AT 8:30 am

Yuri was still sleeping when someone knocked at the door.

''Whose banging the door so early in the morning?'' She got up from her bed and went to open the door.

A maid appeared and she said that Mr. Kim was calling her down. Yuri went to take a bath and after her morning routine, she went downstairs.

''Good morning every one''. Yuri got shocked when she saw her elder brother sitting on the table with everyone and having breakfast.

''Mom, Dad, sister did the sunrise from the west today? or I guess I am still dreaming. Here sister pinch me please''. Everyone laughed at her and she went straight and hugged her brother from behind.

''So my little marshmallow was making fun of me huh''. Soo-hyuk held her hand and puffed her cheeks.

''No, I didn't made fun of you. Right sister?'' Soo Hyun nodded in reply while sipping her tea. Soo Hyun was an elegant and mannered lady and she loved her husband and his family as her own, on the very start of the day she came in this house.

'' You two sister's duet is of no good to me''. Soo-hyuk commented.

''Okay, now enough chatting, finish your breakfast everyone''. Ms. Kim Ara was a beautiful, pretty and royal looking lady who was a perfect match for her handsome and stylish husband Mr. Kim sung ho.

'' Anyways why do you all woke up so early in the morning?'' Yuri who was a little surprised that everyone was together on the breakfast table even when it was not Sunday, asked her mother. Her brother Soo-hyuk used to leave for his office early in the morning usually without having breakfast and rest of the family used to wakeup at nearly 10 am and they only used to have breakfast together on Sundays.

''It's early for you and not for me''. Soo Hyuk who was busy eating his omelet commented.

Their mother spoke,'' Now don't you both start a fight again. Your father and I have a surprise for you all''.

'' A surprise''.

Three of them spoke in unison.

Mr. Kim nodded his head and said,'' Firstly Yuri I want to tell you that today at exact 2:00 PM we are having a business meeting so when I will leave for the meeting you will have to check some files on my behalf as my secretary would be along with me and about the surprise lets keep it a secret we will tell you three on a perfect time''.

Yuri sighed as her father would always give her a lot of work to do, then she spoke'' Dad can't you give a hint like what the surprise is about...a little hint please''. she looked at her father with puppy eyes that anyone who would see them will surely fall for her. She was a true beauty from head to toe.

Her father chuckled and said,'' No bear, let's keep it a secret but I will just tell that it would-be disclosed today at 9 pm... now happy''.

Yuri nodded her head vigorously and gave her best smile to her parents. Her dad turned towards Soo Hyuk and said,'' When are you going to give some importance to your family business?''

Soo Hyuk was caught, he tried to find a way to escape but all in vain.. Today no one was going to save him from his father's wrath.

He cleared his throat before speaking,'' Yeah, dad, about the family business you see I will soon join you people but look you have Yuri beside you now and she's so competitive then why do you need me? I even don't know much about the business world and I even don't have any interest in business''.

His father boiled in anger,'' You rascal, dare to say that again and I will shoot you out of this earth''. Yuri tried hard to stop herself from laughing, on the other hand, Soo Hyuk saw her trying not to laugh, he glared at her.

'' Father don't be angry please its not good for your health. You shouldn't get much angry at this age''. Soo Hyuk tried his best to calm his angry father down but his words made him angrier.

''What? Are you trying to say that I am old now. You bastard, you dared to say such thing to your young and handsome father. Look at him ,he has got the gut to say such things''. His father addressed to there mother Kim Ara.

'' Soo Hyuk, dear do you think we are old now?'' Kim Ara looked at her son with sparkling eyes.

'' No mom and dad, I didn't mean that. I just wanted the father to calm down''. Soo Hyuk who was in great trouble tried to defend himself.

'' No, mom look he lied. Brother lied''. Yuri who was enjoying her brother getting roasted from his father now tried to add fuel to the fire.

'' Do you have any proof that I lied?'' Soo Hyuk demanded.

'' Mom look every time brother tries to lie, his nose twitch's and right now when he was speaking his nose twitched''. Yuri wasn't letting her guard down.

'' Oh so I lied and what about you, mom dad I saw her drinking coffee late at night''. Soo Hyuk also had something to defend himself right now.

'' What, Yuri did you drink coffee late at night. How many times have I told you that it's not good for your health''. Kim Ara now turned towards her daughter and Yuri cursed herself that why did she even speak in brother Soo Hyuk's matter.

''It's not like that mother, brother must have dreamed something like this and considering it reality''. Yuri was afraid that now her mother and Soo Hyun would be mad at her.

''It's true, I am speaking the truth, a true police officer never lies and he has sharp eyesight that he can also see in the dark. I saw you coming up with a mug of coffee in your hand and also I have a sharp sense of smelling and I was able to smell that it was ''Cappuccino''. Soo Hyuk was loving the sight while teasing his sister.

'' Oaky! Enough of this childish fight''. Kim sang Ho spoke, despite they all loved the way these two siblings used to fight but still he didn't want it to go any further.
