If the two of them felt it, there's no way that the demons didn't. The scent of her spiritual power was really enticing. The demons nearby immediately started tracing the scent to where it came from but before a full minute could pass, Hana immediately sealed her powers back.

The scent slowly disappeared and soon, the demons had no way of looking for her.

Adam wanted to trace it back as well but he couldn't find the source anymore. Jacob had no idea what happened but he felt that something was warming his heart. And the image of Ivy drifted into his mind.

"No way!" He was shaking his side to side to get rid of her face. "I won't love anyone else but Hana." He chanted these words again to bring peace in his mind and heart. He will only dedicate his life to her and no one else.

On the other hand, when Iris came home from work, she noticed that there's something different in their house. She looked around and frowned.