Weekend Plans

It's been about a month since I've been here in Miami and I like it a lot here. Granted, the weather is more unreliable than a flaky friend, but I can handle that. I do miss how cold it would get there though, I love the cold, and Florida isn't exactly known for its cold weather. The coolest it has actually gotten so far is in the 60ºs. It's only autumn though, so I guess that gives it a pass.

I walk out of my house and go on my way to school again. The book I "found" is just sitting in my closet, waiting for me to write something in it. I walk up the street until I get to the house I'm looking for. A two-story house with a dark shade of blue and white edges. It was really nice looking. It looked comfortable. I knocked on the door and waited for someone to answer. After a few seconds, I hear footsteps come thudding down the stairs. The door swings open and Ellie steps out with her bag slung over her shoulder.

"Hey, you ready to go?" I asked. She turned and locked the door behind her.

"Yeah, let's get going." She said. I met Ellie and my other friend Amy not long after I started school here. The two of them were already friends before but quickly adopted me into their group. Of course, I introduced them to Johnny and Miles and we all became one big group of friends. I know we all met not too long ago, but they're all quickly becoming a second family to me. Which is something I didn't know I wanted or needed. And then there's Ray, whom I barely talk to. And I really want to. He's so kind and sweet, but he won't let anyone get too close to him. The longest conversation I've held with him was about a chemistry project we worked on together. I want to find some way to connect with him, I just need the opportunity.

"Jay, are you even listening?" I feel a pinch on my arm that shocked me back to reality. I rub my arm to try and soothe the slight sting of pain.

"What hoe? Damn." I exclaimed. The stinging pain quickly went away and I let go of my arm.

"You zoned out on me you whore. I was asking if you wanted to hang out this Saturday?" It's Friday today and it's not like I have any other plans for my Saturday night. And I know she's not just asking me to hang out, she is definitely going to invite the rest of our friends.

"Yeah sure, what do you wanna do?" I questioned. She was born and raised here so she knows a lot more of the things to do.

"Nothing fancy, we can just hang out somewhere. Maybe one of our houses." I get excited when she said that because I've always wanted to host friends at my house, but I never really got the chance. Considering I had like, no friends before.

"We can do it at my house, I'd be happy to have you guys over. And I'm sure my parents would love to meet you." She smiled and happily agreed. I'm sure she's happy to get out of the house for a while. She never really liked being home, she never told me why though.

We finally got to school and we asked the rest of our friends if they wanted to hang and they all excitedly agreed. I stopped at my locker on my way to class. I was grabbing the books I needed when a boy stopped next to me. He had light brown skin and curly dark brown hair. He was wearing short sleeves so I could see the muscles his arms had. It wasn't too much, but it defiantly was little either. He most likely plays sports or works out often or something.

"Hey, you're Jay right" Why does this random person know my name and why is he talking to me. I mean, he is pretty attractive. But that still doesn't explain why he's speaking to me. He was also speaking quietly like he didn't want anyone else to hear.

"Yeah I am, and who are you exactly?" I made sure I sounded as polite as possible. I was skeptical of course. Some guy comes up to me looking all fine, there's a motive.

"I'm Devin. And I think you're kinda cute." He said that last part extra quiet. He pulled out a folded up paper and put it on top of my books. "Come to my house if you wanna have some fun. Oh, and use the window." He gave me a wink before walking off. It took my brain a second to process what had just happened. I stared down at the paper before shoving it in my pocket. That was the most closeted straight boy thing I have ever witnessed. He was cute though. Actually cute isn't the word to use, fine is more accurate. I force the entire situation into the back of my mind. I grab the rest of what I need and lock my locker back. I take my books and go to my math class.

"And he just handed me the paper and was like 'come to my house if you wanna have a good time'. What am I supposed to do with that? Should I go?" I asked the group of people around me.

"Maybe you should go. It could be a good experience for you. You know, get your first time over and done with." Ellie said before popping a fry in her mouth.

"Uh, I disagree. I think your first time should be with someone you trust." Miles said from next to me. "Your first time is gonna be something you remember for the rest of your life. It should be special."

"Oh honey, I'm sorry you think that way." Ellie countered.

"Look Jay," Amy cut in before the two of them started arguing. "You should do it if you want to. If you don't feel comfortable doing it then don't go." She gave me a reassuring smile. I turned to Johnny.

"What do you think Johnny?" He looked around before settling on me.

"Dude I don't care, just wear a condom if you go." He said.

"I hate it here."