On her third day in the hospital, Victoria visited her with Nadia and Niko. She told them about the planned trip that the group decided to hold which would be next weekend.

"Can I really come?" Victoria asked Hana once again.

"If that's alright with your parents. I don't mind." Hana responded while giving Nadia and Niko a glance. Even though she wanted the little girl to come with them, she wanted the parents to give their consents willingly.

Nadia was happy for both her brother and her daughter. They found a woman who's kind and someone who values family relationship. Without any hesitation, Nadia agreed. "I'm happy that you like to take her with you. In any case, Jake will be with you during this trip and Vicky listens to her uncle all the time. I can assure you that she won't cause any trouble."