A devastating night...


Yuri was done checking all her files. Now she was free and sitting inside her office with a cup of Coffee. As she was looking through the window suddenly the memories of that night again started haunting her.


''STOP CRYING OR ELSE I WILL KILL YOU''. Rang shouted at Yuri which scared her more and she cried even harder. Tears were rolling down her beautiful baby pink cheeks and her eyes were closed because she was too afraid to open them.

Rang was standing in front of Yuri now. Wearing a white shirt and black pants; the sleeves folded up to his elbows, the undone top buttons of his shirt showed the toned chest was apparent between the folds of white silk.

''Open your eyes''. Yuri was shocked when she heard a soft voice. It was Rang who asked her to open her eyes. First, she was hesitant but later she didn't want Rang to shout at her again so she opened her eyes slowly, which were shining like stars across a red moon.

Her eyes were wide open with shock and tried to move a little back when she saw him so close to her. Their faces were only inches apart yet she could feel his warm breath.

His frame conveyed strength. His black hair was damp and messy. His eyes showed so many emotions.

'' Let me...g...''. Before she could complete her sentence, Rang moved a little more closer to her. Grabbing her hands, he pressed his body against her and kissed her without a moments delay.

Yuri was shocked for a moment before she tried to push him away. Her struggles were insignificant with his strength. The more she struggled the more intense, the kiss became.

After a few more moments of intensity, he separated his lips from her, but he was still pressing his body against her. They were close-so close that they could feel each other's breath.

Looking intensely into his eyes and he asked,'' Do you still love Yang, even if you do then keep one thing in your mind I won't let go off of you this time even if I have to destroy this whole world''. Before she could react, he kissed her again. The passion he possessed seemed to want to engulf her.

With a harsh kiss, pain ran through her whole body. She was trying hard to breathe and it felt like her mind had stopped working.

After a few more moments he stopped and looked into her eyes again. It was as he was expecting something but there was nothing other than fear. By looking at those eyes again the painful wounds of past started aching his heart. He remembered these eyes which used to ask mercy every night but he would always satisfy himself.

He stared at her for a while but there was no sign of love in these two eyes.

While silently sobbing Yuri asked,'' why are you doing this to me? What have I done wrong? I even don't know you... please let me go''.

'' You know me and I know you very well but the only difference right now is, you can't remember anything from past. Should I tell you''? His eyes were now emotionless.

'' What do you mean by past and how do you know me from my past?''

'' You were my pretty wife Kim Yuri in past, but things didn't go well. But this time I will make sure everything will be on point and I have already bought the wedding rings with half-moon stones''.

It shocked Yuri even more, how does a stranger know her family, her friends and he even knows about her favorite wedding rings.

In a while, Rang felt something was wrong and realized Yuri had stopped struggling. He felt something warm and moist on his half-bare chest. He could feel her warm tears on his cold body.

Seeing her in such a state, he slowly released her hands and took a few steps back. When he looked at her, he felt pain deep down his heart. He didn't know what to say or what to do and stood there looking at her in a daze.

He was repeating the same things, which he regretted in past. Though he tried hard to control himself but his emotions, that was buried deep down his heart exploded and took control all over himself.

Glancing at her for last time, Rang left the room to stop himself further from doing anything worse. When he left, Yuri cried harder,'' Dad, mom, brother where are you all save me-please save me from this hell''. She was exhausted from crying and fell asleep while her legs curled up and she mumbled,'' save me, brother''.