfast. Lily also gave the red stone to Liam just like what Adam had suggested.

After having breakfast with them, Lily and Liam bid farewell. Hana will have another test later in order to be full observed with the progress of the treatment.