Hana was happily talking with her family but she was still a little scared and bothered. She was now hesitant to let them know about her identity. She was worried that they won't believe her and she was scared that they'd despise her for using Hana's identity.

Because of her worry, she would space out and sigh some times. She couldn't even taste the food that she was eating.

"What's bothering you?" Adam asked her. "Are you worried that they won't believe you?"

"Hn. Can we just keep it a secret? Having you recognize is more than enough. All that matter is that you and Jacob would recognize me. I don't care if other people would just forget me."

Adam held her hand and caressed it gently. "Trust me. They will believe you for sure. You have my full support."

"O-okay." Hana reluctantly agreed and doubt was still lingering in her heart.