Lee Rang's Past life...(2)

Kim Suho and Lee Rang became good friends but Kim Suho's father always questioned his friendship with Rang as he didn't want him to be his friend. Later Lee Rang confessed his feeling towards Yuri to Suho first but Suho told his friend that Yuri was already involved in someone else and also he didn't like that person.

This infuriated Lee Rang thinking that the girl he loves, has someone else in her heart. Lee Rang started to spy on Yuri. One day he went to Yuri's university to pick her up. When Yuri was called outside by a stranger she felt nervous, thinking who he was but no doubt the man standing in front of her was damn beautiful and charming.

Every girl around them was dying to seek Lee Rang's attention but he simply ignored everyone and went closer to Yuri.

He said,'' I am here To pick you up. Come with me and I will explain you everything to''.

Yuri raised her eyebrow and said,'' Why should I come with you? You are a total stranger to me and I don't trust stranger's so you are just wasting your time. Now please go''.

Lee Rang gave out a smirk and came closer to her ear and said,'' Do you want me to take you forcefully from here in front of everyone? If yes then I have no problem''.

Yuri glanced at her surrounding and saw everyone staring at them so she simply agreed to go with him. Lee Rang took him to a restaurant and there he confessed his feelings to Yuri for her after introducing himself. But Yuri rejected him.

Lee Rang was never rejected in his whole life. Every girl out there died to just get a glance of him but here he was rejected by a girl whom he fell at the first sight. He wasn't weak who would cry and let go of everything easily but he instead started a life death war.

Lee Rang sent a marriage proposal which was rejected by Yuri and her father. Rest of the family member's agreed with it but it was hard to convince Yuri and father. Lee Rang knew that Yuri's father Kim Sung Ho was against him so he started to threaten him.

He started to attack Kim's through business. Rang made other business companies to separate their contracts from Kim's Corporations. It was a huge loss for Kim Sung Ho ho, who knew who was doing all this? Lee Rang again contacted Yuri and proposed that if Yuri would marry him, he would not harm her family any further, but Yuri didn't listen to him.