He would never..

'' The river of my heart has broken free, I finally devote my love to you, surrender yourself, commit to me. You have become my necessity. The language of my heart is spoken through my eyes. I am speaking the truth, I swear it in your name. I won't ever take a breath without you because I'm starting to love you. I promise I will die for you. I admit I am forever loving you''.

'' You.. have become my necessity''.

'' What the f*CK''. Lee Rang shouted when he heard Chen reading loud what he was writing.

'' When did you came in and how dare you read someone's diary?'' Lee Rang closed his diary quickly and placed it back in the drawer.

Chen laughed and said,'' Mr. Romantic, I know everything about you. Then what's the point of hiding this diary?''

Lee Rang gazed at him and asked,'' What do you know about me?''.

Chen mischievously smiled and said,'' I know the most private thing of yours's but let's leave it for now. Right now, Mr. Lee Rang, you are wearing black underwear''.

Lee Rang sat there shocked and said,'' Do you spy on me?''

Chen laughed and ignored his question,'' So how was your first date?''.

A pleasant smile appeared on Lee Rang's face and he said,'' Good''.

'' Just good. So you two didn't do any couple thing''. He asked curiously.

Lee Rang shook his head and said,'' I want to take everything slowly''.

Chen nodded,'' Everything is going well with our business. You got a girl, Lee Sang and Grandpa are happy so I think I should have some adventures now''.

Lee Rang gave him a killer gaze and said,'' Don't you think anything like this. This time I will kill you with my own two hands''.


'' Brother''. Yuri got refreshed and came to her brother's room.

'' Come in''. Suho was sitting on the couch and scrolling through his phone. When he saw Yuri coming inside, he placed it aside and turned toward her.

'' Now tell me what's bothering you?'' He asked.

Yuri was having a war in her mind. She wanted to tell her brother everything bothering her, but still thought whether she should or not?

At first, she hesitated but then said,'' Actually brother, I wanna share something secret with you but please promise me you won't tell anything to anyone at home, especially brother Soo Hyuk''.

Suho nodded,'' What is it?''.

Yuri started speaking,'' Brother, I am sorry. I didn't go to meet any of my friend I went to meet Lee Rang''.

Suho knew but curiously asked her,'' Reason''.

Yuri said,'' Brother, actually he's the person who kidnapped me''.

Suho pretended to be shocked and surprised and said,'' Lee Rang, whom we met yesterday. That business man''.

Yuri knew he would react like this but she continued,'' He said that he would answer all of my questions if I meet with him''.

'' You are such a fool. What if he had harmed you?''. Suho slightly hit her head.

Yuri said,'' He would never''.

'' What? Oh my God. So this is the reason all behind every change''. Suho exclaimed!

Yuri cluelessly looked at his face'' What change?''

Suho shook his head and said,'' Nothing. Tell me more about him. I remember you told me he likes you, so probably this is the reason he kidnapped you but later he must have regretted to bring a troublesome person like you to his place and the let you go''.

Yuri punched him in the stomach,'' Brother, how can you make your own assumptions?''

Suho teasingly said,'' Just like I did right now''.

Yuri gave him a killer gaze.

Suho further said,'' So finally I met with my brother in law''.

Yuri shouted,'' Brother don't dare to say that again?''

Suho laughed and said,'' You two love each other. If you both are hesitant to confess I and Chen will help you two''.

Yuri raised one eyebrow and said,'' Chen, now where did this Chen come?''

Suho cursed himself and said,'' I talked with him.. he's a good person''.

Yuri sarcastically laughed and said,'' Good. I'm so afraid right now. He's Irene's boyfriend but I'm sure he's playing with her feelings''.

'' You are making your assumptions now by the way how do you know?'' Said Suho.

Yuri stood up and said,'' So he's really playing with her feelings now''.

Suho shook his head as he thought that if Chen would find out that he spit out that truth he would beat his ass.