Dramatic Old Man

Suho tried to wake up Yuri. He wanted to shake her to wake up but didn't do it on purpose as it was not good to wake someone up from a nightmare.

''Yuri get up. It's me, your brother''. Suho again spoke.

But Yuri didn't open her eyes but said,'' Don't touch me please, let me go... brother save me please.. don..t touch me.. it hurts please let me go''.

Suho stood shocked when he heard these words. He understood what was going on so he held her hand and said,'' Wakeup Yuri it's me your brother, Suho''.

Yuri felt someone close to her and opened her eyes but yet her eyes were not fully opened but she sensed a man close to her and screamed and sat on the bed while holding her legs close to her chest.

'' Please don't touch me, let me go, I haven't done anything wrong''. Yuri pleaded not knowing that her brother was sitting in front of her.

Suho slightly held her chin up and said,'' Calm down Yuri, it me your brother, Suho''.

When Yuri heard this she opened her eyes and saw her brother sitting in front of her. She hugged him and cried in his embrace. Suho calmed her down but didn't ask anything further as he didn't want to disturb her more. She was already in trauma.

When Yuri got tired of crying she fell asleep in Suho's embrace. Suho placed her back on the bed and covered her with a blanket, then went out of the room. He sat on the couch as he wasn't able to sleep because of Yuri's condition. He needed to sort out everything. He never thought that Lee Rang would do such a foolish thing to the girl he adored.



Chen was standing like a scared little puppy in front of elder Lee, who was gazing at him. Now no one would save him from elder Lee's wrath. Elder Lee was Lee Rang and Chen's Grandfather, who was living in china with his younger Grandson and Lee Rang's younger brother Lee Sang. Lee Sang was only 16 years old and was studying business and management to help his brother in future.

Chen and Rang both loved him and he loved them back. Elder Lee was angry with Lee Rang that why he settled in Korea rather than living with them? Lee Rang was only 22 years old when his parents died in a car accident. It was found out that someone was involved in the accident as it was done on purpose. His father was the owner of the biggest business in China and was known as business king as he was clever and sharp.

Despite being so successful it was true that he had so many rivals and enemies and someone tried to clear their path by killing him. Lee Rang knew everything but he was young at that time to take actions back.

Firstly he needed to build a stable business of his father again that fell apart. So he left China and went to Korea instead and made a whole worthy business empire. His grandfather was always proud of him and took care of Lee Sang who needed strong support to overcome his parent's death sorrow and start a new life.

During the past few weeks, Elder Lee had been calling Lee Rang but Lee Rang didn't contact him back, that infuriated him so he called Chen to fly over to China as soon as possible. Now Chen was standing in front of him and ready to face his wrath.

Elder Lee stared into Chen's soul and said,'' My dear Grandson, who is of no use, now tell me about your other useless brother, who is sitting in Korea and not even contacting me back?''

Chen hardly controlled his laugh and said,'' Grandpa I am not useless, and about Rang, he is busy with his business''.

Elder Lee raised his eyebrow and said,'' Is busy with the business or with women..''.

Chen looked shocked at his Grandpa.

Grandpa shamelessly said further by placing a hand on his heart,'' Don't tell me that useless scum is soon going to give me a great Grandchild.. ash.. these kids... I am so happy''.

Chen stood shocked there and thought,'' This dramatic old man''.

Grandpa saw him thinking something and said,'' Did you called me dramatic?''

Chen felt that everything around him had stopped. He quickly replied,'' No Grandpa and about Rang whatever you are thinking is wrong. He has no one in his life''.

Grandpa Lee let out a sigh a said,'' You both are useless''.

Before Chen had to hear Grandpa's more bickering, Lee Sang came back from school and saw Chen. He hugged Chen tightly and took him to his room. Chen thanked God in his heart that he was saved.