I will wait for that day..


A loud blast was heard... Fire showers burst in the air. The whole tall building collapsed in front of his eyes within a few minutes.

'' My goal was tearing down this building''. A man in a black suit, his face covered with a black mask was standing on a bridge, from where he could get a good view of the building on fire.

He then checked his watch and it was 9:32 PM. A smirk appeared on his face when he lifted the mask down from his face. His dark eyes were shining. He took his phone out and dialed a number.

''It's my gift for you. Your precious plaza which was your pride is now kissing the ground''. He said.

The man on the other side shouted,'' LEE RANG, YOU LITTLE BASTARD, I WILL MAKE YOU PAY FOR THIS''.

Lee Rang laughed sarcastically and said,'' I will wait for that day''.

He hung the phone and handed it to Shin Wu, who was standing beside him. Lee Rang asked him,'' What about the other surprise?''

Shin Wu answered,'' Sir! the surprise is ready.. we are waiting for your order''.

Lee Rang adverted his sight to collapsed building and said,'' Let's keep that surprise for next time. Let's enjoy this one first''.

Shin Wu said,'' Okay sir, but I doubt Chen would wait''.

'' I will handle him as this was just a bait to provoke him and now he will show himself up''. He said and went back inside his car, Shin Wu cleared all the marks and came back.


Lu Yang was sitting in his room when he decided to call Yuri again.

This time she picked up.

Lu Yang said,'' Why weren't you picking up my calls Yuri..? I have been calling you since yesterday''.

Yuri asked,'' Do you anything important to say?''.

Lu Yang got furious with her cold behavior,'' What the hell is wrong with you? What has gone in your mind? Why are you acting so strangely?''

Yang was almost shouting at her so Yuri said,'' Who the hell are you to shout at me? Mr. Lu Yang, what's your problem?''

Yang said,'' My problem? You are my problem, Yuri. I can't tolerate this behavior of yours''.

'' Then leave me alone''. She said.

'' What. how can I leave you alone? How can you say such a thing? I love you Yuri and you know that''. He said.

She replied,'' But I don't''.

With this, she threw her phone aside and closed her eyes.

'' My little love is a lioness''. Lee Rang thought as he was listening to his conversation with Yuri. Lee Rang got access to both Yuri and Yang's phone. He was able to listen to there calls, their conversations, their messages. He was having full access to there phones.

He smirked when he thought that Yuri rejected him. It was clear that some feelings were developing in Yuri's heart for Lee Rang. 

'' This time, I will get everything I want and I will make you only mine Yuri''. He thought as he leaned his head back at the seat and closed his eyes.


Irene and her sister Meili were sitting inside her room when she said,'' Sister I want to tell you something that I wanted to share with you long ago''.

Meili nodded and said,'' Go on I am listening''.

Irene said,'' Sister, I'm dating someone''.

'' What? Really!''. Meili was shocked.

Irene nodded shyly and said,'' Yes''.

'' Then I want to meet him. Does Yuri know about this?''. She asked her.

Irene nodded and said,'' Yes she knows''.

Meili said,'' I want to meet him. Tell him to come tomorrow''.

Irene said,'' Come.. where?''

'' Silly, you two decide. I will go with you''. Meili said.

Irene nodded and texted Chen.