Every time I take a breath, you walk in my heart step by step. Every day I pass through the streets of your heart that are too beautiful. You move like the wind, that it feels like I can fly like the sand.

Seeing her daughter in a miserable condition, Yuri's mother decided to ask Yuri to tell her everything, which she was keeping in her heart and crying like crazy whenever she would ask her to open up.

''Yuri now tell me everything that happened during all this time''. She said in a warning tone.

Yuri herself was tired of keeping everything in her heart, but she was helpless. She couldn't open up anything on her family if she does, then surely that cruel mafia will destroy her family in front of her eyes and she won't be able to do anything that's why she straightforwardly replied,

''Mom I don't remember anything, all I remember is that I was abducted and then someone left me at my home back''.

Her mom was looking at her shocked, this was the same answer she gave to her brother and father, she wanted to ask her more but didn't trouble her, she politely held her hand and said, '' Yuri, my baby, forget everything.. try forgetting everything. Just assume it was a nightmare and now we are all here with you. Come out of your room, be strong a long happy life is waiting for you. Cherish these moments with us. Your father and I planned on shifting our overseas assets here in Seoul, and you are going to help your father in his business''.

Yuri thought of what her mother said, a long happy life. Yes a long happy life, she shouldn't be afraid rather try to come out of the horrible hole which she had created around herself. She should be strong.

After thinking for some while Yuri replied,'' Okay! mom I am going to work with father''.

Her mother's face light up after hearing these words,'' Okay then come, let's ask your father when you should join him''.

Yuri nodded and they both went to her father's study room, where he was checking some files.

They knocked,'' Dad may we come in?'' Yuri asked her father. Her father was happy seeing her daughter as usual.

''Oh my daughter is here, come in honey why are you standing there. Ah your dad is so happy to see you here''.

Yuri smiled and sat beside her father, and said,'' Daddy when should I join you in your work? It looks like you and mom need rest now. I should take the responsibilities of the company, that are burdening you''.

Her father was surprised after hearing her daughter,'' You can join whenever you want, but for that firstly you would have to work as my assistant and then you can become a real employee of ''The great Kim's Corporations''.

Yuri smiled and nodded her head,'' Oaky boss! then I am joining from tomorrow''.

''Oh very nice! that's like my girl, now why don't you go and tell Soo Hyun and your brother that you are going to join office''. Her father said this and she nodded and left the room leaving her parents behind.

Her mother and father already decided not to talk about that incident again with her and help her return back to normal life. Yuri went down and found her beautiful sister-in-law, Soo Hyun inside kitchen baking some cookies.

Yuri went inside and stood beside her, and said,'' Sister I am going to work with dad starting from tomorrow.'' Hearing these words from Yuri, Soo Hyun's face light up and she kissed Yuri's cheek and said,'' My baby girl is going to work tomorrow, I am glad hearing that now why don't we both decide what you should wear for your first day at the office.''

Yuri excitedly nodded her head and they finished deciding for the dress after baking the cookies. Everyone was happy that Yuri was recovering, they planned to make her busy by involving her in business and the plan was working successfully.

Yuri was happily joining her father in business because she always had an interest in business unlike her elder brother, who always tried staying away from it as much he could but at last, he also had to take care of some assets along with his job as a police officer.

She planned on making a new start with her family.