Yes, she is my wife..

'' Yuri is not at home''.

Lu Yang decided to take Yuri out with him. When he came to her home, Suho informed him that she was not at home.

He asked,'' Where is she?''.

Suho replied,'' She went to meet her friend''.

Lu Yang took his cell phone and dialed Yuri's number.

Yuri and Lee Rang were sitting and having a war when her phone rang. Before she could pick her phone Rang took it. He saw the name of the person calling her.

'' Why is he calling you?''. He asked Yuri.

She replied,'' How would I know?''

'' Okay.. let the phone just ring''. He placed the phone aside.

The butler arrived with food. They were all of Yuri's favorite dishes.

'' Do you like such dishes?''. She asked him.

He replied,'' Yeah. I know you also love eating tteok-bokki''.

'' How do you know?'' She questioned.

'' I know everything, so now stop questioning and eat up''. He filled her plate and gestured her to eat. 

She still feared him a little but slowly his caring and polite behavior was making her a little comfortable with him.

After finishing the food, both came outside.

'' I will drop you at home''. He said.

'' Why? Everyone will find out that I came to meet you and not any of my friends''. She said.

Rang laughed and said,'' So you lied to everyone''.

Yuri made a face and said,'' What else could I do?''

They both were talking when Yuri noticed two girls admiring Rang. Her face became red with anger. Rang noticed her getting angry and looked in the direction where she was starring. He noticed that the girls standing over there were crushing over him.

'' Are you feeling jealous?'' He asked her.

Yuri adverted her sight and said,'' Why would I be jealous?''

Rang knew she was lying so he held her hand and went towards the two girls,'' I thought you people were saying such a cute couple, right?''.

One of those girls said,'' couple?''

'' Yes, she is my wife''. Rang exclaimed.

'' Oh, you people are married?'' The other girl seemed disappointed.

Rang nodded and said,'' Can you please take our picture. Here's my phone''.

He handed his phone to the girl and held Yuri close to him. His hand was on her waist and held her tightly.

Yuri was too shocked to react.

The girls said smile, so she had too.

Rang thanked them and they came back where the car was parked.

'' You are a Lunatic''. Yuri was angry.

Lee Rang knew so he said,'' You should be happy.. anyways let's go''.

Yuri shook her head and said,'' I am not coming with you''.

'' Okay. it's your choice''.

Lee Rang gestured the driver to open the door. He picked Yuri and placed her inside the car on the seat and locked the door.

'' Mr. Lee Rang, I will kill you''. Yuri shouted.

'' Kill me I am sitting next to you''. He replied.

The driver started the car and they headed back.

'' My car. it's in the parking''. Yuri said.

'' One of my drivers will bring it back, so don't worry''. He said.

Yuri crossed her arms around her chest and closed her eyes as she comforted herself.

'' Are you tired?'' He asked her.

Yuri said something that made him laugh,'' Don't act so polite when you are not?''

He laughed and asked,'' Okay then what am I?''.

'' A devil''. She replied.

Rang laughed loud this time. Yuri saw him laughing, he was looking so cute while laughing with his mouth wide open. A small smile appeared on Yuri's face.

On the other hand, the driver was so surprised to see Lee Rang not only smiling but laughing as well. Everyone in the mansion never saw him laughing or even smiling a bit.

'' What are you starring at?'' He saw her starring at him while smiling.

'' Nothing''. She replied and adverted her sight towards outside.

'' You are cute''. He said.

Yuri heard what he said but just smiled.

They arrived at her home. She opened the door and got out. Rang was sitting still. She said,'' Thank you, the food was delicious''.

'' When will we meet again''. Rang asked controlling his smile.

She said,'' Never''. And closed the door with a bang.

Rang smiled and left.

Yuri went inside the house and saw her car parked inside already. She went inside the house. She was lost in her thoughts and didn't notice Suho sitting in the living room.

'' Yuri, you are back''. Suho called her.

She heard him and went towards him,'' Yes''.

'' How was your day, did you enjoyed?'' He asked as he knew that she went out to meet Lee Rang. Suho called Chen and he informed him that Lee Rang was going to meet Yuri.

She nodded and said,'' Yes I enjoyed it. How was your day brother?''.

Suho said,'' Mine was pretty good. Lu Yang came here''.

Yuri asked,'' Why?''

'' He was looking for you''. He informed him.

'' For me.. why?''. She asked.

'' I don't know. But he was patient to meet you, so call him after getting refreshed''. Suho told her.

Yuri thought something and said,'' Brother, I want to talk something with you?''

Suho knew she wanted to say something important by guessing from her facial expressions.

So he said,'' Okay.. get refreshed. I will wait for you in my room''.

Yuri nodded and left.