Now I am relieved..

Suho went inside his room and sat on the couch, still thinking about Yuri. She was not only his little sister but a baby as well. Soo Hyuk and Suho loved and cared for her through her whole childhood. When Soo Hyuk informed him about Yuri's abduction, he wanted to come back as soon as possible but due to some issues, he wasn't able to.

Soo Hyuk told him everything and Suho knew that Yuri was hiding something deep and wasn't telling anyone but he knew what it was.

Suho closed his eyes as he comforted himself on the couch but then he stood up and went to Soo Hyuk's study room. He saw him checking some files. When Soo-hyuk saw Suho coming inside he closed the paperwork and smiled at Suho.

''Aren't you tired, huh?'' Soo Hyuk asked him.

'' Well you know, doctors can't get tired''. Suho replied.

Soo Hyuk smiled and then asked,'' What brought you here, at this time of night?''

'' I want to ask you about something?'' Suho questioned.

Soo Hyuk nodded his head and said,'' Go on''.

'' Whatever happened with Yuri, don't you think that she's hiding something deep?'' Suho asked him.

'' I agree with you, I suspected it the very first day she came back after her abduction, she didn't know how she was left at home, we searched every city infect we searched the whole damn country but we weren't able to find her. No one contacted us or demanded us anything''. Soo Hyuk replied.

Suho kept quiet for a while as he thought that why would that devil demand anything when he had the person with him whom he needed.

Again Soo Hyuk spoke,'' At first. we thought that someone from dads rivals did this, to pressurize him. But everything is now in front of you, I still can't get it that who was that person and what he wanted?''

Suho replied,'' I think Yuri needs more time to share anything''.

Soo Hyuk nodded,'' Now I am relieved that you are back as she can never hide anything from you. I hope everything will get better soon. I am happy and I missed you so much during all these years''.

Suho smiled and said,'' I also missed you a lot brother, I missed the time when we three used to play and laugh together when I was in states I always used to think about you people''.

Soo Hyuk smiled at him, they both continued to talk for a while then Suho took his leave and went towards his room. His room was next to Yuri. As he was passing by he heard, little sobs coming from Yuri's room. He went closer and heard the sobs clearer.

He became anxious and went inside her room, only to see her crying while sleeping. It was clear that she was having a nightmare. Her whole body was drenched in sweat. Suho went closer to her and called her name.

'' Yuri, Yuri open your eyes''.