Llyr chuckled at her curious expression but he felt the urged to tell her this kind of story as well. Nothing will happen to him if he shares it anyway.

"Can you tell me about your story? Like, did you really just come back to wait for your darling Hana?" Iris even took a chair and sat on it, ready to listen to his story no matter how long it will take.

"Alright. I'll tell you about it. Long ago…" Llyr started to tell the story that started thousands of years back. He shared how they met and how they fell in love. He talked while recalling the past, the memories were so vivid as if they just happened yesterday. The smile on her lips, the frown on her face, her deep sighs, her laughter, the moment she cried, the times she got angry – these things, he kept them well in his memory. He lost her already and he didn't want to lose what was left of her.