Lee Rang's Past..(1)

Rang opened his eyes and saw tears falling down his cheeks. He remembered that horrible night when he had that nightmare, that nightmare which he wanted not to have but he still had to live with it.

4 years ago...

It was the same night as usual. Rang came back from office. He was so tired that he slept early without eating anything. It was midnight when he started to have the same nightmare but that nightmare made him remember the most painful memory of his past life. It made him remember his past when he was betrayed, heartbroken but he acted a devil at that time.

Rang's past life...

Lee Rang was the son of a wealthy businessman Lee Tae Min who settled in China and extended his business there. He was the most successful man in the business world. His elder son Lee Rang was his competent next successor. Lee Rang was a good child of his family, who took over his parents business further.

One day he bumped into a girl, Kim Yuri, and felled for her. It was a first sight love. Lee Rang always believed that what he wished would be only his. With the same perspective, he wished to make Yuri his life partner not knowing that Yuri was already involved in someone else. Kim Yuri was also the daughter of a wealthy Korean businessman, Kim Sung Ho.

Kim Yuri loved her childhood best friend Lu Yang, who was the son of her father's friend. Lu Yang belonged to a well off family just like Kim Yuri and Lee Rang. He settled in states to study and carry on his family business empire.

Yang loved Yuri just because of her father's promising business. He was too greedy just like his parents Lu Wen Shu, his father and Lu Bao, his mother. Lu Wen Shu was Yuri's father's friend but was a selfish man. He just wanted to reach the limit of success by using others as stairs towards success. Yuri's father became a prey to his cunning plans and at last everyone suffered.

Kim Yuri's second elder brother Kim Suho knew that Yang was cheating on his younger sister and was playing with her heart so he tried his best to keep Yuri away from Yang. Suho had to study in states so he knew everything about Yang, who was also living there.

Lee Rang deeply started to think about Yuri because he felt happy for the first time after his parent's death. He involved himself in business to keep himself busy and not to think about how his parents left him. He thought Yuri would be a cure to his wounded heart but who would have thought what fate had decided for him.

Lee Rang met Kim Suho in the hospital when he visited the hospital to check up on his Grandfather, who lived with him in Korea at that time. He just started a formal conversation with him and that's when their friendship started.