Practice Time: Part 2

Amy's POV

Myles and I went into one of the other bedrooms to practice together. It was nice in here. Everything was pristine and perfect. I hope that we don't ruin it. The sky outside was dark so we had to turn the lights on to see. The moonlight did provide a scenic view of the outside before the lights went on. We sat on the carpeted floor in the hopes that Myles's powers wouldn't burn holes into them. My powers were safe for the most part, as long as I didn't blow anything over.

"Alright Myles, I'm gonna go first because my powers are less destructive. And because I said so." I reasoned. Well, more like forced. I wasn't really giving him a choice.

"You guys are always pushing me around. But, I'll go with it this time because I want to." He crossed his arm, tilted his chin up, and turned away from me to solidify his point. I know he's not actually mad, but he does have a point. We do pick on him the most and boss him around a lot. But we don't do it because we like him less than the rest of us, we do it because we love him. Of all of us, Myles is definitely the nicest. He's so nice to everyone he meets. Even when someone rude has approached him when we've been hanging out, he was polite while we cursed them out. That's just who he is

"Fine, I'll be nicer."

"Thank you." He turned back with a smile on his face.

"But I'm still going first."

"Damn it, fine." I clapped excitedly and got to work. I could feel the air around me. A breath escaped my lips and I could feel how it moved the air around me. It took some concentration but my hands started to manipulate the air around them without me moving. The air began to circulate around my fingers and I could see it happening. I'm not sure what my powers are doing exactly, but it's making the air visible. At least, the air I'm moving.

"Amy, I can see the air moving. This is awesome. I didn't even think about that. It's pure visible air. I'm not even sure that's possible!" I give him an 'Are you kidding me look. "What?" He asks.

"None of this should be possible Myles. And the fact that you can see the air is the most surprising part?" I asked. He just shrugged his shoulders in response. The next step in this process is actually directing the air. Blowing it at the wall was probably the best idea, but blowing it at Myles seemed infinitely more fun. So, I focused on blasting the air in a particular direction, and low and behold, it worked. The gust of air flew at Myles, messing with his hair and making him squint his eyes.

"This feels great Amy. Keep the wind coming." Since I had his ok, I decided to amp up the speed. The wind blew faster and Myles turned his head to the side because the winds were so strong. "Alright Amy, you can stop now. It's getting a little strong." His words only encouraged me more. I blew the winds faster, but I think it was a little too much because Myles was knocked to the floor. Immediately the wind ceased and I scrambled over to him.

"Myles? Are you okay? Shit, I'm sorry!" He groaned a little but sat up with relative ease. I don't think anything is broken so that's a good sign.

"I'm good, just got the wind knocked out of me. Pun intended." When he was fully back up he stretched a little and relaxed.

"Are you sure you're all right?"

"I'm good, don't worry. But it's my turn now and I've been itching to try this." I went back to sitting in front of him. He didn't close his eyes as I did. Instead, he put his hands flat against each other in front of him. As they slowly went apart I could see and hear the lightning moving between them. It was a dark blue colour and in a way it was beautiful.

"That's cool and all but you probably shouldn't throw it at anything in here. We're gonna have to find someplace to use them in secret. Maybe like an abandoned building or something. Where we don't have to worry about damage." If we could find someplace like that, then we could really train. We wouldn't have to worry about breaking anything of use. And since we're in Miami, it shouldn't be hard to find anything like that.

"I'm not dumb. I know not to shoot it at anything. But I do have something I want to try." Myles lifted up a single finger and electricity started to circle around it in a spiral. Then, he fucking touched me with it. The shock wasn't really powerful but it still hurt.

"You son of a WHORE. Why would you do that to me?!"

"Revenge for when you blew me down." There was a wicked smile on his face. Maybe he's not as nice as I originally said he was. This is something Johnny would do. Oh god, he's corrupting our poor Myles.

The door opened with a concerned-looking Johnny and Myles behind it.

"Oh god, I summoned him by thinking about him." I closed my eyes and imagined Gavin Leatherwood, hoping that he would appear too. I peaked out one eye and they were all just looking at me. "Damn it."

"Is anything burnt or on fire?" Jay asked as he rapidly searched the room. How dumb does he think we are? We know not to damage anything.

"Everything is fine, we didn't break anything," Myles spoke up.

"Yeah, we can stay out of trouble." Just as I said that Ray started screaming from downstairs.

"GUYS CAN YOU COME DOWNSTAIRS!" He shouted. He sounded oddly close yet far. Maybe he was by the stairs.

"We should've checked on them first," Johnny said as he rushed out the door. The rest of us followed suit.