With Lotar going through the trouble of rearranging the clouds and mists to make his presence known, I postpone my talk with Kaylin and the Diviner once again but order Yelenia keep the city occupied and running until I'm done. I've sent Shaco, the undead Mayor and the survivor all out to deliver a clear message to the Marquess.
With all the loose ends tied up, I turn to one that I left in Lotar's charge. Curling my feet under me and muttering a prayer to the Wolf deity my spirit is lifted out of its body and once again placed atop the mountain with a single large three. The tree has gotten larger since I last saw it, longer, wider branches and now wolves hop through them, all eyes on me.
Lotar him or itself, stands in human form, nude as always but covered with a waterfall of white furry hair. The ears attached to his skull are that of a wolf, twitching at every step, Lotar turns, facing away from the altar that'd kept his attention to fix me with a grim look.