The moment Llyr opened up his eyes again, happiness can be seen from them. He immediately looked around the place to start tracing his way back to Hana. This time, he was no longer doubting himself. The imprisoned little girl was Hana and he's got the right papers to prove that.

The only question was, why was she trap in this lake?

He ran over the skeletons and walked towards the direction where the lake was. After running for few minutes, he found Hana standing in the middle of the lake with her back facing him.

"Hana." Llyr muttered with a smile on his lips. "I'm here again."

"Llyr." Hana turned around and looked at him with the same expressionless face she had ever since the first time they see each other in this dream. "I'm happy to see you."

"You're happy?" Llyr questioned doubtfully. 'It doesn't look like that to me.' He mentally added to himself.

"You told me that you feel happy when you see the person you like, right?"
