"What's going on?" Alice questioned. Fear and doubts were reflecting on her face as she blindly followed her daughter's instructions. "Are we going to die? Is the world about to end?"

"No, it's not ma. Don't think too much. Just make sure that you stay in this room. Don't go anywhere. Adam and I will go out and check what's happening." Hana responded and kissed the head of her mother before turning towards her younger sister. "Iris, I will leave them to you. No matter what happens, don't go out. I'll come and check on you later."

"But it's dangerous outside." Iris argued back. "You should just stay here.  You just come back from the dead and now you're heading out to face death once again."

Hana could only smile and she reached out to rub her head. "I must have brought to life because this was bound to happened and I am here to save you guys. Don't worry about us. And never, ever open the door if it's not me or Adam who's standing outside." Hana reminded them.