
Breathing is hard, when you cry a lot, it makes us realize breathing is hard...

''Jackson! did you found her?'' Soo Hyuk called Jackson to know if he found Yuri or not but he replied that they were still searching for her. It was almost 3 am but still, they couldn't find any trace of Yuri.

They tried finding her, they searched every city and town and they searched the whole freaking country but weren't able to find a single trace of her. Yuri's parents came back to Korea from overseas. They all tried every possible thing they could do but all in vain. Yuri was found nowhere.

After one month of her abduction, Yuri, out of nowhere came back to her home. Everyone at home was shocked to see her, but her appearance was telling something else, like something worst had happened with her. Yuri's mother hugged her, kissed her and cried. Infect everyone cried after seeing her but they way Yuri was crying was telling something else, but her mother just ignored it for the time being.

Yuri locked herself inside her house, her parents and friends tried there best to get her out, so that she could come out of the trauma, her mother and even her sister- in -law tried to talk about what happened, but every time they would ask her she would cry a whole river out. Her brother who wanted to know who abducted her sister asked her several times but she would reply that she doesn't remember anything.

After two weeks of her return, she was sitting inside her room when her mother came.

''Yuri! baby here let's eat your favorite strawberries''. Her mother placed the plate in front of her and gently stroked her hairs.

''Mom I don't want to eat''. She replied blankly.

''Why honey? Don't you like them anymore?'' She asked politely.

She didn't reply rather she kept staring out of the window. Still, she wasn't able to forget that night that was haunting her. Tears started rolling down her cheeks. Her mother saw and embraced her into a warm hug.

''Yuri now stop crying and tell me, what happened during all this time?'' She said in a warning tone.

Yuri, herself was now tired of keeping everything inside her heart, cried hard but she couldn't say a word. she was bound not to speak.

Meanwhile, Yuri's father and brother were trying to figure out what exactly happened. Why was Yuri kidnapped? Who was behind all this? They even didn't receive any threat or no one asked for money in return of Yuri. Everything went like, she was kidnapped and after one month she came back.


Our sky has become smoky like a dream, it has spread out into parts, like one's breath, where ever you go, you will only find me in the shadows of mine that are comprised of you. We shall meet again in the world of stars...

He closed his diary and took a sip of black coffee, that was bitter, but not more bitter than his life.

"Sir, may I come in?" A man standing in the door asked for permission by almost breaking the smooth silence of the room.

He nodded his head in response and the man stood in front of him and said,

"Sir, we are still trying our best to know who helped her escape from the mansion. It's really hard to escape from the eyes of the cameras. I think someone helped her escape from here, we need to find that person who betrayed us".

"Then why are you standing here, go and find that bastard who dared to disobey me...his death is waiting for him''.

The man just bowed and was about to leave when Rang stopped him.

''Shin Wu! Inform Chen to come to my office right now''. Shin Wu was Rang's loyal man, his secretary, office assistant and was the chief of all the bodyguards. He was looking after the mansions security affairs and dealt with the weapons. He's was a good fighter and yet had a beautiful face.

Shin Wu called Chen and told him that the master was calling him. Chen closed the files and went straight to Rang's office. He knew what Rang was going to question him.

Chen was Rang's right hand, who was also his cousin and childhood best friend. They both were working together and they could do anything to protect each other. Despite being a mafias right hand Chen liked to flirt around but he never ever slept with any women nor he let any dirty bit*h climb his bed.

Somehow police spotted him in a small bar one day and instantly they caught him to reach the mafia but who would have thought that they would be caught in their net. Rang hijacked the whole busiest mall of the city and threatened the officer, who in return had to leave Chen.

''May I come in?'' Chen peaked through the door and went straight inside the room.

''How did all this bullish*t happened? Do you have any answer for this?'' Rang questioned him, while Chen was busy playing with the pen in his hand.

Chen scratched the back of his head before answering, '' I don't know, I don't know how this happened. It's impossible to escape from here, even I can't move out of here, without being noticed by hundreds of eyes and the hidden cameras, they are also planted everywhere. But I checked every single CCTV footage, everything is calm and normal''.

''I am talking about the weapons''. Rang replied him.

''Aghhhh! I am tired of watching it again and again. I don't know who stole the weapons''. Chen didn't want to go through the footage again as he already had watched it thousands time but still wasn't able to find any clue.

Rang glared at Chen and said,'' I just left the mansion for two days and the weapons vanished . You weren't even able to look after a my weapons, huh. Oh yeah, you must have been busy with your thrills, right?''

Chen looked at him blankly and replied,'' During the whole time, I stayed inside the mansion and kept a close look at that pretty girl, but she escaped when I left with Shin Wu to receive the new weapons but in return that girl also escaped and the weapons as well''.

Rang kept on thinking for some time as he thought that he was the one who let her go and then spoke, ''I think someone already knew that you would go out and that would be the best time to help her escape and take the weapons but who could it be? Who would dare to make such a move so smoothly?''

''Don't worry brother, we will soon find that bastard who dared to call his death. I will find him soon, you just think about our next plan that's going to be a great fun ahead''. Chen said with an exciting face.

No doubt Chen was a highly skilled person, he could fight hundreds of men at once. He and Rang both were perfect at fighting skills. They could fight a whole damn war without getting a single scratch. But both had different personalities, Chen would love to play around and had a thrilling personality and he would always choose a mission that would be thrilling and risky. He loved risking his life, on the other hand, Rang was a cold person, he always preferred work and his balck coffee.