Appreciative Mixup?

I stare down at the godforsaken note that burned a hole in my pocket through my entire walk home from school. I reached out and picked up the paper and slowly unfolded it.

'NE J. Fo-Jen Ave' He wrote something else like 5 houses down, but his handwriting isn't that good. I'm sure that's what it says though. Why does it matter, I'm not gonna go to his house right? Go to some random dude's house; sleep with him; then have him pretend he doesn't know me after that? But, what if it's different. I had a less than a minute conversation with the guy and I'm already making assumptions. Who says he's closeted? Maybe he's out and was just a little shy or something. Maybe he wants to start with the… canoodling… and then work up to a relationship. Or maybe he's just a dick. He did ask me to use the window.

Maybe my problem is I'm overthinking it. This isn't an opportunity that just drops in your lap every day. I think I'm gonna go, just to see. Maybe I can take advantage of the situation. I can cook some food and make it like a first date or something. That seems like a good idea. I reach for my bag and get my laptop out. My fingers fly over the keys as I look over recipes. Going over website after website for a good 20 minutes. I finally decided on making chicken parmesan.

I flew down the stairs and into the kitchen. Luckily my house had everything I needed already and I didn't have to walk to the grocery store. I perched my computer on the counter so I could read as I went. I've cooked before so this should be okay.


I was right, it came out amazing. I didn't have spaghetti though, so I used rigatoni. The two servings of food were packed into Tupperware and put in my backpack. I also had a spare change of clothes and some plastic utensils packed up. My parents are already asleep so I slipped out the front door, locking it behind me.

The walk to his house was silent. The sound of my footsteps on concrete and the chirping of crickets was all I could hear. Not a single car was in sight. I wasn't by any main roads so it was expected. It took me a little while to find the street he lived on, but with my intellect and google maps, I managed. I went to the fifth house and stopped outside. It was a fairly nice house. Two-story and a nice dark gray.

I double-checked the note just to make sure, and this is the house it led me to. I shove it back in my pocket and slowly approach the house. A single window was illuminated, I saw a woman walk by it. I hid behind a big tree in their yard. All this effort for some cute guy named Devin. I looked back and the light was off so I continued my journey. The small patio out front had a patio and a railing. I carefully climbed onto the railing and then onto the roof. I pulled myself up with relative ease. Thank you gymnastics. The roof was slightly slanted, but not enough that it caused any issues. I made my way to the window that I assume is his. I knocked on the glass and took a seat on the roof, waiting for him to answer. About a minute went by and nothing, so I knocked again, a little louder this time. I made sure not to just stare into his room through the window like a creep. I wasn't directly in front of it, but he could still see me if he looked through. My body was turned away, but my face was still visible. I heard the sound of the window being opened so I turned to it. However, instead of being met with Devin's face, I was met with Ray's instead.

"Jay? What are you doing on my roof?" His voice sounded broken up. I took his looks in. His eyes were puffy and red and he had tear streaks down his cheeks.

"I-" There was an audible thud downstairs followed by loud yelling. Ray looked mortified. "Ray, are you okay? What's going on?" I didn't get an answer straight away. He was silent for a few moments.

"My parents… They argue and fight a lot. It's all they do at this point. I don't even know why they stay together at this point. And I know it's not because of me because they barely even notice me anymore." Fresh tears fell from his eyes. It was hard to hear. I couldn't imagine where I'd be if my parents weren't as supportive as they are.

"I can't even imagine what you're going through." There was another crash from downstairs. "You wanna come out here with me?" I patted the spot next to me. He was hesitant, but he climbed out the window and shut it behind him. The sound of shouting was barely audible not that the window was closed. Ray crouched down and sat beside me. He looked so sad. Like all of his usual friendliness has been sucked out, leaving nothing but sadness and loneliness. It's like every second he heard his parents fighting was just draining him of his spirit. I heard the sound of his stomach grumbling over the sound of trees swaying in the wind. "Are you hungry?"

"Yeah, kinda. Why?" He still wasn't looking at me. He was just staring ahead at the street. I take off my bag and set it between us. The two plates of food were still closed up and warm. They got a little messed up from the walking and climbing, but they're still good. I held one out for him and tapped him on the shoulder. He seemed surprised. Actually, I would be too if someone pulled out a full meal to give to me. A hesitant hand stretched out and took it from mom, along with the plastic fork. "Why do you have," He opened the lid and sniffed the food. "An entire chicken and pasta dinner on you exactly? Also, why did you climb on my roof?"

"Oh, it's a pretty funny story actually." Now that I'm thinking back on it, it is pretty funny. I cracked open my food and took a bite. It was really good. "So, there's this guy named Devin. He came up to me in school, said I was cute, then gave me this note." I pulled the slip of paper out of my pocket and handed it to Ray. I gave him a few seconds to read the note before I started talking again. "He told me to use the window and that's why I climbed up here. But apparently, I got the houses wrong. I don't even know why I showed up in the first place. I guess I was hoping for more than just sex, you know. I don't wanna have my virginity takes by some random guy who probably doesn't give two shits about my feelings. And I'm rambling, sorry."

"No no, you're fine." He assured. "I know what you mean though. I wouldn't want that either. I would want a relationship. Someone I could share everything with. I'm not the smash and go type of person. I'm in it for the commitment." That was actually a big help. He didn't tell me I was stupid for going to his house or anything. He was validating my feelings and making me feel better. He's right too. I don't think going was a good idea. But it did get me here so that was definitely a plus.

"I think I should go home. If you want I could sneak you inside my house so you don't have to deal with their yelling. I can tell that it's not fun to listen to." I hope he accepts my offer. I can see the emotional toll it's having on him. I don't wanna see him so… broken. Especially when I can do something about it. He flashed me one of his smiles that I'm so used to seeing.

"I think I'll take you up on that offer." We finished eating in silence. It was comfortable, having his presence there beside me. When we finished he opened back up his window and the sound of yelling increased again. An audible sigh escaped Ray's lips. The rest of my time on the roof was spent waiting for him to pack his bad. I love a good impromptu sleepover. Not that I've ever had an actual sleepover before. When he finished he shut the window and we went climbing down the house. As I was lowering myself he spoke again.

"You know, Devin lives like 4 houses down from me." He said.

"Fuck Devin and his terrible handwriting."